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Everything posted by blackwingcat

  1. On my environment regsvr32 propsys.dll work without problem. Do you have xmllite ? He removed sxs.dll and changed advapi32.dll, kernel32.dll, ntdll.dll and user32.dll. Maybe there was some conflict? By the way, regsvr32 propsys.dll 6.0.6001.18000 doesn't work...
  2. Did you use most recent dns Client ? dnsrslvr.dll 5.0.2195.7280 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/957579
  3. Hi. I fixed on v2.2b. But I'm sorry , I have tested chrome only 21.0.1180.89 yet. Plz try it.
  4. On my environment seems SRWare Iron works fine. What version do you use the Chrome ? The address bounds strongly with chrome.dll version, so there is no meaning without dll version.
  5. It's benchmark with RocketU + ADATA N005 Etron drievr seems no problem for export functions Windows 2000, Did you try it? Nice one How about Etron... I wish I had Asmedia here.
  6. Hi, The error occurs on GetThreadPreferredUILanguages What your PC default LCID ? Do you use not 0x409 (en-US) ?
  7. You can download here always. It's most recent information page.
  8. Extended kernel v2.2 is released. (English and Japanese) The applications which complied with /MT or /Mtd option by VC++2012 work on Windows 2000 ! You can download sample application from here
  9. My new USB 3.0 board works on Windows 2000. Detail
  10. Another way. Seach older kernel32.dll and kernelxp.dll with Windows Explorer from your drive. Next version exntended Kenel will make work the applications which are compiled with Visual Studio 2012 (with /MT /Mtd option). But it is difficult that you run Vista MSPaint and etc.
  11. Hi. I have already replied it. Did you find the dlls ? If you could't find try to use dependency walker.
  12. I think Terminal Service also related with DCOM Server Process Launcher. Are there any idea ?
  13. Sorry, win32k.sys file was broken. I replaced it.
  14. I released .Net framework 4.0 for Windows 2000 with Extended Kernel Beta 2. It requires most recent Extended kernel. Some applications work fine.
  15. The crash reason is the ImageList structure of windows 2000 is different from XP's. You can run it with the follwoing way. * download Windows XP MS12-048: * extract WindowsXP-KB2691442-x86-XXX.exe /x * copy shell32.dll to %ProgramFiles%\FreeFileSync\Bin
  16. Sorry, priority of this request is Low bacause I know the System Restore requires Volume Shadow Copy Service.
  17. Hi. Are there old kernel32 or kernelxp with msvcrt.dll in office or assembly path? If you can't see assembly path, execute following command in cmd.exe cd %systemroot%\assembly attrib -h -s -r desktop.ini delete desktop.ini
  18. Hi. If you installed Office 2010 SP1. PLz change binary by the following %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\setup.exe 14.0.6010.1000 00033fbc: 85C0752BFF15 -> 85C0EB2BFF15 %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\Osetup.DLL 14.0.6015.1000 001CD8D9: FF159C11001085C00F95C0 -> FF159C11001085C06A0158 001E29AE: FF159C11001085C075 ->FF159C11001085C0EB 001E2A61: FF159C11001085C075 ->FF159C11001085C0EB 001E307A: FF159C11001085C075 ->FF159C11001085C0EB
  19. Hi. What does it mean "Extracting it and then trying to install doesn't work, at least for me" ?
  20. Hi. On my environment It(v3.1.1) seems to work. Did you install XML6 ?
  21. I released AMD Raid v12.8 for Windows 2000 yesterday . But I think you can use XP driver if you use kernel core v10 for En-us version
  22. Pzl tell me correct error message. MM26 requires gdiplus/DX9/WMP9 or 10
  23. Umm.... On my environment seems not have any problem. How about Windows2000-KB971913-x86-INTL.exe ?
  24. I find wlcomm.exe boot from DCOM Launcher Service. But Windows 2000 does not have DCOM Launch Service. How can We launch wlcomm.exe on Windows 2000 ?
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