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  1. @Escorpiom Thanks for your contribution, will give it a try and see how it goes.
  2. there was 5 folders in the x86, and i deleted the first 4
  3. Yes the install.wim will be smaller without the Files folder. I saved nearly 100mb in my scenario.
  4. @johnhc If you try bensam56's solution you can delete the files folder. As far as I know it doesnt interfere with any installations if you delete it. From what I've read, the "Files" folder is basically where deleted files go as imagex doesnt actually delete files from the .wim file. If you use the imagex /export on your 1,2,3 and 4 folders you can create a fresh .wim file. here's an example of the command-line (note you dont need to mount any images) Imagex /export "[original .wim file]" [index number] "[new wim file]" "[windows title ie: Windows 7 ULTIMATE]" It will create a new .wim file from scratch too, so you dont need to export into an existing .wim.
  5. The reason why I think it created that folder is because I deleted folders 1-4 on my 32bit disc so I only had Ultimate 32
  6. ok i used the imagex /export option and exported folders 1 and 2 to a new wim file. No more files folder and a reduction in about 100mb Now I just have to test it.
  7. OK I tried DISM but it will only let me mount the "1" or "2" folder, so I can't open the "Files" folder what so ever For the people who don't know what I'm talking about, take a look at the screenshot I attached.
  8. Yes I used the WAIK to initially create the wim file, but i'm not sure on how to get rid of that extra folder.
  9. Any machine (regardless of being a desktop or laptop) with 1GB RAM or less I'd recommend XP.
  10. OK I've created a install.wim file which only has Windows 7 Ultimate 32+64 bit (no other editions are included). I look at my install.wim via 7-zip and I notice there's also a folder called "Files" there (along with the "1" + "2" folder, plus the 1.xml file) Now upon extracting this folder, it's like 500mb, so I'd really like to be able to get rid of it to cut down on the ISO size. I know that this is not required in the .wim file but I'm unable to work out how to remove it. So, if possible I'd like to know either how to delete the "Files" folder, or if need be to create a whole new .wim file. Thanks in advance.
  11. Here's my specs. The only thing that let me down was my HDDs. The rest were over 7.
  12. OK quick question here. Lets say I prepare a SP3 ISO using this method suggested (using nLite). Lets say later on if I wanted to use RyanVM's updates would it be a problem?
  13. Thanks for that info Wraith. I know this is an OLD post, but I'm trying to make a silent VS .NET 2003 SP1 install and I'm looking at all possible ways of installing it silently. using the setup.exe /unattendfile method still reboots the PC after installation, so hopefully this method might work for me instead. BTW, does anyone know if this nessecarily has to install MSDN?
  14. *bump* Been using this for a while now and still no problems, so I can basically near 100% guarentee that this works.
  15. just uploaded it to megaupload. I will state that this version is clean and contains no cracks etc.
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