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Posts posted by a06lp

  1. Hmm...  How about an msi?  ;)

    This is a modified version of BitTornado.  I changed the icons of the exe, and the icons of the torrent files, add/remove icon, etc.  In short, it looks better than the original.

    BitTornado 0.39a.msi

    Download here:  http://tinyurl.com/3wtkd

    what version is this built from?

    seems that there are:

    - BitTornado T-0.3.9b source package update

    - BitTornado T-0.3.9a package update

    - BitTornado T-0.3.9

    which did you use?

    also, more speicifically, what exactly did you change/modify?

  2. you should do a search, a lot of this has been covered...

    but here ya go:


    On Error Resume Next

    set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    start = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet"

    'classGUID = GUID for all Network Connection Class

    classGUID = ws.RegRead(start & "\Enum\Root\MS_NDISWANIP\0000\ClassGUID")

    'netIDxx = UID for each member of the Network Connection Class containing specific network adapters

    netID01 = ws.RegRead(start & "\Control\Class\" & classGUID & "\0001\NetCfgInstanceID")

    netID02 = ws.RegRead(start & "\Control\Class\" & classGUID & "\0002\NetCfgInstanceID")

    netID03 = ws.RegRead(start & "\Control\Class\" & classGUID & "\0003\NetCfgInstanceID")

    netID04 = ws.RegRead(start & "\Control\Class\" & classGUID & "\0004\NetCfgInstanceID")

    netID05 = ws.RegRead(start & "\Control\Class\" & classGUID & "\0005\NetCfgInstanceID")

    netID06 = ws.RegRead(start & "\Control\Class\" & classGUID & "\0006\NetCfgInstanceID")

    netID07 = ws.RegRead(start & "\Control\Class\" & classGUID & "\0007\NetCfgInstanceID")

    netID08 = ws.RegRead(start & "\Control\Class\" & classGUID & "\0008\NetCfgInstanceID")

    netID09 = ws.RegRead(start & "\Control\Class\" & classGUID & "\0009\NetCfgInstanceID")

    netID10 = ws.RegRead(start & "\Control\Class\" & classGUID & "\0010\NetCfgInstanceID")

    netID11 = ws.RegRead(start & "\Control\Class\" & classGUID & "\0011\NetCfgInstanceID")

    netID12 = ws.RegRead(start & "\Control\Class\" & classGUID & "\0012\NetCfgInstanceID")

    netID13 = ws.RegRead(start & "\Control\Class\" & classGUID & "\0013\NetCfgInstanceID")

    netID14 = ws.RegRead(start & "\Control\Class\" & classGUID & "\0014\NetCfgInstanceID")

    ' setIcon recieves location of current network connections and also flag (1) to turn on showIcons

    setIcon start & "\Control\Network\" & classGUID & "\" & netID01 & "\Connection\", 1

    setIcon start & "\Control\Network\" & classGUID & "\" & netID02 & "\Connection\", 1

    setIcon start & "\Control\Network\" & classGUID & "\" & netID03 & "\Connection\", 1

    setIcon start & "\Control\Network\" & classGUID & "\" & netID04 & "\Connection\", 1

    setIcon start & "\Control\Network\" & classGUID & "\" & netID05 & "\Connection\", 1

    setIcon start & "\Control\Network\" & classGUID & "\" & netID06 & "\Connection\", 1

    setIcon start & "\Control\Network\" & classGUID & "\" & netID07 & "\Connection\", 1

    setIcon start & "\Control\Network\" & classGUID & "\" & netID08 & "\Connection\", 1

    setIcon start & "\Control\Network\" & classGUID & "\" & netID09 & "\Connection\", 1

    setIcon start & "\Control\Network\" & classGUID & "\" & netID10 & "\Connection\", 1

    setIcon start & "\Control\Network\" & classGUID & "\" & netID11 & "\Connection\", 1

    setIcon start & "\Control\Network\" & classGUID & "\" & netID12 & "\Connection\", 1

    setIcon start & "\Control\Network\" & classGUID & "\" & netID13 & "\Connection\", 1

    setIcon start & "\Control\Network\" & classGUID & "\" & netID14 & "\Connection\", 1

    'MsgBox "Show icon in Notification Area when connected is set.", 4096,"Finished"


    ' Subroutine setIcon(nicID as String, flag as Binary)

    ' strName = Registry Value of "Name" in Current nicID. Network connections with Icons also contain a "Name"  Registry setting

    ' Will not effect 1394 Connection through string comparison with strName

    ' flag is used to turn to set ShowIcon registry setting

    Sub setIcon(nicID,flag)

    strName = ws.RegRead( nicID & "Name")

    If strName  = "" Then


    if InStr(strName, "1394") = 0 then

    ' MsgBox strName

    ws.RegWrite nicID & "ShowIcon", flag, "REG_DWORD"

    end if

    end if

    End Sub

    5. save these keys form your registry (works for me):

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\PowerCfg]

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\PowerCfg\GlobalPowerPolicy]

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power]

  3. ok, i did a little mistake while writting the code, simply move multimedia plugin to optional\ dir and there won't be any problem. it's also language (path and drive) independant. good luck!

    ps: code above is updated ;)

    fixed code works perfectly.

    slimmed my loadup time from 10 secs to 3 1/2 secs.


  4. @SiMoNsAyS:

    Have tou tested this code?

    I just did a clean install of AcrobatReader7 (RyanVM's switchless version), followed by your cmd, and when I tried to open Reader7, I got this error:

    There was an error while loading the plug-in 'Multimedia.api'. The plug-in failed to initialize.

    FYI, the file "Multimedia.api" is located in my: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\Plug_Ins"

    what's going on?

  5. Cmpnents folder holds files for Dotnet for Tablet and MCE editions of XP.

    Dotnetfx folder is for the DotNet installer (setup.exe).

    Just for clarification.  B)

    1) is dotnet automatically installed? or would i have to manually select it?

    2) if i install RyanVM's: Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 do i still need this?

  6. This folder is at the root of the cd (same level as the I386 and SUPPORT folder). Can I safely remove that folder without any complication?

    yes. It's intended SOLELY for Tablet and MCE editions of XP

    i thought it had somehting to do with xp?

    it's totally safe to delete, without any implications?

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