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About kornychaos

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  1. Hmm, I need to figure out how to delete posts. Anyways, this build looks awsome, will download soon.
  2. Hmm, I don't know anything about registry or anything, go figure, so I just opened it up and browsed a few things and found that the following file opens the registration process .. file://C:\Program Files\McAfee.com\Agent\mcregwiz.exe EDIT: Something else I found was that the following link updates the program and DAT definitions, not sure if you had to be logged in, but I had registered the program with my login already .. http://us.mcafee.com/apps/vsh10/en-us/vsh1...,&InstallType=2 I'm trying to find some way to have a program look at the current files and when I update the files with the registration details and all the current updates, to make a silent installation of the files it adds and maybe that would include the reg details ALONG with the most recent upgrades!
  3. I had the "View as List" from that, but I never actually tried it .. I went back and tried this and it allows for everything in a List order, but now the question is how to sort by TYPE with a registry tweak... Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ;Status bar, list view for Explorer [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams] "Settings"=hex:09,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,e0,a5,1f,0e,73,35,cf,11,ae,\ 69,08,00,2b,2e,12,62,04,00,00,00,04,00,00,00,43,00,00,00
  4. Well, I'll be sure to try and check for some updates on your release, but if anyone has an immediate fix or something of this sort .. please post a solution ASAP as I want to include this in my install. Thanks for replying and working on it though, Nologic.
  5. Well, I'm not exactly meaning to bump the thread or anything, but I was actually using search to look for this and I couldn't find anything about this. I just decided to reply to this instead of creating a new thread that has already been created. I am looking for something which allows folders to be set to: "Arrange Icons By > Type" "View > List" These are on the right click context menu. Answers to this would be greatly appreciated. I did do a search for this, but if I missed this somewhere else I apologize.
  6. Haha, well, I just used Nero ImageDrive and mounted the image, and loaded it up .. the only thing I don't like it when you install it on the existing partition it sticks Windows in a Windows.OLD file and all the folders in C:// don't go to that Windows.OLD folder meaning I still have XP crap on there which I didn't want. Is there any way to make a clean install? I tried using the install to create a new partition or delete the current one, but it wouldn't let me delete it probably becuase thats where the .ISO was on. Anyways, that was my only problem, so if someone could answer the question on how to multiboot all the cds or something that would be great. Also, this beta 1 isn't worth installing .. the interface is crap and it looks ugly. I personally despise it. I uninstalled it and reinstalled Windows XP Pro.
  7. I was also wondering how to do this, as I do not have a DVD rom enabled harddrive. Just for future reference I will need to know how to do this.
  8. Thanks for the TASKKILL hint but this is what I have already been using ... ECHO. ECHO Installing Lavasoft AdAware 1.05 SE Professional ECHO Please Wait... start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\AdAware\aawsepro.exe /s taskkill /IM hh.exe /F taskkill /IM Ad-Aware.exe /F Also here is the link to SBC Yahoo DSL http://promotions.yahoo.com/sbc/static/1995.html I already tried pskill for the lavasoft adaware and that didn't work either it says its not a recognized command or something along that line.
  9. I want to silent install it that way I will have an internet connection as soon as WinXp is installed. Also some of my programs that are installed require an internet update and so therefore I need an internet connection. Also to activate windows it requires a connection therefore giving me even more things I have to do. and SBC Yahoo DSL is a DSL provided by Southwestern Bell and Yahoo .. you should find the link on yahoo.com
  10. Anyone know how to quietly install this .. also if someone can give me a resolution to this taskill problem; whenever I try to install Ad-Aware 1.05 SE Professional silently using taskill .. it says there is no such command or something .. I'm gonna try pskill and hopefully that will work but if anyone knows the solution to either of these please tell.
  11. Ad-aware SE Professional Build 1.02 has been released .. same switch?
  12. Any application switches for this?
  13. Does noone wish to help me?
  14. I also would like to know except using echo format in winnt.sif ..
  15. How do I make this so the commands run in winnt.sif .. I found this in another thread but don't understand the exact commands ..
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