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  1. Thanks coucou *EDIT: I've fixed an error inside: "7Custom_X64.cmd". Index is index:4 (for Windows 7 64-bits) New "Batchs_7C.zip" inside the folder '7Customizer', on MediaFire: Regards
  2. @bensam56 Hello It seems there is an error for the right click on Desktop: Device manager. Reg file for Device Manager is (with position Bottom): Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIMsoft\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\Device Manager] @="" "Icon"="devmgr.dll,-201" "Position"="Bottom" "SuppressionPolicy"=dword:4000003c [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIMsoft\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\Device Manager\command] @="mmc.exe devmgmt.msc" Regards
  3. Hi coucou! I've tried to merge two batch files for 7Custom.cmd to export and save only one Windows 7 Image: Windows 7 ULTIMATE x86 or x64 using "7Customizer_0.4.4"! I've found some help here: plateform x86. x64. ia64 Works now with computer 32-bits or 64-bits! I've tried successfuly on my computers x86 and x64 (amd64)! I've spend some times, but now it is done: 7Custom_X86_X64_EN.cmd @echo off Title Backup Image Windows 7 ULTIMATE echo. REM Batch file for 7Customizer_0.4.4 REM This file can be used on a computer 32-bits or 64-bits REM Deleting Images WIM files unnecessary. REM To adapt to your needs: example => Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bits: index:5 REM => Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bits: index:4 REM Only one Image will be saved: => Windows 7 Ultimate now with an new index:1 REM And for the Image boot.wim 2: => boot.wim 1 REM Rename to your needs the folder name (ex: Win7) and his location (C:\; D:\; H:\, etc.) echo. if /i %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==x86 Goto :32 if defined PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 Goto :wow64 echo Native Process on plateform 64-bits%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% if defined PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 goto :wow64 echo. :wow64 Color 0E echo ==Process 32-bits on an plateform 64-bits== echo. echo ==Exporting the Image Windows 7 Ultimate amd64== echo. "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\imagex.exe" /export C:\Win7\sources\install.wim 4 C:\Win7\sources\installnew.wim "Windows 7 ULTIMATE" echo. echo ==Removal folders and files unnecessary== echo. DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\install.wim" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\install_Windows 7 HOMEBASIC.clg" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\install_Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM.clg" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\install_Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL.clg" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\boot\fonts\chs_boot.ttf" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\boot\fonts\cht_boot.ttf" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\boot\fonts\jpn_boot.ttf" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\boot\fonts\kor_boot.ttf" RD /S /Q "C:\Win7\support\" RD /S /Q "C:\Win7\upgrade\" REN "C:\Win7\sources\installnew.wim" "install.wim" echo. echo ==Exporting Boot file for Windows 7 Ultimate== echo. "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\imagex.exe" /export C:\Win7\sources\boot.wim 2 C:\Win7\sources\bootnew.wim DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\boot.wim" REN "C:\Win7\sources\bootnew.wim" "boot.wim" echo. echo ==Finished execution== echo. echo ==The index and rank are now: [install.wim 1] et [boot.wim 1]== echo. echo ==WARNING: Do not use twice this batch file because == echo ===the new WIM files will be irretrievably losts!===== echo. echo ==Press any key to exit==&pause>nul echo. :end goto :eof :32 Color 0A echo ==Native Process 32-bits== echo. echo ==Exporting the Image Windows 7 Ultimate x86== echo. "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\imagex.exe" /export C:\Win7\sources\install.wim 5 C:\Win7\sources\installnew.wim "Windows 7 ULTIMATE" echo. echo ==Removal folders and files unnecessary== echo. DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\install.wim" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\install_Windows 7 HOMEBASIC.clg" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\install_Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM.clg" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\install_Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL.clg" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\install_Windows 7 STARTER.clg" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\boot\fonts\chs_boot.ttf" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\boot\fonts\cht_boot.ttf" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\boot\fonts\jpn_boot.ttf" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\boot\fonts\kor_boot.ttf" RD /S /Q "C:\Win7\support\" RD /S /Q "C:\Win7\upgrade\" REN "C:\Win7\sources\installnew.wim" "install.wim" echo. echo ==Exporting Boot file for Windows 7 Ultimate== echo. "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\imagex.exe" /export C:\Win7\sources\boot.wim 2 C:\Win7\sources\bootnew.wim DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\boot.wim" REN "C:\Win7\sources\bootnew.wim" "boot.wim" echo. echo ==Finished execution== echo. echo ==The index and rank are now: [install.wim 1] et [boot.wim 1]== echo. echo ==WARNING: Do not use twice this batch file because== echo ===the new WIM files will be irretrievably losts!===== echo. echo ==Press any key to exit==&pause>nul :end goto :eof *Edit Notice: You can keep these files if you want (desactivate), just add REM at the begenin of the lines: Be carefull, they are writed twice (sections x86 and x64)!! REM DEL /S /F /Q "c:\Win7\boot\fonts\chs_boot.ttf" REM DEL /S /F /Q "c:\Win7\boot\fonts\cht_boot.ttf" REM DEL /S /F /Q "c:\Win7\boot\fonts\jpn_boot.ttf" (neccessary for Office 2010) REM DEL /S /F /Q "c:\Win7\boot\fonts\kor_boot.ttf" I've made in English and in French languages! Dowmload here (ready to use) and 7Customizer French guide updated: Batchs_7C.zip The color's letters inside "7Custom_X86_X64_EN.cmd" is GREEN for X86; and YELLOW for X64! I hope that can give some help! Nice WE.
  4. Thanks coucou! About the batch files installed inside "C:\7Customizer_0.4.4\work"! These batch files are created by 7Customizer when you have made your customizations and you launch the program. You can't modify these files because 7Customizer is "running"! These commands are used to integrate: updates, language packs, themes, wallpapers, tweaks, etc. If you want add some reg files, for your unattended installation, you can use "SetupComplete.cmd" inside the folder "SCRIPTS", after you've made the $OEM$ folders. Have a nice WE.
  5. @coucou Hello! About "Autorun", here are the reg files to solve your problem: Disable_Autorun_CdRom.reg Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cdrom] "AutoRun"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer] "NoDriveTypeAutoRun"=dword:000000b5 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] "NoDriveTypeAutoRun"=dword:000000b5 Enable_Autorun_CdRom.reg Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cdrom] "AutoRun"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer] "NoDriveTypeAutoRun"=dword:00000091 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] "NoDriveTypeAutoRun"=dword:00000091 You can also use AutoPlay Repair Wizard, if you need. Some help here: http://support.micro...kb/330135/en-us Regards *Edit: Enable_Autorun_CdRom.reg updated
  6. If you need to delete an Image not correctly mounted, you can try: Available if WAIK for Windows 7 is installed! For Windows 32-bits @echo off echo ==Clean Temp folder RT_Mount== echo. "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\imagex.exe" /cleanup "%temp%\RT_Mount" pause to see if it's done For Windows 64-bits @echo off echo ==Clean Temp folder RT_Mount== echo. "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\imagex.exe" /cleanup "%temp%\RT_Mount" pause to see if it's done
  7. Hi coucou! About Addons. I've made some search and I've tried Windows 7 Toolkit. You must be member to download the software! It's only with English language! It's really a nice software, like an "American knife" (like Swiss knife, I mean!) made by Legolash2o. I've tried the last one, version on my Computer Windows 7 Ultimate. I've used "W7T" - at last -! after applying updates, language packs and tweaks with 7Customizer. All works fine and the addons successfuly integrated! I've integrated French Addons (I've an French Windows 7) and I've made an ISO file with Windows 7 Toolkit! Works perfectly! I've tried also the version Alpha (W7TAlpha.msi), it was successfuly, but I've found some problems (dont use at first because after it's impossible to "mount" the Image)!! But the ISO file created with 7Customizer, at the first test and using correctly W7TAlpha.msi, works perfectly, also!! And if you want to mount a new time your Image with 7Customizer: Uninstall W7T Alpha. *Its' just an advice: don't integrate "Ux_Theme_Patch_1.1.wa (French addon), don't work! It will be not integrated, but the installation is OK for Windows! I will made a new tutorial for Windows 7 Toolkit, I think. Regards
  8. @bensam56 Hello! I think it would be nice to give the possibility to add an Local Account with "Autounattend.xml" inside OOBE! I can only create an Administrator Account. Even if I don't select: "Skip user creation" it's impossible to add an Local Account, because it's deselected as default when I choose Admin password! If I don't do that I can't start Windows after the istallation is done! I've always the window for the Network connection type(Home, Work, etc.), it's not fully unattended! For Windows 7, I see that "SkipMachineOOBE" is deprecated! Thanks in advance. Regards
  9. Yes, you can but you must know how work 7Customizer and RT Se7en Lite! I've made an test: 1) First I've used 7Customizer_0.4.4 for integrate 21 updates, drivers, 2 language packs (en-US and he-iL) but no programs, and I haven't create an ISO file with 7Customizer. 2) After I've used RT Se7en Lite with "Advanced preset"... It's better at first time to use: Custom preset!!! But I haven't add programs with RT Se7en Lite(I think you can!) and made an ISO file with RT Se7en Lite. Works! (tested with Sun VirtualBox successfuly!) I think it's not useful, but you can if you want make tests - because it's needed many time to do that!!! Good luck!
  10. Thanks. Didn't know Kelsenellenelvian had made an installer. . Yes, really nice! Works without silent switchers and also with localised Windows versions!
  11. @bensam56 Hello Just an suggestion! When I choose to add "User Account 2" inside Control Panel (section Tweaks), the icon isn't displayed!? But with this reg file, display the icon inside Control Panel, and works: [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{98641F47-8C25-4936-BEE4-C2CE1298969D}] @="Users Accounts 2" "InfoTip"="Advanced management Users Accounts, Windows 2000 style." [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{98641F47-8C25-4936-BEE4-C2CE1298969D}\DefaultIcon] @="%SystemRoot%\\\\System32\\\\EhStorAuthn.exe,0" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{98641F47-8C25-4936-BEE4-C2CE1298969D}\Shell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{98641F47-8C25-4936-BEE4-C2CE1298969D}\Shell\Open] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{98641F47-8C25-4936-BEE4-C2CE1298969D}\Shell\Open\command] @="Control Userpasswords2" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ControlPanel\NameSpace\{98641F47-8C25-4936-BEE4-C2CE1298969D}] @="Add 'Users Accounts 2' inside Control Panel" With Windows 7 localised version the right click options and others tweaks are in English. I've translated all the tweaks in French language. Could you please insert this file inside the next RT Se7en Lite release, please? Tweaks_RT_Se7en_Lite_RC-FR I've also made some corrections inside resource.fr-FR_1.3_RC WARNING: Security alert about dll's files http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2264107 http://msdn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/library/ms684179(v=VS.85).aspx Regards
  12. Hi coucou! I've made an complete new test, using 7Custom.cmd, and all is fine, works perfectly. I've integrated 21 updates, language packs (en-US and he-iL), drivers and add some tweaks! I've made the test with Windows 7 but it's the same with Windows XP SP3! (because save time, you know!). At fist I've used the 7Custom.cmd and after I've launched 7Customizer.exe for the customizations! Here is the log.txt Regards *Edit: 7Customizer French guide Updated and folder "Batchs_7C.zip" added (to give some help!) For 7Customizer_0.4.4
  13. Hi coucou, You can find some help inside 7Customizer French guide (How to reduce the Image size?) and I will update the guide for delete the folder where the Image isn't mounted correctly (inside the folder "work\mount"). Btw, it's better do not stop the process even if you get errors! Regards *Edit: some help here: Unmount and Clean up a Wim Image using Dism
  14. Hello coucou! About reducing Image size. If you want reduce the size of the final Image, you can try to use GImageX or use a batch file. 1) Before to launch 7Customizer.exe, you can delete the folders and the Images you don't want like "support" and "upgrade" and choose to keep only the Image you want. Example with Windows 7 Ultimate (install.wim 5 and boot.wim 2) With the batch file (change the name of your folder where Windows 7 is located and the partition's letter, for your personnal use): 7Custom.cmd @ECHO OFF "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\imagex.exe" /export C:\Win7\sources\install.wim 5 C:\Win7\sources\installnew.wim "Windows 7 ULTIMATE" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\install.wim" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\install_Windows 7 HOMEBASIC.clg" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\install_Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM.clg" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\install_Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL.clg" DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\install_Windows 7 STARTER.clg" RD /S /Q "C:\Win7\support\" RD /S /Q "C:\Win7\upgrade\" REN "C:\Win7\sources\installnew.wim" "install.wim" "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\imagex.exe" /export C:\Win7\sources\boot.wim 2 C:\Win7\sources\bootnew.wim DEL /S /F /Q "C:\Win7\sources\boot.wim" REN "C:\Win7\sources\bootnew.wim" "boot.wim" pause to see if errors Now you have only one Image: Windows 7 Ultimate (install.wim 1 and boot.wim 1; because the order's number of folders .wim has been moved!) 2) After you can launch 7Customizer and you can see only the Image Windows 7 Ultimate inside the window that you can customize, and you can made your customizations adding updates, drivers, language packs, etc. I've made an test with Windows XP SP3, here is the log.txt You save space for the ISO file and processing time because the process is a little faster (the size is reduce)! * Also if you want save time when 7Customizer is working: Disconnect from the Internet! Before execute 7Customizer.exe you can also add modded .dlls (imageres.dll, spwizimg.dll, etc.) inside your Windows 7 Image. You can read Guide de l'utilisateur Se7en_UA for customizations. I've tried successfully and all works perfectly with 7Customizer on a Computer working with Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7! I will update the 7Customizer French guide about reducing Image size. Regards *Edit: Guide updated 7Customizer French guide You can also optimize Windows to save time and to improve performances: desable Screensaver and others features: http://www.optimizingpc.com/ http://www.optimizingpc.com/install/desktopandscreen.html Changing the storage location: http://www.optimizingpc.com/miscellaneous/changing_storage_location_personal_folders.html
  15. Hello dexter I've made a new test with adcanced settings. 1) All tests I've made - with advanced preset - It's needed to choose the Network connection type (home, work...). Is this also your case? But if I make changes inside "Autounattend.xml" and I remove this line: <SkipMachineOOBE>true</SkipMachineOOBE> and created also inside "Autologon" and "LocalAccount", my installation is really fully unattended (No more window for Network connection type or other windows)! 2) I've forgotten something , because I can't start "Netlogon" service after the installation is done, and I see only the users list displayed for Groups and not for Users. But "Windows Update" and "Themes" works. I give you my "Lastsession7.ini"! Maybe that can help you. Of course the final size is a little "bigger" (1,47 Go - without updates, drivers and programs), also because I've added some features (system and services)! I will try a new time! *Edit: help for customizing "Autounattend.xml": Ask your Seven xml ? first here
  16. Thanks dexter I think so! Could you post as attachment your "Lastsession.ini", please? Have you deselect inside Services: Windows Update and Windows Aero Themes. And inside Multi Media: Windows Aero Themes (deselect to keep it)? *Edit: It's needed also: Windows System Assessment Tool(WINSAT) (deselect to keep it). But, I will try a new time. Also for Aero Themes and I tell you later. Regards
  17. Hello coucou! The ISO size depends how many updates, drivers and programs, etc. you have integrated. But if you need, you can use an DVD9. If you try to use your Windows 7 already customized, you can see the 3 languages at the first window's 7Customizer. The two languages packs (en-US and he-iL) are integrated and you must keep your main language for the installation! After the installation is done, you can change the language inside "Région et langue" (Regional) Extract: English guide: Have a nice WE. Regards
  18. I have configured another compilation, with the Advanced UAC enabled(as per your suggestion) + other tweaks. Also, I have selected BlackViper's 'SAFE' preset in TWEAKS, but after applying preset this time I have enabled Netlogon service in Tweaks>Services>Netlogon=Enabled. I am not sure if that service is responsible for displaying the list of user groups in the system to be applied to new users created, but lets see after the customization is finalized. At the moment I am working on me laptop (IBM X60s, Intel L2400 + 3GB) therefore its taking longer(80mins) than usual(45mins) to test. I used to test on me desktop (Intel Q6600, HDD>2TBx3,RAM 6GB) but recently it died due to power surge, now waiting for replacements to arrive. Although I didn loose any data but processing power is LOST dramatically. Just imagine Intel Quad to Duo Core, everything gets slower. Hello Maybe the reason is like you said: Netlogon is needed!? I've tried the ISO file I've made like I tell you! The problem is always unable to see the list ( even after deselected inside system: "Advanced UAC" and "User Account Control". I've add "User Account 2" inside Control Panel successfully!) of user groups in the system to be applied to a new user created! But there is a workaroud and it's possible to do that! However, I've tried to make successfully changes inside "Autounattend.xml"! When all the process is finished (Apply), I've don't created an ISO file with RT Se7en Lite (Click Finish). I've customized the "Autounattend.xml" file [inside my folder where is located Windows 7 customized: (C:\Win7Ex2)]and I've used this bath file to create the ISO file. I see that the final size is the same (with RT Se7en Lite or with the batch file): Create_ISO.cmd (Example) echo ==Creating ISO file== "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\oscdimg.exe" -u2 -m -o -lWin7Ex2 -b"C:\Win7Ex2\boot\etfsboot.com" "C:\Win7Ex2" "C:\Win7Ex2.iso" echo ==Finished creating ISO file== echo. echo Finished execution echo. pause to see if errors In this way, it's better to use WISM to check your new "Autounattend.xml"! I've found some help here about Windows 7 Services, maybe we can find the solution: http://wiki.blackviper.com/wiki/Category:Windows_7_Services Thanks for your sharing! Regards
  19. @dexter I think you can deselect inside Features: system => Advanced UAC and User Acount Control (read desciptions before) And after if you want you can choose to add inside Tweaks: Control Panel (right pane)=> User Acount 2 (Add)! I've made this choice and I will try the ISO file I've made. I don't deleeted NET .Framewotk 3.5! They are the only changes I've made. Of course, at first I've made a new Windows 7 copy on my computer! I will tell you later the result!
  20. @dexter When I've tried to add themes and gadgets I've forgotten to deselect an feature to not remove (Accessories: Windows Sidebar...)...and my installation fails and I've got errors, like: a new divice isn't installed or missing...or a file is missing: Windows\System32\boot\winload.exe the file is missing or corrupt! In this case the installation fails because some features are missing and the changes were not made correctly! Check carrefully the options you want save inside Features removal and services with Advanced settings, otherwise the installation fails! Regards
  21. I see that this option is selected only when I choose Advanced settings, and I think it's to give a best compression for the files boot.wim and install.wim and reduce the final Image size. Regards *Edit: I see, inside the command window, when I use a batch file for ISO creation after RT Se7en Lite has finished: SPACE SAVED BECAUSE OF EMBENDDING, SPARSENESS OR OPTIMIZATION - 9623552 Because many features and components has been removed! You can use Google translator, if you need to understand what that means in your language
  22. Comon guys ... Not a single one of you had this problem I really cant believe it - Use the advanced preset and try creatin/modifying users to see this error. All I need to ask is what TWEAK, FEATURE AND/OR COMPONENT is breaking this functionality. I used ADVANCED, great thing about this preset is that it makes image size SUPER SMALL ~778MB but with the compromise of the above said functionality. I was a great FAN of vLite (although only used it on Win7) but RT7Lite has really made all wishes come true in a single interface. I really need to get this working... so plss anyone with similar issues pls share the experience here. Thanks Hello I don't use Advanced setting for my personnal use, but I try to give some help. Like I see: Contol uers 2 is deleeted as default with advanced settings, I think maybe it's not an error! I think you need to copy a new time your Windows 7 DVD on your Computer, because the Image created with RT Se7en Lite is already customized. If you want to keep the box for the users like you want, you must inside the section Features removal deselect the options for this features and also the services and dependencies and check at the right pane if Control User is selected or other feature (I must look at that!). It's useful to be carefull with the services and componants before to apply your choice (read the descriptions)! It's just an advice: maybe it's better to deselect all services writed in red color! I will try to see how to keep this feature and I tell you. Thanks *Edit: At fist you can check if the service is started for this feature [maybe gpsvc (GPMC)]!
  23. Hello pedilover! I don't remember where I've read at the forum Rockers Team about the advanced settings! But I see that Internet Explorer is desabled or deleted by default (in case that you want to use Firefox or other Internet browers)! I'm looking about this page at the forum! Yes I've seen that the option is automatically selected: "optimze boot.wim and install.wim" with this option. I think it's to improve the installation after the components are removed! But I'm not sure! I give you later a feed back about my test with VirtualBox. Thanks When the advanced setting are choosed and you want to make another choice with the options, it's needed to make a new Windows 7 copy on the HDD because your Image inside the folder is ALREADY customized!! And now you can't add Themes or activate Internet Explorer if you have made mistakes or errors! I see in fact that I have Internet Explorer as default with advanced settings (check at the right pane inside Features removal if Internet Explorer is selected), and you can add some new themes if you want like I tell you...But you need to make an new copy. You can see that if you mount your Image customized with "imagex" or "Dism"! Now your folder where is Windows 7 (i.e. C:\Win7), you can see inside "sources" you have only: boot.wim; install.wim. lang.ini and setup.exe (all files have been deleeted except those you have keeped)! Of cource if you are trying to use your Image already customized you have always Internet Explorer and Themes deleeted (in your case). I hope that will help you.
  24. Hello pedilover! I don't remember where I've read at the forum Rockers Team about the advanced preset! But I see that Internet Explorer is desabled or deleted by default (in case that you want to use Firefox or other Internet browers)! I'm looking about this page at the forum! Yes I've seen that the option is automatically selected: "optimze boot.wim and install.wim" with this option. I think it's to improve the installation after the components are removed! But I'm not sure! I give you later a feed back about my test with VirtualBox. Thanks *Edit: My apologies. Correction = With advanced preset Internet Explorer is selected by default and will be installed!
  25. I've found some useful information about this question! http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929831/en-us http://support.microsoft.com/kb/949977/en-us You can also find some help inside "Unattended Windows Setup Reference for Windows 7.chm" in your computer when you have installed WAIK for Windows 7. Regards
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