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  1. You have to change your cmd from: to: Thats all
  2. To find out the 8.3 name of a folder or a file you can use dir /x from the command prompt. You must to be on a higher-level folder to use dir /x. e.g. if you want to find out the 8.3 name for program files you must be on C:
  3. I've got it ... nearly. The problem was, That the 7-Zip command line utility created the adobereader602.7z archive in the adobereader602 folder. Thereby the adobereader602.7z were not combined with the 7zSC.sfx and config.txt into the adobereader602.exe. I have changed the following lines: Now I have a new problem. I get an error Message from the Windows Installer. It says invalid Commadlineparameter (translated from german) The error is not from the /qb-! switch.
  4. The error Message occurs when the EXE tries to extract.
  5. I Tried to install it on my current installed Windows, not at the Windows setup.
  6. When? What do you mean? I have renamed the MSI, adjusted the config.txt and compressed the files with my batch file. Now I started the created adobereader602.exe and get the Message Box: Unknown Error
  7. I have tried to rename the MSI File to acrobat.msi and adjusted the config.txt. Now, I get the same unknown error message.
  8. Yes, I can confirm this. The MSI works perfect when called directly.
  9. Good work RyanVM. The unattended Adobe Reader 6.0.2 installer is very well. I'm recreating this for the german version of Adobe Reader 6.0.2. I have done the following steps at the moment: Now, I have a Problem with repacking of the files with 7-Zip.I used the process which is explained in the .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack integration Thread. The Batch file creates a *.exe file, but when I'm executing it, I get an unknown error Message. Can you check my Batch file please? The Batchfile: My File Tree: CommonAppData program files System32 7za.exe 7zS.sfx Adobe Reader 6.0.2 - Deutsch.msi make.bat StartX.exe upx.exe Thanks for reading. Sorry, for my bad englisch
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