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Everything posted by [deXter]

  1. rehbar, Hi***s Boot CD is purely ILLEGAL, so please don't mention it again in these forums. Anyways, you should be googling for "BartPE" or "WinPE" or "Windows XP Live".
  2. On the contrary, I think it might just be the thing that the topic starter might need. I seriously doubt if its possible to change the volume step level through registry settings without using a thirdparty program/driver. And I do often have to use the fine tuning control, as my speakers don't have volume controls and my soundcard has a builtin amp so by default I have a high volume output, so I keep my master volume at the lowest level possible. But sometimes while playing music, even this level is high so I resort to use the finetuning. And its not like finetuning needs any significant resources Anyways, lets stop speculating what the thread starter needs and allow him/her to decide on their own, shall we?
  3. I use this AutoHotkey script to manage volume control on my HID Multimedia keyboard. Download AutoHotkey (1.7 MB) and install it. Copy-paste the following into notepad and save as volume.ahk You can now double-click or run .ahk files directly. When you do that you'll see an icon in your system tray to indicate that your script is running. ; Volume On-Screen-Display (OSD) -- by Rajat ; http://www.autohotkey.com ; This script assigns hotkeys of your choice to raise and lower the ; master and/or wave volume. Both volumes are displayed as different ; color bar graphs. ;_______User Settings_____________________________ ; Make customisation only in this area or hotkey area only!! ; The percentage by which to raise or lower the volume each time: vol_Step = 4 ; How long to display the volume level bar graphs: vol_DisplayTime = 2000 ; Master Volume Bar color (see the help file to use more ; precise shades): vol_CBM = Red ; Wave Volume Bar color vol_CBW = Blue ; Background color vol_CW = Silver ; Bar's screen position. Use -1 to center the bar in that dimension: vol_PosX = -1 vol_PosY = -1 vol_Width = 150 vol_Thick = 12 ; Configure the hotkeys used to control Master and Wave volumes ; Default keys for master are the Volume multimedia keys ; Default keys for wave are Ctrl + Volume multimeda keys HotKey, Volume_Up, vol_MasterUp HotKey, Volume_Down, vol_MasterDown HotKey, ^Volume_Up, vol_WaveUp ;Ctrl+Volume Up HotKey, ^Volume_Down, vol_WaveDown ;Ctrl+Volume Down ;_____Auto Execute Section__________________ ; DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING HERE (unless you know what you're doing). vol_BarOptionsMaster = 1:B ZH%vol_Thick% ZX0 ZY0 W%vol_Width% CB%vol_CBM% CW%vol_CW% vol_BarOptionsWave = 2:B ZH%vol_Thick% ZX0 ZY0 W%vol_Width% CB%vol_CBW% CW%vol_CW% ; If the X position has been specified, add it to the options. ; Otherwise, omit it to center the bar horizontally: if vol_PosX >= 0 { vol_BarOptionsMaster = %vol_BarOptionsMaster% X%vol_PosX% vol_BarOptionsWave = %vol_BarOptionsWave% X%vol_PosX% } ; If the Y position has been specified, add it to the options. ; Otherwise, omit it to have it calculated later: if vol_PosY >= 0 { vol_BarOptionsMaster = %vol_BarOptionsMaster% Y%vol_PosY% vol_PosY_wave = %vol_PosY% vol_PosY_wave += %vol_Thick% vol_BarOptionsWave = %vol_BarOptionsWave% Y%vol_PosY_wave% } #NoEnv #SingleInstance SetBatchLines, 10ms Return ;___________________________________________ vol_WaveUp: SoundSet, +%vol_Step%, Wave Gosub, vol_ShowBars return vol_WaveDown: SoundSet, -%vol_Step%, Wave Gosub, vol_ShowBars return vol_MasterUp: SoundSet, +%vol_Step% Gosub, vol_ShowBars return vol_MasterDown: SoundSet, -%vol_Step% Gosub, vol_ShowBars return vol_ShowBars: ; To prevent the "flashing" effect, only create the bar window if it ; doesn't already exist: IfWinNotExist, vol_Wave Progress, %vol_BarOptionsWave%, , , vol_Wave IfWinNotExist, vol_Master { ; Calculate position here in case screen resolution changes while ; the script is running: if vol_PosY < 0 { ; Create the Wave bar just above the Master bar: WinGetPos, , vol_Wave_Posy, , , vol_Wave vol_Wave_Posy -= %vol_Thick% Progress, %vol_BarOptionsMaster% Y%vol_Wave_Posy%, , , vol_Master } else Progress, %vol_BarOptionsMaster%, , , vol_Master } ; Get both volumes in case the user or an external program changed them: SoundGet, vol_Master, Master SoundGet, vol_Wave, Wave Progress, 1:%vol_Master% Progress, 2:%vol_Wave% SetTimer, vol_BarOff, %vol_DisplayTime% return vol_BarOff: SetTimer, vol_BarOff, off Progress, 1:Off Progress, 2:Off It's a pretty awesome script. I mean not only can you customize the step level, but by allowing you to change the master as well as the wave volume (Ctrl+Volume), you can exactly finetune your volume.
  4. From my personal experiences, no. You wouldn't even be able to boot, I think. You can, however, install a WinPE based XP onto the drive, by using a program such as BartPE. The procedure is the same as they way you'd make a bootable USB WinPE (or BartPE) drive. You'd need to however, do this from some other drive (As you won't be able to modify the same drive you booted from). Google for BartPE USB or XP Live USB Of course, the caveat is that what you'll be getting in the end isn't the same as a full fledged XP system, but most common programs will work on it. If you wan't more compatibility, you can use the files from WinPE Vista. IMHO Vista's WinPE is freely available for download. I'm not sure though about the legal issues on using Vista's WinPE with XP's WinPE, so you might want to check that out first.
  5. I recommend getting the Omega Drivers for ATI. http://www.ngohq.com/home.php?page=Files&a...&dwn_id=295 Note that Catalyst 6.6 and above don't support the 9200 series thats why I gave you an older link (Catalyst 6.5 / Omega 3.8.252)
  6. I just remembered that from Win2k onwards, you can do this to directly get user input in a batch file: SET /P Input=Enter i386 path: Simple, aint it?
  7. I wrote a standalone batch for accepting user input. Its sorta a hackjob done using debug and VBS, but implemented using a single bat file Just copy paste the stuff at the point where you need user input. @echo off echo N input.vbs> input.scr echo E100 77 73 63 72 69 70 74 2E 65 63 68 6F 20 22 73 65>> input.scr echo E110 74 20 49 6E 70 75 74 3D 22 26 20 77 73 63 72 69>> input.scr echo E120 70 74 2E 73 74 64 69 6E 2E 72 65 61 64 6C 69 6E>> input.scr echo E130 65 0D 0A>> input.scr echo RCX>> input.scr echo 33>> input.scr echo W>> input.scr echo Q>> input.scr echo >> input.scr debug < input.scr > nul echo Please type the path to your i386 folder: for /f "delims=" %%i in ('cscript //nologo input.vbs') do %%i echo You choose %Input% as your i386 folder. del input.scr del input.vbs As you can see from the above bat, %Input% contains the user inputted text. Use this variable as many times as you like in the script.
  8. Because you asked for it, here's how the bat file works: (I'm posting it here as it maybe useful for others too) Firstly, this whole file depends on the boot.ini trick. Its something I discovered at Sysinternals, so do have a look there for other lesser-known boot.ini switches. Secondly, this could have also been done by using the command bootcfg which allows one to query and write the boot.ini values such as the deafult OS, the default switches, etc. You could use bootcfg in the command shell as follows: :: This saves the switches to a file called "options" bootcfg | find "OS Load Options" > options :: The variable %k will contain safeboot if the boot.ini has been set to safemode for /f "tokens=2,3* delims== " %i IN (options) do @echo %k :: The variable %j contains switches other than /safeboot for /f "tokens=4,5 delims= " %i in (options) do @echo %i %j Type bootcfg /? at the command promt for more info. Thirdly, you don't have to do it by bat. Windows also supports a better form of scripting called WSH, which some might find it simpler. (It's definately more powerful though). However, if you're still interested in Batch file programming, have a look at this Interactive Batch Course. Plus, you can always have a look at the (very detailed) help for these commands by typing them at the command prompt followed by a /?. For eg, to know how For works, type For /?. However, there are some undocumented tricks you won't find at these sites or the help files. Tricks like using echo>> filename text as opposed to echo text >> filename and using :: for comments instead of REM.. the list is endless. For more of such undocumented tricks, I suggest having a look at Mr. Tom Lavedas's work.
  9. Did you try going thru the options in A-patch or Mess patch? I remember seeing an option to remove the adverts. Why would you want to delay them instead?
  10. Whoops, typo! Edit the file, please download it again
  11. @Echo Off :: StartInSafeMode.bat - by [deXter] :: Sets Windows XP to boot in Safe Mode / Normal Mode Echo. Find "default=" C:\boot.ini > default For /f "skip=2 tokens=2,3* delims== " %%i IN (default) DO @set default=%%i For /F "tokens=5,6* skip=4 delims=: " %%i IN (C:\boot.ini) DO @set mode=%%k If "%mode%" == "/safeboot:minimal" ( Echo Safe mode detected. Goto setnormalmode ) Else ( Echo Normal mode detected. Goto setsafemode ) Goto end :setsafemode attrib C:\boot.ini -s -r -h echo> C:\boot.ini [boot loader] echo>> C:\boot.ini timeout=30 echo>> C:\boot.ini default=%default% echo>> C:\boot.ini [operating systems] echo>> C:\boot.ini %default%="Windows XP Safe Mode" /noexecute=alwaysoff /fastdetect /safeboot:minimal Echo. Your PC is now set to start in Safe Mode. attrib C:\boot.ini +h +r +s Goto end :setnormalmode attrib C:\boot.ini -s -r -h echo> C:\boot.ini [boot loader] echo>> C:\boot.ini timeout=30 echo>> C:\boot.ini default=%default% echo>> C:\boot.ini [operating systems] echo>> C:\boot.ini %default%="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=alwaysoff /fastdetect Echo. Your PC is now set to start normally. attrib C:\boot.ini +h +r +s Goto end :end Del default Set mode= Set default= Echo. Echo. Press [X] to close this window. Pause > nul Exit Copy paste in notepad, save as something.bat If you want it on your start menu, create a shortcut to it and Pin it up! This single bat file will toggle between safemode and normal mode. If you want it to reboot your PC automatically too, add a Shutdown -r at the end, before the exit.
  12. Ah, I get it now. The new version of AutoHotkey had changed some things. I've downloaded and installed the new one myself and got the same error you were getting. So I updated the script. It should definately work now. (Don't forget to change the WindowName!) ethan.rar
  13. Erm, I think you messed it up. I'm attaching the full and proper script. Also, just confirm the exact title of your msn messenger by opening it and checking with Window Spy (Au3_spy). Its located in the autohotkey program group. ethan.rar
  14. Hmm, try replacing the above code with this: WinGetPos, X, Y, Width Y = %Y% + 50 X = %X% + Width - 160 if (X <> %PrevX%) and (Y <> %PrevY%) { Gui, Show, w36 h12 x%X% y%Y% NoActivate PrevX = %X% PrevY = %Y% }
  15. oh, just delete all the text after the ";" including the ";" Basically semicolons are comments and you can delete them. ethan.bmp has to be located in the same folder as where the script is saved.
  16. @ LLXX: Thats not possible, as in this case, Windows Live Messenger uses bitmaps for showing that; its not even a real titlebar. So there's no strings involved either. Also, the bitmap for it isn't located under the standard resource section. @ethan: Firstly, add #NoTrayIcon at the top of the script to prevent a tray icon from being shown. Btw, all this is documented in a very easy to read help file, so do have a look at it in your free time. About Messenger, A-patch and Mess patcher for MSN have the option of turning of the "Windows Live Messenger" logo on the top; you could patch a copy of msn with just that particular patch and compare it with the original MSN. Then you'll know where exactly is that bitmap located and you could the use a standard image editor after extracting the resource. An easier solution however, is still possible with AHK: ; Non-Intrusive Program Brander - by [deXter] ;-----Set the exact window title here------- WindowName = Windows Live Messenger 8.1 BETA ;-----for loading the logo------------------ Gui, Add, Picture, x0 y0, ethan.bmp DetectHiddenWindows on WinWait, %A_ScriptName% WinSet, TransColor, FF00FF WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On DetectHiddenWindows off Gui, +ToolWindow -Caption;-E0x40000 ;-----wait for window to exist and show hide ;-----logo and move location as necessary--- Loop { IfWinEXist, %WindowName% { WinGet, WinState, MinMax, %WindowName% If WinState <> -1 { IfWinActive, %WindowName% { WinGetPos, X, Y, Width;-------------------------------------- Y := Y + 50 ;vertical (Y) and horizontal (X) cords X := X + Width - 160 ;for logo. adjust if necessary if (X <> %PrevX%) and (Y <> %PrevY%) { Gui, Show, w36 h12 x%X% y%Y% NoActivate PrevX := X PrevY := Y } } else Gui, Hide } else Gui, Hide } else Gui, Hide Sleep, 100 } This method is the least intrusive (and very compatible) way of branding a program, which involves absolutely NO modification of the original program or memory! Basically, what I'm doing here is creating an overlay and displaying it on top of the window. The overlay hides/shows and moves along with the target window so it appears as if the program itself has been modified. It's pretty simple really. I created ethan.bmp as an example here. It uses standard pink (FF00FF) as the transparent color. ethan.bmp is loaded and a window is created. This window will be displayed on top of your apps as and when needed, without interfering with the app itself. You may edit this bitmap or put another one in its place, and hece you can even use some nice effects and stuff and not be limited by the plain ol titlebar. Here's how this looks on WLM: ethan.bmp
  17. Well you can add a safe mode option to your boot menu so you can get into the safe mode without pressing F8. Press Windows + R to open the Run command. Type attrib C:\boot.ini -s -h -r Press Enter. Press Windows + R again Type notepad C:\boot.ini Press Enter. Now copy paste the last line to a new line and the end of the last line, add /SAFEBOOT:minimal Also change "Microsoft Windows XP Professional" to something like "XP Safemode" so that you can distinguish between the two choices. Change the timeout= to the amount of time you want the boot menu to be displayed (default is 30 seconds). Now when you boot your comp, you'll automatically get two choices, normal and safemode. It'll boot into normal mode by default. For eg, here's how my boot.ini would look like (may be different from yours so do not copy paste from this) [boot loader] timeout=5 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=alwaysoff /fastdetect multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="XP Safemode" /noexecute=alwaysoff /fastdetect /safeboot:minimal Now although this isn't exactly what you wanted, it does the trick. Now if you wanted it on your start menu though, I could write an elaborate .bat file to do it. And it would still qualify under your non-thidparty software requirement.
  18. Firstly, there's no need to use cmd.exe. You should specify the direct path to the program. If the path contains spaces, you should enclose it in double quotes. Also, since most often than not %1 will also contain spaces so you must enclose that too in double quotes. For eg: "C:\Program Files\flac\flac.exe" -s -V --best "%1" And if for some reason you need to run something thru cmd.exe, don't point it to cmd.exe directly, instead point it to a batch file: "C:\Some Path\mybatch.cmd" "%1" mybatch.cmd can then contain simple stuff like: myprogram.exe -my -parameters %1% And just to confirm, this is the proper registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\name in your context menu\command replace exefile with the desired file extension you want your context menu command to be associated with. For eg, to make it appear for AVI files, replace exefile by AVIfile, and so on. Of course, make sure that the extension is registered in the first place under \Classes. For more clarity, have a look at some of your existing shell extensions like for eg for AVI or EXE files.
  19. A better option would be to use a scripting program like AutoHotkey to actively change the title of any window or component you wish. Doing it this way has multiple advantages: - You don't have to manually edit every exe - Changing a title requires just 2 new lines for each program - No risks involved Here's a sample code to change some titles Loop { If WinExist, Windows Live Messenger 8.1 BETA WinSetTitle, Windows Live Messenger 8.1 BETA - Ethan McFenton If WinExist, Notepad WinSetTitle, Notepad - Ethan McFenton Sleep, 100 } Save it as something.ahk and set it to run when windows starts up. You can download AutoHotkey from http://www.autohotkey.com/
  20. - HD wear/tear isn't a problem nowadays. With large amounts of RAM that we have these days, windows dedicates a good amount for the disk cache to reduce the number of IO R/W cycles, meaning which the more RAM you got, the less wear and tear on your drive. Besides, almost evey internet program has an option where you can specify how much RAM cache to use. Just buy more main memory and allocate more cache in your programs. In Windows, you can explicitly increase the disk cache by heading over to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]. Create a dword called IoPageLockLimit and set it to any value (in powers of 2) of your choice. Sample values are 00001000 (4096 KB), 00002000 (8192 KB), etc. For systems above 512 MB, a value of 00020000 (131072 KB) or above is recommended. - As for drives overheating, why don't you try some HDD Coolers? They're pretty cheap and they work well. I live in a hot area and all I did was hang an 80mm fan in front of my RAID array and it does the job too. - If your problem is that the comp cannot boot on drives having 8+ Gigs, make a larger drive your primary slave, and do *not* set it in the BIOS. In the BIOS, set your primary slave to none or not installed (don't set it on auto either). The beauty of this is that XP will be able to automatically detect and use the drive, as XP doesn't depend on the BIOS settings to detect drives. However it'd be better if you got an seperate drive controller PCI card.
  21. This problem has been reported by a few users who updated to IE7. Same symptoms, same errors. Microsoft hasn't documented it and there's no real solution for it either. The only feasible solution I can think of (other than uninstalling IE7) is to prepare a bootable XP-SP2 cd with IE7 slipstreamed into it. You'll need to have the original XP source files (usually provided on a CD or in a i386 folder in your C:\ drive) and the IE 7 setup file (IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe). Use nLite to integrate IE7 and prepare your bootable XP CD. (Re)install XP from it (A format/clean install is recommended).
  22. Why use third party programs when Windows has the functionality built in? Fire up Regedit. (Start-menu -> Run -> regedit) Head over to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager In the right pane, right click and create a new Multi-string value and name it PendingFileRenameOperations Edit it and type \??\C:\full path of the file u want to delete\filename.ext For eg, if I want to delete one tpgtrypr.dll in my system32 folder, I'd type: \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\tpgtrypr.dll (followed by an enter) Save it and reboot your computer. The file will be delted on reboot. You can also delete multiple files this way by typing it on a new line.
  23. Open Regedit. Head over to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager In the right pane, right click and create a new Multi-string value and name it PendingFileRenameOperations Edit it and type \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\tpgtrypr.dll Edit: Or Run this file: remove_tpgtrypr.dll.reg ( 782bytes ) Also, download and run Autoruns.exe in http://download.sysinternals.com/Files/Autoruns.zip Press "Escape" to stop scanning. Goto Options -> Hide Microsoft Entries Press F5 or Refresh to restart the scanning. Now you'll know all non-default programs that are loaded on startup. Delete all suspicious entries. Reboot. remove_tpgtrypr.dll.reg
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