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Everything posted by SnipauK

  1. You _MAY_ get them. You _MAY_ not get them.
  2. If he uses vb.net the pc will have to have the framework - not all pc's do. Visual basic 6 is fine for the job, theres no need for VB.Net - You dont need the classes. Vb.net is a bad chice With the vb6 "framework" (There called the runtimes) you can just put them in the same dir.
  3. Like I said. VB.Net is completely different than the old VB. I never cared for the old VB much but VB.Net is quite decent actually. Unless you're one of those persons that don't care for the .Net framework and such, or just assume it's just another typical VB with no changes. It's a real OOP language and just like C# it compiles to MSIL, and it's very fast too. I know C# as well, but most of the time my clients ask for VB.Net code, so it ends up being the language I use the most. Works for me... Anyways. This could turn up to another old language war with no point. There is no perfect solution for every situation and good for everyone. Saying you should all use language X is like you should all be running say, release x of linux - and not windows... It's not going anywhere. I also code vb.net =/
  4. As somebody said, your best bet is to make a new autorun using vb. If you do this be sure to put the runtimes for vb in the same dir as the autorun on the cd. Use VB6, and not .net =)) CuBie.
  5. The best c++ book i've read is "Accelerated C++ - Programming by example". I've been recommending it to everyone, It's brilliant. =)) CuBie.
  6. Visual Studio.net comes with a setup/deployment template for doing exlactly this. Check it out =)) CuBie.
  7. If i remember correctly you need to get the hdc of the desktop and use an api call, theres plenny examples @ pscode.com CuBie.
  8. Vb Sucks, i coded it for 4 years then saw how useless it is compared to c++ (Both managed and unmanaged)... If you wanna learn a lanauage never get the "for dummies" books, or any book that has "in <somthing> days - there useless. If you want a good C++ book i recommend: "Accelerated C++ - Practical Programming by Example" - It teachs you C++ without having to know anything about C. I Suggest you dont learn c#, it relys on the framework, and its managed. If your gonna learn anything, make it C++ =)) Hope it helps, CuBie.
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