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Everything posted by crunch81

  1. A little late to the party, but it looks like it's an MSI wrapper given the command-line switches. Try adding REBOOT=ReallySuppress to see if that works. Thanks for the advise, It was better that I would posted the solution, for that I apologise. The problem was A damaged ISO made with 7Customizer. I started all over again with a fresh install and fresh WPI and it works now. Thanks for the reply.
  2. Good day people, I know that Office Home and Student doesn't have the function with the setup.exe /admin because it is not in the version of this Office package. Is there a workaround to make the right XML file or some kind of a program who does this for me? I have already Office 2003 working unattended but also like the Office 2007 home and student unattended install. Thanks for any reply.... Geetings Crunch81
  3. @ Grabben: Yes, I already saw this article. but it applies to Vista. That was the reason why I thought that it was useless. Appreciate your feedback, thanks.
  4. Thank you Myselfidem. I already tried it in 7Customizer, but nothing changes in the XML file and UAC will not be disabled with me...Strange he? I will try your second solution, that is what I been looking for. Thank you very much!
  5. http://www.google.se/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=unattended.xml+uac http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?/topic/6015-request-disable-uac-in-unattended-mode/ when googling on it i ended up here on msfn's forum so you cant have been lookin for it... Nevermind......Thanks anyway. Links are useless for me. I'm a noob....
  6. Does anybody know what text I have to add in my XML file to disable UAC??? It just doesn't function out of 7Customizer!! And where do I have to add this text? In the OOBE section?? Searching long time now..... Many thanks
  7. Ok, thanks for the info....It seems that my problem lies somewhere else. It is an Iso file in virtual PC that I am testing btw.
  8. Thanks for making my point clear. but..... Why does my system not boot when my ISO is more then 3.99999GB? It just hangs in a black screen. When I make my ISO smaller then it boots up normal? (And my WPI is 2.8 GB and the rest is OS files) Thanks again.
  9. Maybe I put this in the wrong section, for that I apologize. This sounds like a weird question but for me very important to get a serious answer. I Vlited Vista Premium and total size is 2.3 GB, I also want to put my WPI program on it, that is also 2.3 GB. A iso cannot be bigger then 4.0 GB or else it will not boot up when I install it. My question is: Can I make the total size bigger then 4.0 GB and do something with it that it will boot and install everything? And if not: What is the reason that it will not boot from an ISO bigger then 4.0 GB? Thanks very much.
  10. Seriously, That is weird! Well, then I am lucky that I want a unattended install
  11. and mine from Nero8 I added the last one in case those different switches work with Nero9. Thanks for the reply! "Start/Wait" will not work in WPI. I thought that the /qb switch was to show progress bar. The rest is the same...Strange.. Nero 9 is really hard to make it a good unattended install.... Yes we can't even use Nero9 because the OEM install is not compatible with Windows 7. We are still using Nero 8 but when it runs out we won't have anything to use! We are still waiting for Nero to fix it, but its been a long time now. I am Using Nero 9 Essentials, It is a OEM version but it had a Serial key. It works ok.....Or are you talking about a other version that don't work?
  12. Those switches look like msiexec switches. The switches of msiexec can be accessed by typing msiexec /? into a run box or a command prompt window and press enter. A window will show up with the switches available for use. Although you may have no use for Start /Wait mentioned, you may need to run %comspec% alias CMD.exe (the command interpreter) to use Start /Wait. Example CMD /c start /wait path/to/app Thanks very much, I will give this a try.
  13. and mine from Nero8 I added the last one in case those different switches work with Nero9. Thanks for the reply! "Start/Wait" will not work in WPI. I thought that the /qb switch was to show progress bar. The rest is the same...Strange.. Nero 9 is really hard to make it a good unattended install....
  14. Good Day, When Nero 9 is finished with silent install, the system will restart. How can I prevent this? Now I have this: "%wpipath%\Install\Nero\Nero 9 Essentials\setupx.exe" /i /qb SERIALNUMBER="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" EULAACCEPTED="1" Which command can I add that the systen don't restart? thanks for the answers.
  15. With UAC enabled I supposed ? Asc don't manage UAC actually. I'll try to add support to UAC in Asc (for the next build), hope i'll find a solution to do it (i'm still using xp on my computer). Could anyone test 1.1.5 beta build on Win7 without Uac ? Asc should works without Uac on Win7. Thanks for the feedback, Crunch81 ! UAC is always DISabled with me.......
  16. *English version is working great on XP (Package) *Creating package also working great on XP. *On Windows 7 creating Package is not working. *Installing Package (created in XP) works ok in Windows 7
  17. Yes you have! Thumbs up! Thanks a million!
  18. Does Wpi have a Start /wait option for Nero? I want to use the Nircmd what Jasonkiller said but it only work when nircmd is extracted in Windows/System32. (btw.: It is working just GREAT when you stick to the "extract to windows/system32")
  19. What command should I put at number 1 in WPI to copy/extract these files or Nircmd to Windows/system32? I tried this but in WPI it says failed. I can't copy it first in windows/system32 because I am making an unattended OS disk. Or should I let Wpi extract it first in windows/system32 and then execute the command of Nero?? Thanks for the reply.
  20. Thanks for all the reply's! I will try everything and take a look what will be the best solution for me. I will report back to you. THANKS!
  21. Can You give me some details how to manage that? What do I have to do to make it work?
  22. I can not find the files in the temp folder after extraction. There must be more people with the same issue. There are a few topics about Nero 9, but they all had nothing to do with WPI. Is there somebody with the same problem who solved this?
  23. Good day people, I've found the right switch to silently install Nero 9.0 in other threads...That is: setupx.exe /i /qb SERIALNUMBER="XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" EULAACCEPTED="1" BUT.....When I put this command in WPI. It will not wait until the installation is finished and then will stopped. It just goes on to the next command. I don't want to use a "SLEEP" command because sometimes it is taking longer then normal for some reason. Does somebody knows what to do toe resolve this F*****up Issue? If I have to make a guess: I need to have the Installation files after "extraction" of the program and make it into an MSI package, is that correct? will this resolve the issue of breaking off the installation? Thanks for the reply.
  24. Thanks for your reply, Good luck with the exams!
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