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Posts posted by a06lp

  1. Request 4:A way to just upgrade your WPI to the latest some how with out losing all your modificatioms

    i may be missing something here, but the basic idea is:

    config.js: Copy & Paste your programs where it tells you to in there.

    useroptions.js: make sure the settings are the same in your old wpi and new wpi. probably just switching a few 'yes'/'no' or 'true'/'false'

  2. Ok, WPI has come a loooong way since it was introduced.

    Back then, it was ok for it to look simple.

    Now, with its advanced programming, and extreme customizibility (sp?), it's time for a little makeover.

    The title pic "title.gif", and the little icons (all located in the graphics folder) need a real facelift. I'm not very adept at photoshop and such, but I think it would be really good if someone replaced these icons with much-nicer-looking ones, and they became the 'standard' icons included in all future releases.

    anyone care to help?

  3. ok, my basic question earlier was this:

    the function "disableOnDepsNotMet" - this ONLY controls the behavior of deps[pn]=['']? Basically, it says:

    disableOnDepsNotMet=false = if child program selected, parent is auto-selected. if parent unselected, child is auto-unselected.

    disableOnDepsNotMet=true = if parent selected, child is ALLOWED to be checked, but it's not done automatically. if parent unselected, child is greyed out, and not selectable.

    i wanted to know if the function of "disableOnDepsNotMet" does ANYTHING else? will setting it to false (to get the control i like) effect ANY of the other configurable options (ex: exclusions)?

    Sounds much clearer to me now, let me know if you understand me now.

  4. i'm not suggesting that it's fun to install over and over.

    i actually run a real-world install, on my real laptop every 2 weeks or so. i install about 35 programs, but i guess none of them are 'big', although i do install microsoft office...

    all my apps install from the dvd i use.

    i am not suggesting the bug doesn't exist, all i am saying is that someone who HAS the problem is in a much better position to let others know if hasi's solution works. (i understand your solution works, but i like to apply regtweaks that stay, i dont want to mess with adding a tweak only to remove it later)

  5. I know you hate that options wizard, but there's an option there saying 'Disable, when dependencies not met' - set this to false and voila - 'old' behaviour (except for exclusions)

    Ok, i changed var disableOnDepsNotMet=false; in useroptions.js, and it's the old method, as you described (I still refuse to use the **** wizard! :P )

    Now I'm trying to make my code work with the option var disableOnDepsNotMet=true; (thus allowing for the new coding, correct?):

    It seems that exclusions don't have anything to do with what I am manipulating.

    For example, LimewirePro requires J2SE. Therefore, Limewire has deps[pn]=['J2RE']. What I cannot understand is why this works any differently in the new version? What is the point of "disableOnDepsNotMet"? What else does "disableOnDepsNotMet" effect (just dependencies, or something to do with exclusions too)?

    I see that the checkbox is not selectable until you select the dependency first. but why is that even an option, as opposed to the old method of auto-selecting the dependencies? Is it a simple matter of preference, or does it have to do with new coding?

    (let me know if i am not making sense here, i feel like i am not typing clearly)

  6. hmm

    i just downloaded this version to test it out.

    i don't know how to mess with exclusions, but i have some dependencies in my programs.

    in 3.0.3 (the version i currently use), if i check a box that has a requirement/dependency, it's parent (program it needs) is auto-selected.

    in this new version 3.2.2, i cannot select the option until the parent is checked. that is kind of annoying - what was wrong with the old way? this way the user doesn't have to know whats dpenedent, it simply checks the parent for him. and if the parent is unchecked, so it the dependent prog.

    the not-being-able-to-check-a-prog-without-parent-prog-selected-first idea is not good...

  7. MPC probably doesn't make any difference between a playlist for video and a playlist for audio (if you go to Options -> Formats and scroll down to Playlist file, it will show the following formats: .asx .m3u .pls .wvx .wax .wmx). Wouldn't it work if you installed MPC first, and then Winamp after that. Wouldn't Winamp get its associations back then?

    Good answer.

    I could move winamp to be installed after, but i don't want to be 'forced' to install any app first. i want everythign to work in every scenario.

    But I guess they're fighting over the same file type, so the later installation wins?

  8. Here's a yousendit link for you guys to try.


    Let me know if it restarts for you or not. Again, this is a switchless installer. If you try to run it with switches, chances are very good that it will behave erratically!!!!

    ran it switchless (just called the exe) - i even tried it from WPI.

    No Restarting!



    Not sure if this matters or not, but i HAD Java 2 Runtime Environment, SE v1.4.2_06 installed, Removed it prior to installing this new RyanVM version (via Add/Remove Programs), and then installed RyanVM's new switchless 5.0 version.

    I don't think it really matters, but I thought i'd let you know.

  9. i actually had a problem with this.

    i, too, install MPC, and run the /regvid switch.

    however, for some reason, MPC also takes over playing my winamp PLAYLISTS (.m3u). does anyone else have this problem, or know how to solve it?

    the only solution i have found is to open winamp -> prefs -> file types -> select audio only

    i have to do this, EVEN THOUGH my winamp registers the audio extensions. <sigh>

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