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Everything posted by YMatrix
Changing Default Driver Search Location.
YMatrix replied to YMatrix's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Thanks For your reply, but I didn't get what you wrote. You mean that I should add my Driver Cache folder right after the the %systemroot%\inf ? What was wrong with he formatting? -
Hello all! I have created an unattended Windows XP + SP3 CD. The installation works great (tested it already on a few couple of systems), but I seem to have a tricky problem. I used nLite to create the CD and used the "put all drivers in driver.cab" option. After the installation I extract all the contents of "driver.cab" to "%SystemRoot%\Driver Cache". But whenever a new device is installed I get the "Browse for file..." window asking where the original CD is. I keep showing it the "%SystemRoot%\Driver Cache", but for every new device this question appears. I found this thread where I learned about the registry keys containing the locations, but I am not sure where the problem is. Here are my registry contents: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SourcePath = G:\I386 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Installation Sources = C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache G:\ HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\SourcePath = G:\ HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\ServicePackSourcePath = G:\ Is this this the right code to change (in red)? : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SourcePath = %SystemRoot%\Driver Cache HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Installation Sources = C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache G:\ HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\SourcePath = %SystemRoot%\Driver Cache HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\ServicePackSourcePath = %SystemRoot%\Driver Cache Thanks in advance!
I tried to do a slipstream of Frontpage with your slipstreamer, but it doesn't work. Here is a print out of the log: The key is supposed to be good, because this is my office key. Any advice? ------------------- EDIT ---------------- Never mind, I found a typing error with my serial
Is there a way to create this AIO CD with SP3 slipstreamed? I used your slipstreamer to create an office 2003 with sp3 in it. How can I continue to put Frontpage with the SP3 on the same CD? Thanks again.
How can this be done using the Office 2000/XP/2003/2007 Slipstreamer - version 1.6.2?
Right Click My Computer -> Device Manager - Not Working with SP3.
YMatrix replied to YMatrix's topic in Customizing Windows
Thank you all for your replys! @neo Your way works, but I wanted a way that didn't use obsolete paths @xyu Your way also works, but why use the "SuppressionPolicy" key? @yoz7120 Your way also works (was also my pick to use). Thanks again to all of you! -
Hello All! I have the following key that I use to get the Device Manger context menu when right clicking My Computer: ;----- Adds Device Manager to right click of My Computer [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\DevMgr] @="Device Manager" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\DevMgr\command] @="mmc.exe %%SYSTEMDRIVE%%\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\devmgmt.msc" This code worked great till SP2. I have created a SP3 unattended installation, and it doesn't work. I get "Access Denied" when clicking the context menu. When pressing Start-->Run and writing devmgmt.msc it works like a charm. What did SP3 implement that this doesn't work (while services, regedit and others do work)? Thanks for any help!
How to completely hide mui installation dialogs
YMatrix replied to Lolita's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Finally, I found a way! Not so "clean", but it does 90% of the job. You'll need the following tools: 1) Window Hide. 2) Hidcon.exe (I don't remember where I downloaded it, so it's attached to this post). The logic is to hide the MUI installation process (on screen it is shown as the progress bar) and the "Copying Files.." windows (like I said - it isn't perfect). I first created the following batch file to search for "Copying Files..." windows and the "Installing Multilingual..." and hide them: @echo off TITLE HIDE_WINDOWS :LOOP window "*Multilingual*" /HIDE window "Copy*" /HIDE GOTO LOOP I then created a batch file that starts this loop and starts the installation of the MUI pack and at the end kills the loop: start hidcon.exe loop.cmd muisetup.exe /i 040d /d 040d /l /f /r /s taskkill /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq HIDE_WINDOWS" /F Finally you enter in your CMDLINES a call for the second batch file (using hidcon.exe to hide the cmd window). Like I said it doesn't work 100% percent' and you'll get flashing "Copying Files...", but it does most of the job. Hidcon.zip -
[**SOLVED**] Unexpected Reboot After Post Setup Wizard.
YMatrix replied to YMatrix's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Do feel kind of silly... I solved the problem. After trying to remember what else I changed except for the installation order, I suddenly saw that I did do something. I added another XP hotfix called KB942763. This fix is intended to fix day light saving times for 2008. For some reason this caused the reboot (and somehow disrupted the windows time and location settings). In the end all is well and the XP is back and running! -
Hello all! I have been working on creating an unattended XP installation disc that will suite all my needs. The installation disc I created was working OK. Recently I stumbled upon a thread notifying that nLite installs hotfix updates in the order they were put in the program and not by their date. So I took my installation source and reorganized the hotfix's in the right order (first installing WMP11 and IE7, and after that all the updates according to their build date). I Created the image and gave it a try in VirtualBox. The installation went well, after the installation I got to the post setup wizard (welcome to XP bl bla......create user accounts....register with Microsoft...), finished the post install screens and pressed "Finish". Unexpectedly I got another reboot (not a BSOD) and XP loads ok. Because of this reboot, all the entries that I created in the RunOnceEx were not implemented. I know they are being inserted because in my CMDLINES I also insert registry tweaks which were implemented (they exist in the registry). What could cause this behavior? Moreover, how can I make sure that all my RunOnceEx entries don't disappear? Any help would be appreciated!
Hello MisterD! The $OEM$ folder is NOT copied during the setup. Arie correctly linked you to the guide, but if you say it isn't working it's probably because you didn't implement it right and not because you didn't read, so no need for aggression. As for what you are trying to do there are 2 possibilities: 1) Copying your programs to the HD and install from there 2) Running your programs from the installation CD. From your example I see that you chose option 1. The right way to implement it is to create under the $OEM$ folder another folder called $1. This folder tells the setup that all files and folders under it will be copied to the root directory where your OS was installed. under $1, create another folder (so you files won't be scattered around the root directory) for example "INSTALLS" and under this folder put all your programs: $OEM$ | | ------ $1 | | ------- INSTALLS | | Here you'll put your programs as for the command to run during [GuiRunOnce] : Command0=%systemdrive%\INSTALLS\start.cmd And that should do it!
$OEM$ Directories Not Working...
YMatrix replied to YMatrix's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Thanks for the info! Another way to hide console windows -
How to completely hide mui installation dialogs
YMatrix replied to Lolita's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Bump. I myself am also looking for this option, anyone know how it can be done? -
Hello! Is is possible to shorten the post-setup wizard (the one appearing when xp is launched for the first time) to show only the user accounts window? I attached a screen shot of the post setup wizard if you didn't get what I was talking about. Thanks!
$OEM$ Directories Not Working...
YMatrix replied to YMatrix's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Worked like a charm! Used NirCMD and created a SFX archive using Winrar. -
$OEM$ Directories Not Working...
YMatrix replied to YMatrix's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
I am using nLite, and I don't want to lose the option to use the recovery option (R during start of txt setup). I chose in nLite in the unattended mode - prompt repair, so it disabled the OEMPreinstall. Anyway to keep the repair mode available and use the cmdow? As for the hiding part, I am trying to use NirCMD. -
Hello! I have read the MSFN guide all about the $OEM$ folder structure. I created a cmdlines that calls a batch file which creates the necessary registry keys. The batch itself runs like a charm, but I wanted the batch creation process to be "invisible" to the user. I tried using the cmdow.exe, but had no luck. in the " $OEM$ " directory, I created another directory of " $$ ". In this directory I created a " System32 "directory, in which I put the cmdow.exe. The directory structure: $OEM$ | -------$$ | ----------System32 | ------------ cmdow.exe According to the guide this file was supposed to be copied during the installation into the system32 directory, but for some reason it isn't being copied. So the obvious question is: Why isn't the file not being copied? Or should I say what am I doing wrong? More over, if someone knows a better way of doing this process (the cmdow.exe still creates a momentarily CMD window before activating its clock). Thanks for any help!
Hey m-p{3}! Thanks for your reply. I already did that, but I ended with a mixed content of the windows GUI.
Hello! I have successfully created an unattended XP installation with the a Hebrew language pack. Works like a charm if I don't intend to change the MUI, meaning I leave it in English. But, if I do change the MUI, I get mixed content (some parts in Hebrew, ex: the "Start", and some parts in English, ex: My computer Icon, My documents Icon). Since the original XP is international (English), I can only slipstream a SP in English. After installing, and applying the MUI pack, not everything changes (Because the the integrated SP is English). I tried creating an unattended setup with the Hebrew SP, but I get the error that the SP and the original setup aren't the same language. Is there a way to overcome this paradox? Thanks for your help! [***** Edit *****] I did some trial and error, here are the results. The first was in the following installation order: 1) original XP 2) Language Pack 3) Service Pack(the English one) The result is good - all menus and dialogs are in the specific MUI that was installed. The second time I changed the installation order: 1) original XP 2) Service Pack (the English one) 3) Language Pack The result was not good, some menus are in English, some are in the language of the language pack - meaning the same result of the nlited version I described in the original topic. Hope someone has found a solution to this.
'Dependent Of' Causes WPI To Crash [FIXED]
YMatrix replied to YMatrix's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
If I use the config editor and then return to the main windows - the app closes. If I manually change the file, the app won't start (no error message appears). [Edit] Fixed it! The problem was that the office and the LP were both using the same UID - they both start with the same name, so the config wizard created them both with the same UID . Anyway, thanks for your help. -
'Dependent Of' Causes WPI To Crash [FIXED]
YMatrix replied to YMatrix's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Thanks for your reply. How does the FileExists() statement mess it up? Before I added the Dependency they worked OK. How do they clash causing the crash of WPI? [Edit] I also tried removing all FileExists() Statements, but still when adding the Dependency the App crashes. -
Hello! I have been trying to configure WPI with dpendenceis, but have a little trouble with it. I added the relevent part in config.js to this message so you could see the script. The big idea is that the Office LP is a dependent of Office itslef, but it doesn't work - it causes WPI to crash. Hope you can help me. Thanks. config.js