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Everything posted by tato

  1. Hi RBCC yes this work in latest version of FF (3.0.1) follow the instructions and edit the following line I use create.cmd: Bin\7za x "Firefox Setup 2.?.?.?.exe" -otemp -r -y and change Bin\7za x "Firefox Setup 3.0.1.exe" -otemp -r -y
  2. please reupload the spanish version, thanks.
  3. I make an addon of AVG 8 and works fine http://www.mediafire.com/?yvzgceyikty if you tried let me know if work or not sorry my english
  4. Is there a way to change the vanilla version and custom icon before nlite slipstream started? I want to use the tweaked version and Boooggy wmp11 icon. Thanks
  5. maybe this could be usefull.
  6. @Dagonet: really nice @harunaksoy: where can I get this VS?
  7. @coyotewrw Wow... that's a really nice desktop, please how do you make the bordered icons? thanks.
  8. this is mine for this month. tranqui
  9. @computerMan The Glass HD: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/7982048/ The Others: http://www.chrisgeddes.com/downloads/rklauncher/icons.zip Enjoy!
  10. my first
  11. they are not icons, they are bitmaps and they located in shell32.dll uses reshacker and in item 204 it begins because they are several and of several sizes they can be changed manually or use Y´Z Toolbar. also it is possible to be created totally new ones. link:MSDN Saludos. Tato B)
  12. hi everyone, very nice forums here i`m from Buenos Aires, Argentina and now I would like to learn how to make a good unattended install of Windows XP Greets Tato
  13. Thanks troycicle for your help, I will try both.
  14. how i can install the aplications from this setup screen, how can do that?. sorry for my english. thanks
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