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Everything posted by neuropass

  1. hey guys all the link bookmarked for topics are not working here. an example: http://www.msfn.org/board/je-jins-dism-tool-version-1-0-t138804.html http://www.msfn.org/board/windows-7-rtm-32-64-bit-updated-t137765.html why is that?
  2. Sorry i thought it was the right section. Anyway any clue guys?
  3. What does brake the rating system on 7? i vlited e 7 version but now i can't rate my system, i get error about video playback. what could it be???
  4. thanks for your reply.. wait let me see if i understood correctly .. rename the original aero to areo_default and my custom theme to aero. but it will shows up with aero name in the registry though..? how can you set your real custom theme name?
  5. could you guys help me with an autoit scritp? i actually made it and everything is ok.. the only step that gets stuck is at the end of the installation when i have to click on the close buttons. this is my script, i can't figure ot whjat the problem is because everything is working except for that last step . the program that i'm trying to install is WAIK. i extracted the components needed from the iso. which are : Neutral.cab aikx86.cab WinPE.cab wAIKX86.msi #region - wAIKX86 install script - (Automated with WinWait functions) Opt('TrayIconDebug', 1) Opt('WinDetectHiddenText', 1) Opt('WinTitleMatchMode', 4) ; Installer. $executable = 'wAIKX86.msi' ; Show progess. $splash = 0 ; Default catagory folder in startmenu. $group = '' ; New catagory to move the default folder into. $catagory = '' ; Installation folder in Program Files. $directory = '' ; Run the installer. $pid = _Install() If WinWait("classname=WorkerW","FolderView") Then $CLVItem = ControlListView("classname=WorkerW","FolderView","SysListView321","FindItem","wAIKX86.msi") ControlListView("classname=WorkerW","FolderView","SysListView321","SelectClear") ControlListView("classname=WorkerW","FolderView","SysListView321","Select",$CLVItem) $CLVItem = ControlListView("classname=WorkerW","FolderView","SysListView321","FindItem","wAIKX86.msi") ControlListView("classname=WorkerW","FolderView","SysListView321","SelectClear") ControlListView("classname=WorkerW","FolderView","SysListView321","Select",$CLVItem) WinWait("Windows Automated Installation Kit","MsiHorizontalLine") ControlClick("Windows Automated Installation Kit","MsiHorizontalLine","Button1") WinWait("Windows Automated Installation Kit","MsiRadioButtonGroup") ControlClick("Windows Automated Installation Kit","MsiRadioButtonGroup","Button3") ControlClick("Windows Automated Installation Kit","MsiRadioButtonGroup","Button6") WinWait("Windows Automated Installation Kit","&Disk Cost...") ControlClick("Windows Automated Installation Kit","&Disk Cost...","Button1") WinWait("Windows Automated Installation Kit","MsiHorizontalLine") ControlClick("Windows Automated Installation Kit","MsiHorizontalLine","Button1") ControlClick("Windows Automated Installation Kit","MsiHorizontalLine","Button1") Else _Abort() EndIf ProcessWaitClose($pid) ; Remove shortcuts. If _MainShortcut('?.lnk') Then ; Relative to shortcut directories ; Remove Startmenu shortcuts FileDelete('?.lnk') FileDelete('?.lnk') FileDelete('?.lnk') FileDelete('?.lnk') FileDelete('?.lnk') ; Remove other shortcuts _Desktop('?.lnk') _QuickLaunch('?.lnk') EndIf #endregion Exit #cs - Exitcodes 1 = _Install(): Installer not found 2 = _Abort(): Installer process closed and then Abort 3 = _Abort(): Abort only -1 = _ProcessBlock(): Blocked processes not unblocked #ce Func _Install($path = 'Default') ; Run the installer in Default Script directory. Dim $splash, $processblock If $path = 'Default' Then $path = @ScriptDir If StringRight($path, 1) <> '\' Then $path = $path & '\' If StringInStr($executable, '\') Then $path = '' If Not FileExists($path & $executable) Then Exit 1 If $processblock <> '' Then Call('_' & 'ProcessBlock') If $splash Then _Splash('Installing:' & StringTrimRight(StringReplace(@ScriptName, '_', ' '), 4)) If StringRight($executable, 3) = 'msi' Then Return Run(@SystemDir & '\msiexec /i "' & $path & $executable & '"') Else Return Run($path & $executable) EndIf EndFunc Func _Abort() ; close process if exists then exit. Dim $pid If ProcessExists($pid) Then ProcessClose($pid) Exit 2 Else Exit 3 EndIf EndFunc Func _Desktop($shortcut) ; Delete a Desktop shortcut. If FileExists(@DesktopDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileDelete(@DesktopDir & '\' & $shortcut) ElseIf FileExists(@DesktopCommonDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileDelete(@DesktopCommonDir & '\' & $shortcut) EndIf EndFunc Func _MainShortcut($shortcut, $rename = '') ; Change working directory to correct StartMenu\Group directory. Dim $group, $catagory, $splash If $group = '' Then Return 0 If FileExists(@ProgramsDir & '\' & $group) Then FileChangeDir(@ProgramsDir & '\' & $group) ElseIf FileExists(@ProgramsCommonDir & '\' & $group) Then FileChangeDir(@ProgramsCommonDir & '\' & $group) Else Return 0 EndIf ; Wait for main shortcut. If $splash Then _Splash('Waiting for shortcuts') For $i = 1 To 20 If FileExists($shortcut) Then ExitLoop Sleep(500) Next If $splash Then _Splash('Cleaning up:' & StringTrimRight(StringReplace(@ScriptName, '_', ' '), 4)) ; If catagory not assigned anything, then return. If $catagory = '' Then Return 1 ; Move the group folder into the catagory folder. If FileChangeDir('..') And DirCopy($group, $catagory & '\' & $group, 1) Then If DirRemove($group, 1) Then ; If optional rename parameter is used, then rename the group folder. If $rename <> '' And FileChangeDir($catagory) Then If DirCopy($group, $rename, 1) And DirRemove($group, 1) Then Return FileChangeDir($rename) EndIf Else Return FileChangeDir($catagory & '\' & $group) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _QuickLaunch($shortcut) ; Delete a Quicklaunch shortcut. Local $subdirs = 'Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch' If FileExists(@AppDataDir & '\' & $subdirs & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileDelete(@AppDataDir & '\' & $subdirs & '\' & $shortcut) ElseIf FileExists(@AppDataCommonDir & '\' & $subdirs & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileDelete(@AppDataCommonDir & '\' & $subdirs & '\' & $shortcut) EndIf EndFunc Func _Splash($text = '') ; Shows a small borderless splash message. Dim $splash If $splash Then If $text Then SplashTextOn('', $text, 500, 25, -1, 5, 1, '', 14) Else SplashOff() EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _WinClose($title, $text = '') ; Close a window with further attempts. For $i = 1 To 10 WinClose($title, $text) If Not WinExists($title) Then Return 1 Sleep(500) Next EndFunc Func OnAutoItStart() ; A 2nd script instance will exit. If StringInStr($CMDLINERAW, '/dummy') Then Exit If WinExists(@ScriptName & '_Interpreter') Then Exit AutoItWinSetTitle(@ScriptName & '_Interpreter') EndFunc thanks in advance guys.....
  6. Any help here guys? please... i'm sure some one knows...
  7. so it wasn't only me... ya i knew about aero but i didn't want to overwrite the original theme... i thought there was another way... What about a registry entry?? where the theme path is kept in the registry?
  8. good effort but this guide isn't right. you forgot two important .dll.mui files, and if you remove the superfetch your booting time increase.. also what about Welcome Center?? why are you saying that cannot be removed?
  9. thanks for your reply again. i'm using that code in the oobe system step, because this was working under vista. <settings pass="oobeSystem"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <OOBE> <HideEULAPage>true</HideEULAPage> <ProtectYourPC>3</ProtectYourPC> <SkipMachineOOBE>true</SkipMachineOOBE> <SkipUserOOBE>true</SkipUserOOBE> </OOBE> <OEMInformation> <Manufacturer>Neuropass</Manufacturer> <Logo>C:\WINDOWS\system32\oemlogo.bmp</Logo> <SupportURL>xxxxxxxx/</SupportURL> </OEMInformation> <Themes> <DefaultThemesOff>false</DefaultThemesOff> <CustomDefaultThemeFile>C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\xxxxxxxxx.theme</CustomDefaultThemeFile> </Themes> </component> </settings> </unattend>
  10. hello guys, i'm trying to understand how to have a custom windows pane dimension through a reg entry.. I managed to have the preview pane disabled or with another dimension but i can't understand how to have a windows in a certain dimension... this is the example for the preview: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Modules\GlobalSettings\Sizer] "PageSpaceControlSizer"=hex:d0,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 "PreviewPaneSizer"=hex:5e,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,31,02,00,00 Any clue guys?
  11. hello thanks for the reply... apparently the same code that was working under vista does not work on 7... this is the part of the working code: <Themes> <DefaultThemesOff>false</DefaultThemesOff> <CustomDefaultThemeFile>C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\7nvidiaEvolution.theme</CustomDefaultThemeFile> </Themes>
  12. Hello guys. Does anybody know the right code to set your custom theme by default with WAIK? the same code that i was use to use with vista does not work for 7... ANy suggestion? thanks..
  13. sorry i didn't explain my self.. i ran it from a bat file with administrative privileges. and everything went fine, no error whatsoever. but the system restore was still on.. i managed to find a vbs script though. and it doeas the job... thanks a lot for your help i really appreciate it.
  14. thanks a lot for your reply but it doesn't work..
  15. hello guys, i'm trying to disable the system restore with a bat file.. Does anybody know how to do it..? thx in advance..
  16. is it possible to have a custon name instead of the original windows names??? and what about the autounattended file?? How can you make those version to use it's own xml files once selected?? Please help guys, don't abandon this post!!
  17. is it possible to have a custon name instead of the original windows names??? what happened here anyway?? no one is interested in this?
  18. Your method does not work, because activation status is stored not only in registry but in files "PowerDVD8.sim" and "CLAud.sim". You should replace original files with the activated ones. Otherwise, you will be asked to activate the program at the first start. PS: Sorry for my poor english;) thanks for pointing that out... it works... and i'm using the version 9 of power dvd... good work guys.. :thumbup
  19. i know dude... sometimes the solution it's so easy that you don't even think about it... i just used winrar!!! So guys , anybody tried this????
  20. c'mon guys!!! 32 views and after i made this script , no body wants to try it and fix it??????????????????????????????
  21. ok guys seen as nobody wants to make firewall unattended i started to work on it with auto it.. so here the step, i extracted the comodo setup from its first archive, so, after that i made the autoit script, which is perfect... except for the last two step of the installation... where it asks to scan the system and then the one after that where it asks to restart the pc.. so my script stops there.. could please anybody take a look of it now??? finally it's almost done please!!!!!! #region - CIS_Setup_3.8.65951.477_XP_Vista_x32 install script - (Automated with WinWait functions) Opt('TrayIconDebug', 1) Opt('WinDetectHiddenText', 1) Opt('WinTitleMatchMode', 4) ; Installer. $executable = 'CIS_Setup_3.8.65951.477_XP_Vista_x32.exe' ; Show progess. $splash = 0 ; Default catagory folder in startmenu. $group = '' ; New catagory to move the default folder into. $catagory = '' ; Installation folder in Program Files. $directory = '' ; Run the installer. $pid = _Install() If WinWait("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\New Folder","Navigation Bar", 60) Then $CLVItem = ControlListView("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\New Folder","Navigation Bar","SysListView321","FindItem","CIS_Setup_3.8.65951.477_XP_Vista_x32.exe") ControlListView("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\New Folder","Navigation Bar","SysListView321","SelectClear") ControlListView("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\New Folder","Navigation Bar","SysListView321","Select",$CLVItem) $CLVItem = ControlListView("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\New Folder","Navigation Bar","SysListView321","FindItem","CIS_Setup_3.8.65951.477_XP_Vista_x32.exe") ControlListView("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\New Folder","Navigation Bar","SysListView321","SelectClear") ControlListView("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\New Folder","Navigation Bar","SysListView321","Select",$CLVItem) WinWait("COMODO Internet Security Installer","< Back") ;AutoIt supports no Owner drawn Buttons (or CheckBoxes, RadioButtons and Groupboxes: only ControlClick is possible... ControlClick("COMODO Internet Security Installer","< Back","Button2") WinWait("COMODO Internet Security Installer","I DECLINE") ;AutoIt supports no Owner drawn Buttons (or CheckBoxes, RadioButtons and Groupboxes: only ControlClick is possible... ControlClick("COMODO Internet Security Installer","I DECLINE","Button2") WinWait("COMODO Internet Security Installer","< Back") ;AutoIt supports no Owner drawn Buttons (or CheckBoxes, RadioButtons and Groupboxes: only ControlClick is possible... ControlClick("COMODO Internet Security Installer","< Back","Button2") WinWait("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","The installation may cause you") ControlClick("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","The installation may cause you","Button2") WinWait("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","Select this option to install ") ControlCommand("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","Select this option to install ","Button2","UnCheck","") ControlClick("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","Select this option to install ","Button4") WinWait("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","This option provides optimal n") ControlClick("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","This option provides optimal n","Button7") WinWait("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","Choose this option if you woul") ControlClick("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","Choose this option if you woul","Button2") ControlClick("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","Choose this option if you woul","Button9") WinWait("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","Save time by searching smarter") ControlClick("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","Save time by searching smarter","#327701") ControlCommand("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","Save time by searching smarter","Button2","UnCheck","") ControlCommand("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","Save time by searching smarter","Button1","UnCheck","") ControlClick("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","Save time by searching smarter","Button12") WinWait("Windows Security","") ControlClick("Windows Security","","DirectUIHWND1") ControlClick("Windows Security","","Button1") WinWait("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","Optional: Please provide us wi") ControlClick("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","Optional: Please provide us wi","Button14") WinWait("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","Please wait while your free li") ControlClick("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","Please wait while your free li","#327701") ControlClick("COMODO Internet Security Configuration Wizard","Please wait while your free li","Button15") WinWait("Clean PC?","Are you sure that this compute") ControlClick("Clean PC?","Are you sure that this compute","Static1") WinWait("COMODO Internet Security Installer","< Back") ControlClick("COMODO Internet Security Installer","< Back","Button4") ;AutoIt supports no Owner drawn Buttons (or CheckBoxes, RadioButtons and Groupboxes: only ControlClick is possible... ControlClick("COMODO Internet Security Installer","< Back","Button3") Else _Abort() EndIf ProcessWaitClose($pid) ; Remove shortcuts. If _MainShortcut('?.lnk') Then ; Relative to shortcut directories ; Remove Startmenu shortcuts FileDelete('?.lnk') FileDelete('?.lnk') FileDelete('?.lnk') FileDelete('?.lnk') FileDelete('?.lnk') ; Remove other shortcuts _Desktop('?.lnk') _QuickLaunch('?.lnk') EndIf #endregion Exit #cs - Exitcodes 1 = _Install(): Installer not found 2 = _Abort(): Installer process closed and then Abort 3 = _Abort(): Abort only -1 = _ProcessBlock(): Blocked processes not unblocked #ce Func _Install($path = 'Default') ; Run the installer in Default Script directory. Dim $splash, $processblock If $path = 'Default' Then $path = @ScriptDir If StringRight($path, 1) <> '\' Then $path = $path & '\' If StringInStr($executable, '\') Then $path = '' If Not FileExists($path & $executable) Then Exit 1 If $processblock <> '' Then Call('_' & 'ProcessBlock') If $splash Then _Splash('Installing:' & StringTrimRight(StringReplace(@ScriptName, '_', ' '), 4)) If StringRight($executable, 3) = 'msi' Then Return Run(@SystemDir & '\msiexec /i "' & $path & $executable & '"') Else Return Run($path & $executable) EndIf EndFunc Func _Abort() ; close process if exists then exit. Dim $pid If ProcessExists($pid) Then ProcessClose($pid) Exit 2 Else Exit 3 EndIf EndFunc Func _Desktop($shortcut) ; Delete a Desktop shortcut. If FileExists(@DesktopDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileDelete(@DesktopDir & '\' & $shortcut) ElseIf FileExists(@DesktopCommonDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileDelete(@DesktopCommonDir & '\' & $shortcut) EndIf EndFunc Func _MainShortcut($shortcut, $rename = '') ; Change working directory to correct StartMenu\Group directory. Dim $group, $catagory, $splash If $group = '' Then Return 0 If FileExists(@ProgramsDir & '\' & $group) Then FileChangeDir(@ProgramsDir & '\' & $group) ElseIf FileExists(@ProgramsCommonDir & '\' & $group) Then FileChangeDir(@ProgramsCommonDir & '\' & $group) Else Return 0 EndIf ; Wait for main shortcut. If $splash Then _Splash('Waiting for shortcuts') For $i = 1 To 20 If FileExists($shortcut) Then ExitLoop Sleep(500) Next If $splash Then _Splash('Cleaning up:' & StringTrimRight(StringReplace(@ScriptName, '_', ' '), 4)) ; If catagory not assigned anything, then return. If $catagory = '' Then Return 1 ; Move the group folder into the catagory folder. If FileChangeDir('..') And DirCopy($group, $catagory & '\' & $group, 1) Then If DirRemove($group, 1) Then ; If optional rename parameter is used, then rename the group folder. If $rename <> '' And FileChangeDir($catagory) Then If DirCopy($group, $rename, 1) And DirRemove($group, 1) Then Return FileChangeDir($rename) EndIf Else Return FileChangeDir($catagory & '\' & $group) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _QuickLaunch($shortcut) ; Delete a Quicklaunch shortcut. Local $subdirs = 'Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch' If FileExists(@AppDataDir & '\' & $subdirs & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileDelete(@AppDataDir & '\' & $subdirs & '\' & $shortcut) ElseIf FileExists(@AppDataCommonDir & '\' & $subdirs & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileDelete(@AppDataCommonDir & '\' & $subdirs & '\' & $shortcut) EndIf EndFunc Func _Splash($text = '') ; Shows a small borderless splash message. Dim $splash If $splash Then If $text Then SplashTextOn('', $text, 500, 25, -1, 5, 1, '', 14) Else SplashOff() EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _WinClose($title, $text = '') ; Close a window with further attempts. For $i = 1 To 10 WinClose($title, $text) If Not WinExists($title) Then Return 1 Sleep(500) Next EndFunc Func OnAutoItStart() ; A 2nd script instance will exit. If StringInStr($CMDLINERAW, '/dummy') Then Exit If WinExists(@ScriptName & '_Interpreter') Then Exit AutoItWinSetTitle(@ScriptName & '_Interpreter') EndFunc
  22. ok now i see, cool... it's just because i was use to use the exe standalone with my silent collection...
  23. cool, but it's not silent anymore... when you click on the exe, it prompt the license stuff...
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