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Everything posted by Jackrip5
Thanks for your answer mritter. Well, to exclude a lang.ini issue, i tried (in virtualbox) the official french untouched version. The situation here was the same - %OSLANG% was empty and %OSver%="Not found". I I also tried WPI on TWO real/existing french Vista configurations, the Vista version was correctly recognized by OSVer but OSLang was still empty. As temporary solution, i'm using these parameters : (getOSlang()=="FRA" || getOSlang()=="") & (getOSver()=="Win7" || getOSver()=="" || getOSver()=="Not found") This seems to work. It's strange because with the german version, there is no issue.
Thx for your reply ! Well i did some futher research with a French DVD and it seems that integrating DE-DE in FR-FR doesn't change anything. I tried a french system install only, and it's the same. So it seems that WPI doesn't recognize a french install. In alt+g screen OSLANG are OSVER are simply empty or "not found". I hope that this behavour will be recognized as bug and fixed in the future. Greetz !
Hello community, After several years of using XPlode, i thought the time had come to try something new. I tried WPI and i really like it, especially the conditions (based on OS Language, bits or Version). Living in a region with two languages, i made myself a Windows 7 with a second language (de-DE base disk with fr-FR language pack). I did even make an AIO and a unattended installation works flawlesly (with both languages in any Windows version (x86, x64, de or fr) Now i have the problem that when i install Windows in the second language, WPI does not recognize the OS nor the language. My whole condition system is based on the language and os detection. I thought it could be a problem of language integration, but it is not (i builded at least three times - with and without changing the default language in lang.ini). Where does WPI get those infos from ? Is it a file that is missing while installing another language version ? Does someone have a hint ? Greetz
Well thanks for this info. I'm surprised to see how well informed you already are in such short time of appaerance of the WAIK.
Does anyone of you already have experience with the BDD 2007. I looked at it yesterday and it was indeed nice to integrate drivers. The integration of applications (which install from harddisk in the distribution folder - seems nice too) but how to integrate from the install drive, not a unc path or something like this. Any hint for that ? Greetz
Thanks for your replies. The thing with the registry key does'nt seem to work (i already tried in the past). The hint with the restriction of the folder himself is a good idea, but i managed it another way. During the unattended install of applications (with runoncex.bat, or Xlode, or other method), i included the following application to start : SYSOCMGR.EXE /i:%windir%\inf\sysoc.inf /u:c:\temp\temp.txt In the C:\TEMP folder my temp.txt file contains following : [Components] IEAccess = Off OEAccess = Off Accessopt = Off Freecell = Off Minesweeper = Off Mswordpad = Off Pinball = Off Solitaire = Off At the first moment i didn't see a difference but if a new user logs in, these Icons are indeed disappeart. For the moment, i just have what i needed. Thx 2 @ll
THX for the answer. That's exactly what i do actually but i thought if it was already disabled "by default" it would habe been easier for me. I've read that the position of several entries in the winnt.sif file himself is important (some could be ignored during install). Could it be something like that ?
Hi ! I'm using HFSLIP for my Windows 2000 German Unattended Install here in the Office. My unattended Install works good and the Hotfixes, IE6, .. integration works fine. In My WINNT.SIF i use [Components] IEAccess=Off This with the objective to remove all IE Shortcuts from the system (not the IE himself but only the shortcuts). I'd like my PC Users only to use the Firefox. The IE Icons are created automatically by first User Login. Using a Batch file to remove the Shortcuts (from desktop, quicklaunch or Startmenu) with a batch File does not seem to work. Any Hint ?
Mea Culpa I must have done something wrong. Probably I integrated a wrong or old Hotfix. I've redownloaded all listet updates and hotfixes here in this post and it seems to work again. Sorry !
Hi ! I just wanted to let you know that above mentionned Problem stills exists with version 60425 and a german Windows 2000 Install. (indeed i have the update rollup and the KB900725 in my HF folder). I'll give it a try and remove the KB900725 from my HFSLIP/UNATTENDED install (only to get rid of these stuped script errors in Control Panel, Network,...) Greetings
In normal circumstances the /integrate: switch works in 2K as in XP. This depends only from the hotfix himself. Thx - i will give it a try on next patch-day ! Greetz
Hi, I just tried HFSLIP on my existing unattended Win2000 Installation. I followed the manual by the letter and had NO issues at all in slipstreaming hotfixes, IE6 and WMP. GREAT JOB !! My question is as mentionned in the titel. Is it possible to add future hotfixes in the hfslipped i386 by the tradionnal "/integrate:" switch or musst i rebuild the whole i386 with hfslip everytime a new hotfix appears ? Greetings
Hi @ll - i'm reading any forum i find speaking about this xp64 nvraid driver issue. In fact this OemInfFiles method seems to work (as far as i've read) but i'm asking myself (before beginning testing), does this method interfere with already existing OemPnPDriversPath entries in the winnt.sif ?? Does Windows still recognize other Hardware with the drivers included in OemPnPDriversPath ?? Thx for replies
Unable to integrate NVRAID drivers for K8N Neo2
Jackrip5 replied to userguy's topic in Device Drivers
Well Bashrat, I made a new unattended only for my Nvidia Problem, and used only the Raid/Ide driver from the 5.10 set. I'm using the drivers from the 5.10 for nearly a week now, and the problem didnt appear again. Everything works fine now ! (why it works now and did not in the past - i really dont know - maybe because i did'nt mess up with other drivers from other driver sets ?) - but i'm really glad that it works !! For testing purpose, i tried the ide/raid drivers from msi site (from the 6.37 package), first they dont install unattended (again) and, manualy the errors reappear. I guess the 5.10 which is for Nforce 2 and 3 boards, should only be used for this boards. The 6 series is definitively for Nf4 and i think all Nf2 and 3 users should keep that in mind even if the old controllers are supported by the 6. Series ! As soon as i have the time and courage to make some testing, i wil try your last package ! Thx for reading ! -
Unable to integrate NVRAID drivers for K8N Neo2
Jackrip5 replied to userguy's topic in Device Drivers
Hi Bashrat, Yes indeed, i tried all the series of nforce drivers i could find (whql, beta, amd, intel, 5.10, 6.11, 6.31, 6.37, 6.39, 6.53, 7.11, 7.12, 7.13 ... all you find at guru3d) but only the raid/ide drivers from the 6.53 set worked in my unattended environment. Even the IDE/RAID drivers MSI proposes on their site (NV11 - which are from the 6.37 set) don't work with my K8N Neo2(Nf3). The results with my test were very different : some drivers did'nt recognize my Hdd drivers allready in text mode, others did and copied files correctly but at first gui install resulted with BSOD. Only with the drivers from 6.53 everything went flawlessly. The Intel Editions have changed the driver layout so that the IDE arent whql !! I didn't try the 6.66 in unattended, because : A- the 6.66 layout is build just as the Intel Editions so i guess my unattended install wont work because tha lag of whql conclusion -> no correct IDE SW drivers = No working Raid !! B- i have this **** bootscreen problem which seems to appear when i use other IDE SW drivers than the one of the 5.10 set. I installed the 6.66 on my working system by setup. First the install blocks because of the NAM (but thats not the point here), second i managed to install Ide and Raid drivers (ide arent whql) but my bootscreen problem does not disappear ! So i'm not interrested in testing the 6.66 in unattended - they don't eliminate my prob. I'm now considering to make a mix of IDE SW drivers and Raid drivers, clearly mix the IDE SW from 5.10 with Raid from 6.53 but i guess it wont work because: a- the files may need to be from same version ; b- the whql certificate may go lost ! I know your are very experienced in this stuff, if u have a hint for me it would be nice ! -
Unable to integrate NVRAID drivers for K8N Neo2
Jackrip5 replied to userguy's topic in Device Drivers
As i postet in the driverpackage forum http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=47397http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=47397. You need both nvraid.sys et nvatabus.sys in your txtsetup.sif and you were absolutely correct with this : They have to be in the txtsetup.sif.I show you mine : You may ignore all the others brands but the Nvidias may interrest you. And as i sad in the other thread, it worked only with the drivers from the nforce 6.53. I hope this helps you. Greetings from Belgium -
The reason for your problems comes from the bios version 15 i think. In this Bios the Raid Bios of the K8N Neo 2 is upgraded to version 4.78 i think. The only problem is that the Nforce 5.10 doesnt work anymore with it. I'm still integrating the drivers the old fashion way by myself (oempath in winnt.sif and manual edit of txtsetup.sif). And so i tried all nforce i found wich where whql. 5.10 - 6.31 - 6.37 - 6.39 - 6.53. And even some i dont even know from where they are. Yes i burned my unattended Dvd a 20 times too. Well it seems to work with the 6.53. You have to know that you dont only need the nvraid.sys you need nvatabus.sys too. Nvraid is useless without nvatabus.sys. Thats all nice but now my problems beginn, since i use this 6.53 which in fact is for the Nf4 my system, my system has boot problems (hanging at Windows Bootscreen with ending in a bsod) 8/10 times. I've read in several forums that this is due to the IDE SW driver from nvidia. Now i'm fully back to ide/sata (4 sata drives) mode and tried the 5.10 again and it seems to work but now my raid wont do his job. If i take another nforce driver the problem is opposite - raid works but ide not ! Messing with both may not work, i didnt try. I guess the whql would be damned too if i play with the inf files. Knwo i'm standing here and cant go forward or backwards !
Thx for your hint. That's exactly the way i manage it with the runonceex method. But i wanted to get away from all those batch files and thats why i passed to another unattended install type like xplode. Nevertheless thank you !
Hi @ll, Is it possible to remove more directorys at a time. For the moment i have to create a record for every single directory i want to erase. So i have something like this a 10 to 20 times in my xml file : <fileio-rmdir display="Ordner löschen" desc="Startmenüordner Löschen : Antispy" configs="NORMAL,NOSRV"> <from>#USERPROFILE#\Startmenü\Programme\Xp_Antispy</from> </fileio-rmdir> Is there a more convenient way to manage this ?? Thx for reply
Hello Wihu community. I'm about to advance from my Runonceex install method to a more convenient and selectable process. I'm quite not sure wich system to use (wpi, xplode or wihu). From the functions wipu seems best to me. I'm reading and reading every pdf or info about it but i don't find any answer to that question wich walks in my head all the time. :} In my RunOnceEx i create a user account at t12 which will autologin at first logon and then all the applications/regtweaks will be installed for this user (in my case the principal user) and that fully automatic. Now how can this be managed with wihu. How can i tell him to create a user (let him call jack) and at first logon (without any manual intervention) let it install all the software/regtweaks to jacks account. At what stage of windows installation process should i integrate wihu. Must i run it twice, once at t12 and again at first logon ? How do i tell him to use "jack" at the very first logon and then continue the install process for jack ?? I'm greatfull for any hint ! PS : is there a way to print the official german wihu help file - pdf
Hi! Your SATA controller works as every other raid P-ATA or S-ATA raidcontroler. If your drive is formatted with a FAT which your dos can read, you will have classical HDD drive letters assignment. You don't need a "dos" driver. The raid controler works then in a sort of native mode - your can even use fdisk with it or even format your raid drive. The only importan,t thing is to use a quite actual dos/fdisk/format which recognize the big size of your aray (i propose the dos from windows me bootdisk). Please note that the sil 3112 raid controle is quite slow in dos mode - the performance of the intel ich 5r is much better. Greetings