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Posts posted by zprog

  1. That's the problem with today's society. Unfortunately, it's flappers like this that form some bases of our economy, and it's the other flappers that believe them that allow such crap to continue. Good find.

  2. Or you could actually impress your boss with the knowledge you will have gained from reading DOS books. There are a multitude of DOS tutorials online. Instead of trying to impress your boss with how little you know, I suggest that you read those tutorials so you'll do something useful once in a while.

  3. Unless you are running a web server (and expect significant traffic) or if you estimate more than 7 people will access the internet at the same time through one connection, I see no reason to upgrade to T1.

    My suggestion is if you don't know the exact benefits of it (if you don't know whether you need it), then you don't need it. It's just like if you don't know whether you need Windows XP Home or Pro, then you probably don't need Pro. Only if you know you need T1 do you need T1.

  4. In addition, I am really against the type of layouts that make you scroll across and half the screen is empty space (I have a big screen).

    The theme is fine, if only I wouldn't have to scroll. You figure that people wanting a web host are competent in computers and more often than not will have large resolutions. Try to use %'s in your layout, and although you can limit the horizontal width of the content, never, never, never limit the vertical width of the content. If only you didn't limit the vertical width of the content to get your copyright message across, I would have no criticism of the layout.

    Also, your page is not XHTML valid.

  5. You see, internet connection lines, like Tx and DSx, are rated not for their upload/download speed, but for the volume of traffic they can handle simultaneously. Try this. Run a web server on your cable line and find a T1 or DS3 server with the same "upload speed". You will notice that if you start two download threads from your cable server, the speed of your download will be cut in half (roughly), while starting two threads from a T1 or DS3 server will barely affect the download speed (assuming the server is not overloaded).

    For example, my school has a T1 connection at 1.5M up and down, and it runs its own server. Even if the school found a plan that gave them "sared" cable or "non-business" DSL that offered higher speeds, it would be a stupid move for them to switch.

    In reality, I don't really believe in having an internet connection for a home that is over 2Mbps down and 700 Kbps up. Even when downloading a large file from a fast server, there is little improvement of the download time, because with a 5Mbps connection, you are pretty much limited to the server's load and upload speed.

    You know how they say, it's not about quantity - it's about quality.

  6. 1.26657 times the square root of pie

    Well, that's just a number. It can be applied with anything. Milliseconds? Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Days? Years? Decades? Centuries? Millenia? You get the point. ;)

  7. Then, assuming that the area of the image he created is proportional to the time he spent making it, that would mean that it should have taken him circa 10.3 seconds to create his avatar? Am I wrong?

  8. If anybody wants my opinion (which doesn't seem to be worth anything), I would get Home.

    It is true that the Pro version offers some minor additions, but contrary to what you people were talking about, both Home and Pro can handle hyperthreading. Home cannot handle multiple processors, but if you have more than one processor, then I suggest Linux, because then you have a server.

    Home runs the same exact kernel as Pro, but to do some advanced stuff, like OS encryption support, you might need to dig around deeper in Home than in Pro. You still have to dig pretty deep in Pro.

    To put it in comparison, I've been using Home and been multitasking just fine. With all the freeware available on the web, all the features of the Pro version can be replaced using these tools and the Home version.

    Please don't waste your money on Pro if you are only going to use your computer at home. The only reason in which I foresee one using Pro over Home is in a corporate environment, where the "Home" logo and start bar side are not tolerated. Trust me, if you know you need Pro, then you should get it. If you are debating (which is what I'm seeing), then you don't know if you need all the features of Pro, and probably won't need them.

    Conclusion, get Home.

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