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Everything posted by bfc_xxx

  1. problem not solved. Today I'll try reinstall service pack+autopatcher
  2. Also there is Shavlik HFNetChk.exe™ 3.86 utility that is doing the same job!
  3. ok thank you but it seems that bigfix doesn't find for my pc that anything is missing. maybe everything is up to date!! thank you
  4. Yes Windows XP service pack 2. Is there any other program to check the new updates like windows update page, so I can do the same thing without internet explorer?
  5. security settings are on medium level but no go!
  6. when i try to update windows from the microsoft update page i get this error in internet explorer: Line:72 Char:3 Error:Automation Server Can't create object Code:0 Url: http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/ I tried everything but I can't fix it.
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