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Posts posted by Geej

  1. Sp0iLedBrAt, look like the link still works.

    There is another better alternative.I have been using Cab Maker v3.3 all along.

    Cab Maker V 3.3 by DaRkMaDnEsS also create a "sendto" link.

    Right-click "any folder or file(s)"-> "Send To"->CabMaker3

    I modified it to add a additional context menu.

    Right-click "any folder or file(s)"-> CabMaker3

    Addition (AddReg=ContextMenu.AddReg) is in the inf. Below is the modified one. (will host for 2 days or earlier, only for you).

    You can also intergrate into nlite.


    Size: 319.48 Kb (327,145 bytes)

    MD5: 9AD59F744591532DBF91A98B347A5A17

    Uncab, right-click on the .inf file, select "Install". When prompt for file, point the file to CabMak.cab and you are done.

    Then Right-click on "ROE_Office2003_XP_addon" folder, select cabmaker3. You should see ROE_Office2003_XP_addon.cab created in the current dir.


  2. I also tried to make Office2003 nlite addon using SFX Maker and it is my problem. Because it doesn't work as nlite addon.

    SFXMaker is not able to create RunOnceEx-type addon. You need to do it manually.

    Here is how (a quick one) to do it.

    I'm assuming Office2003_XP_addon.exe is already an unattended 2003 installer that you make using SFXMaker.

    Hence you simply download ROE_uTorrent_addon_3.2B26883.cab and modify the package from there.

    1) After download, rename to ROE_Office2003_XP_addon.cab and extract the addon to subfolder.

    2) Rename Entries_uTorrentBlue.ini to Entries_Offce2003.ini

    3) Replace / save the whole content of Entries_Offce2003.ini with below code:

    ;=========Start Copy below this line=========


    ; ROE Office 2003 installation



    builddate=25 April 2012

    description=MS Office 2003


    title=MS Office 2003







    ;=========End Copy above this line=========

    4) Nav to svcpack folder. Rename utorrentSilentScript.cmd to Office2003_XP_addon.cmd

    5) Delete existing 2 exe. (Keep Office2003_XP_addon.cmd)

    6) Put Office2003_XP_addon.exe into svcpack folder

    So you have 2 files now. (.cmd & .exe each)

    7) Replace / save Office2003_XP_addon.cmd content with the following:

    ::=========Start Copy below this line=========

    @echo off

    set ROE=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\Office2003

    reg add %ROE% /ve /t REG_SZ /d "MS Office 2003" /f>NUL

    reg add %ROE% /v 1 /t Reg_sz /d "%~dpn0.exe" /f>NUL

    ::=========Start Copy below this line=========

    8) Manually testing the cmd now... Just execute the cmd script. Go to registry to check that the ROE entry is added properly. Then delete Office2003 mainkey (caution: not the RunOnceEx key) after testing.

    9) Recab back Office2003_XP_addon back to nlite addon type (such as .cab format). (Folder structure should be exactly the same as ROE_uTorrent_addon_3.2B26883.cab)

    10) Test your addon in VM. Remove any existing Office files from the $oem$\1\Office2003 folder. Remove existing GUIRunOnce entries. Integrate ROE_Office2003_XP_addon.cab like any normal nlite addon.

    Office 2003 should start installing after 1st reboot.

    There is another method using 7zsfx modified module. A bit more complicated but more advanced. No need cmd file. Tool / tutorial for more info. I won't want to post here now. Take 1 step at a time. Just give a try the method describe above first.

  3. But I wanted to add it as a hot fix like other software. No way?

    I may have missed your intention in my earlier reply. Office integrator will intergrate Office Hotfix with along with your Office Source.

    If you are asking how to add Office 2003 into nlite, then the method is RunOnceEx or GUIRunonce

    I would suggest you wrapped the office 2003 installer using 7zsfx or winrar first so that it is already unattended. Then create the entry as necessary from the tutorial link.

    I would generally prefer RunOnceEx. There are 2 sample you can download to see how to invoke RunOnceEx that install thru CD.

    RunOnceEx µTorrent (Which uses a cmd file to invoke RunOnceEx + your unattended exe)

    RunOnceEx OfficeTab using 7zsfx module


  4. Apart from my lack of confidence in the effectiveness of things like swapping cables (and various other internal machinations) I am not motivated to do it at present before exploring sw related solutions since I have a medical problem with a (life-long) bad back and the logistics of getting at the computer to open it up frequently results in severe pain followed by a trip to the osteopath (once I am able to stand upright again) for treatment. Your comments about the various things that can deteriorate over time inside the computer are wholly valid but I still fall back on (or maybe am becoming fixated by) the unlikelihood of this being the problem bearing in mind the tight coupling of a normal boot failure faithfully followed by a CD boot success. Of course if that sequence breaks then it will be rethink time for me.

    I think the best option in your case probably is sending your computer to repair shop for checking, including hardware checking due to your medical condition.

    My previous motherboard is having booting problem intermitenly. Turn out some capacitor corrodes and leaked. Hard to see the corrosion even opening up the cover. In the end, I sent it to repair shop to check and replaced a new motherboard. That motherboard last me about 4 years before it start giving me problem.

  5. Glad you found out the problem cab!

    With all due respect to Kali, just tested his uploaded Auslogics Disk Defrag addon on my Virtualbox. Although it installed silently, the crapware also installed silently, something which you do not want. There is no autoitscript to remove those crapware.

    Kali might have missed your tread why you prefer to make your addon "non-silent".

    I have made this Auslogics Disk Defrag silent addon without Auslogics Toolbar & Auslogics Toolbar Updater using inf script. Includes Start Menu shortcut only.

    Also have "Defragment with Disk Defrag" context menu by default.

    By default, only English lng file are copied during installation. Rest of lang files are excluded during installation but is available in the cab package for any user who might wish to install other than English langauge.

    Uninstallable from Add/Remove panel.

    If you wish to install manually, just uncab, right click on the inf file, choose "install".

    Lastly, if you have already have an existing Auslogics Disk Defrag installed, please uninstall it first (and reboot if necessary) before installing this one.

    The inf uninstaller work differently for an exe uninstaller.

    Just to be sure, please test my addon on VM first.


    Size: 2.31 Mb (2,420,878 bytes)

    MD5: 4DDCA99AC702B9F633D465AC2E735F94

    (Will host for 7 days)

    Forgot: Spywareblaster silent addon can be found here


  6. As bphlpt said, keep removing your cab files until no error occurs in nlite. Then you know which addon is causing this problem.

    Nevertheless, just to point you to some links to silent program that you currently have as "non-silent"

    Utorrent silent


    Shockwave_Full + adobe_flash_activex + adobe_flash_plugin

    K-Lite_CodecPack_Full_v8.32 (well, it's a maker tool)

    MiniLyrics Well, indirectly itss WMP lyrics plugin

    I could not find auslogics disk defrag. Maybe I can made one for you...inf type. Gonna take some time to make.

    There is defragger as an alternative by the way.

  7. Is it possible that during the making of one of those cabs, you mistakenly inverted something and place a file from (/reference to) diskdefrag ?

    I think this is the most probable cause of error.

    @lapetite66, you can do the following to verify this.

    Copy off svcpack.in_ from nlite slipstream process to some other location and expand the file to svcpack.inf

    Then text search for 'auslogics disk-defrag' and see if it is in svcpack.inf

    If it does, then one of your addon is causing the problem. It add an entry to svcpack.inf hence svcpack.inf is trying to run the program but is is not there.

    Just curious, why some addon are label non-slient? You mean you have to click on it to install?

    More about$OEM$ folder info


  8. Assuming it is a really fresh source as stated in #1 and assuming the error happens at T13 timeframe and most of add-on are already excluded and still get the same error message, then it would be useful to use procexp.exe (a sysinternals tool) to view any possible process that trigger this message. When you get the error message, just open up procexp.exe using shift+f10, and then type proxecp on the console. You would need to add procexp.exe using $oem$ folder first to add into nlite slipstream process.

    It would be useful if you could repost your last session.ini after stripping all your add-on and still get the error message.

  9. A happy 2012 new year to all coders here! :)

    Thanks to gunsmokingman's HTA script which inspire me to try to code in autoit.

    I was very interested to see what code would be like if using autoit and also to experience

    'GUI scripting' as Yzöwl mentioned earlier as I am not familiar with it. So I try to script it using autoit.

    Took me days to come up the script... and 2 parts of the script were extracted from the autoit forum.

    They are

    1) Create only "Close" buton on the main GUI Source

    2) Timer countdown logic Source

    With that, autoit code which mimic what HTA script does

    Code with autoit v3.3.6.1. Also works with v3.3.8.0

    Note that the timer will beep on last 10 secs countdown

    Timer font also changed during this period.

    Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
    Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1);1=enable, Enable/disable OnEvent functions notifications.
    Opt("GUICoordMode", 1) ;1=absolute, 0=relative, 2=cell
    #NoTrayIcon ; No system tray icon while running

    #include <WindowsConstants.au3> ; $GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GUI
    #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> ; GUISetBkColor, $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
    #include <ButtonConstants.au3> ; $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON
    #include <StaticConstants.au3> ; $SS_CENTER
    #Include <Misc.au3>; _Singleton
    _Singleton(@ScriptName, 0); Single instant
    Global $TimeLabel, $sMsg, $hMainwindow, $NoLaunch,$YesSelect,$NoSelect,$YESB
    Global $s2ndlabel, $s3rdlabel,$s4thlabel, $s5thlabel, $s6thlabel, $s7thlabel, $s8thlabel, $i6thid
    Global $TimeTicks, $begin, $_CompteArebour = 60000, $_Minutes, $_Seconds
    Const $cGUIWid=620, $cGUIHt=650, $cHalfGUIWid=$cGUIWid/2

    $hMainwindow= GUICreate("DOD BANNER", $cGUIWid, $cGUIHt, -1,-1, BitXOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GUI, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX))
    GUISetIcon (@WindowsDir&"\explorer.exe",0)

    GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "CLOSEClicked")
    GUISetBkColor (0x3E4545) ; dark grey
    GUICtrlCreateLabel ( "DOD NOTICE AND CONSENT BANNER", 40,10,550,20, $SS_CENTER)
    GUICtrlSetFont (-1, 16, 440, 16, "helvetica" )
    GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFF00); Yellow font

    $s2ndlabel="You are accessing a U.S. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG-authorized use only."
    GUICtrlCreateLabel ($s2ndlabel, 40,35,570,45, $SS_CENTER)
    GUICtrlSetFont (-1, 14, 380, 16, "helvetica" )
    GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFF9); White font

    $s3rdlabel="By using this IS(which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions:"
    GUICtrlCreateLabel ($s3rdlabel, 40, 90, 550, 50, $SS_CENTER)
    GUICtrlSetFont (-1, 11, 380, 16, "helvetica" )
    GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x099099); Dark Green font

    $s4thlabel="-The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS "& _
    "for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing, COMSEC"& _
    " monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM),"& _
    " law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence investigations (CI)."&@Lf&@Lf& _
    "-At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS."&@Lf&@Lf& _
    "-Communications using, or data stored on, this IS are not private, are"& _
    " subject to routine monitoring, interception and search, and may be disclosed"& _
    " or used for any USG-authorized purpose."&@Lf&@Lf& _
    "-This IS includes security measures (e.g., authentication and access controls)"&@Lf&@Lf& _
    "to protect USG interests--not for your personal benefit or privacy."& _
    "-Notwithstanding the above, using this IS does not constitute consent to PM, LE,"&@Lf&@Lf& _
    "or CI investigative searching or monitoring of the content of privileged"& _
    "communications, or work product, related to personal representation or services"& _
    "by attorneys, psychotherapists, or clergy, and their assistants. Such communication"& _
    "and work product are private and confidential. See User Agreement for details."
    GUICtrlCreateLabel ($s4thlabel, 40, 140, 550,250, $SS_CENTER)
    GUICtrlSetFont (-1, 11, 380, 1, "helvetica" )
    GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x099099); Dark Green font

    $s5thlabel="I have read and consent to the terms of the IS User Agreement"
    GUICtrlCreateLabel ($s5thlabel, 40, 400, 550,25, $SS_CENTER, $WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW)
    GUICtrlSetFont (-1, 12, 380, 16, "helvetica" )
    GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFF9); White font

    $s6thlabel="Remaining Time Before Auto Select NO "
    $i6thid=GUICtrlCreateLabel ($s6thlabel, 100, 470, 550,25)
    GUICtrlSetFont (-1, 15, 380, 16, "helvetica" )
    GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFF00); Yellow font

    $TimeLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( "", 460, 468, 50, 20 )
    GUICtrlSetFont (-1, 15, 380, 16, "helvetica" )
    GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFF00)

    $NoLaunch = GUICtrlCreateButton("NO", 250, 525, 60,-1,$BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON)
    $YesSelect= GUICtrlCreateButton("YES", 330, 525, 60)

    GUICtrlSetOnEvent($NoLaunch, "NoSelect")
    GUICtrlSetOnEvent($YesSelect, "YESFunc")

    $TimeTicks= TimerInit()

    While 1
    $sMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    _Check ( )
    Sleep(100) ; Just idle around

    Func NoSelect()
    GUICtrlDelete ( $i6thid )
    GUICtrlDelete ( $TimeLabel)
    $s7thlabel="No Was Selected Cancel Operation"
    GUICtrlCreateLabel ($s7thlabel, 40, 470, 550,25,$SS_CENTER)
    GUICtrlSetFont (-1, 15, 380, 16, "helvetica" )
    GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFF00); Yellow font
    sleep (1000)
    EndFunc; EndFunc of NoSelect

    Func YESFunc()
    GUICtrlDelete ( $i6thid )
    GUICtrlDelete ( $TimeLabel)
    GUICtrlSetState ( $NoLaunch,$GUI_DISABLE )
    $s8thlabel="Processing Yes Selection"
    GUICtrlCreateLabel ($s8thlabel, 40, 470, 550,25,$SS_CENTER)
    GUICtrlSetFont (-1, 15, 380, 16, "helvetica" )
    GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFF00); Yellow font
    if FileExists (@scriptdir&"\BannerResult.cmd") then FileDelete (@scriptdir&"\BannerResult.cmd")
    ;Create The Temp Cmd File For Yes
    FileWrite (@scriptdir&"\BannerResult.cmd","@Echo && CLS && MODE 55,5 && COLOR F9"&@crlf&"Set Reply=Yes"&@crlf)
    Runwait (@scriptdir&"\BannerResult.cmd")
    sleep (1000)

    Func _Check ( )
    $_CompteArebour -= TimerDiff ( $TimeTicks)
    $TimeTicks = TimerInit ( )
    Local $_MinCalc = Int ( $_CompteArebour / ( 60 * 1000 ) ), $_SecCalc = $_CompteArebour - ( $_MinCalc * 60 * 1000 )
    $_SecCalc = Int ( $_SecCalc / 1000 )
    If $_MinCalc <= 0 And $_SecCalc <= 0 Then
    If $_MinCalc <> $_Minutes Or $_SecCalc <> $_Seconds Then
    $_Minutes = $_MinCalc
    $_Seconds = $_SecCalc
    GUICtrlSetData ( $TimeLabel, StringFormat ( "%02u" & ":" & "%02u", $_Minutes, $_Seconds ) )
    If $_Minutes = 0 And $_Seconds <= 10 Then
    Beep ( 1200, 100 )
    GUICtrlSetColor ( $TimeLabel , 0xE70656); pink-red color
    EndFunc ;==> _Check ( )

    Func CLOSEClicked()

    I notice while HTA was running and clicking Start button, the start menu will disappear.

    This does not happen using autoit.

    Simple comparsion :

    HTA in post 14 : 244 lines - 14 comment line =230 lines

    Autoit: 134 lines - 1 comment line = 133 lines

    Thanks again for the inspiration.

    Screenshot: countdown >10 sec


    Last 10 sec ...


  10. Hello, i have come across this thread, and this for quite a whille.

    I managed to make it create Desktop Icons Successfully.

    There is only just a small thing that wont do.

    So, it is adding the target successfully, but it ads no target ! :(

    How it currently is:

    Target: "D:\Folder1\Folder2\Run Game.exe"

    Start in:

    How it should be:

    Target: "D:\Folder1\Folder2\Run Game.exe"

    Start in: "D:\Folder1\Folder2"

    This is my shortcut code:

    Shortcut=D, "System\Run Game.exe", "", "Run Game in Win7", "Launch Game",  

    Please help me out to specify the shortcut "Start in". I hope someone is able to help me, and i havent registered for nothing :(

    Hi Thekiller

    Try this...

    I copied out calc.exe and rename to Run Game.exe, then WinRAR SFX it according to your given path.

    Config/comment file I use works fine on my XP.

    ;The comment below contains SFX script commands


    Shortcut=D, "Run Game.exe", "", "Run Game in Win7", "Launch Game", ""

  11. FOR /F "TOKENS=1* DELIMS==" %%# IN (
    'FIND "Cabfolder1"^<FOLDERSTORE.INI 2^>NUL') DO SET "VAL1=%%$"

    Hi, Yzöwl

    I was trying to understand your script in post#6 and was wondering what does it means when you use %%#

    and %%$

    If I tried replacing with normal variable like

    %%A for %%# and

    %%B for %%$

    surprising it returns correctly the result.

    And looking at the ascii table,

    the next character after # is $,

    just like next character after A is B.

    Is there other special consideration when you use # and $ as variable?

    Will simple character like A and B achieve exactly the same result?

    So I can generally use special character as variable, just like you did?

  12. But I miss the actual "final goal that you are looking for.

    I mean, do you need to "choose" among the various Cabfoldern or you want to selct last "defined" one or you just want to list the values (i.e. SET Cabfolder ) or what?


    No need to choose among the various Cabfolder. Script should be able to read in just one cabfolder value

    Actually all I need in folderstore.ini is just 1 entry cabfolder1=Some path with space

    Of couse, I will manually change to cabfolder1=SomePathWithoutSpace if need to.

    It also caters to cabfolder1= where there is no folder path at all. Hence Empty folder scenario may comes in.

    But to make testing easier, instead of modifying folderstore.ini value, I inserted cabfolder2= & cabfolder3= to test all 3 possible situations.

    If cabfolder1= actually has no path (which I will set it manually), then the script must be able to tell me "no folder defined".

  13. Thanks for all the suggestions. I tested them using 3 scenarios

    (1. Folder with space, 2. Folder no space, 3. Empty folder (ie. empty string))

    I changed folderstore.ini to below so that I can easily modify the seach key to test all 3 situations.

    Cabfolder1=C:\Documents and Settings\user name\My Documents


    Appreciate your input. Notice the output string is always quoted.

    (I hope not to have it quoted.). If I change

    (set value1="%%i")


    (set value1=%%i) and rerun, the script terminate abnormally.

    I wonder why terminate abnormally? Perhaps this line is causing problem:- if %value1%==""

    Also if cabfolder3= (contains empty entry), the script terminate abruptly.

    (I presume you did not check this part for empty folder)

    You have remove the need for temp file : %txt1%. (I couldn't figure out how to do it w/o temp file.)


    Thanks for the alternative. Although your script looks for "Cabfolder1", it returns the value of Cabfolder2.

    Suppose I add an extra line to folderstore.ini to test for empty string/path,

    and I specify "Cabfolder2" within the script, it return Cabfolder3 value. Or do I miss out something?

    Normally the expected output is the string on the right only. The script rtn the whole line, including strings on the left.


    Achieve what I set out to do in all 3 scenarios (Folder with space, folder no space, empty string).

    Thanks. I didn't know how to use If not defined syntax. I guess the scenario illustrate how to use this syntax.

    Combining allen2's & Schiiwa's input, (because %txt1% is not required and Schiiwa fixed the problem by using If not defined rather than if %value1%=="",

    so the final script I adopt is

    @echo off
    Set inifile=folderstore.ini
    FOR /F "delims== tokens=2* usebackq" %%i in (`type %inifile% ^| find "Cabfolder3="`) do (set value1=%%i)
    If not defined VALUE1 (color 1A && echo Folder path not defined.) else (Echo %value1%)


    Thanks for the link. Will read up on For /F [option] parameters.

    If you have other useful links, do pass on.

    Also it's not that I'm re-inventing the wheel but the script out there are fairly advanced for my humble knowledge to

    easily adapt for my use.

    I believe if I code it first I will appreciate and learn better the batch language.


    Thanks, yes, fits what I need. Perfect.

    I could have easily script using Autoit but I just wish to experience using pure batch to see how difficult or easy to do such simple task.

    Apparently, looking at the solution .... doesn't look easy after all.

    But it's all for the sake of knowledge, esp For loop command.

    They are the bread and butter of cmd syntax to be really useful.

    Thank you all.

    Best regards

  14. I'm trying to test a cmd script that read a simple ini file. The ini file stores a folder path. However if folder path has space, it can't work properly.

    folderstore.ini contains 3 lines

    Cabfolder1=C:\Documents and Settings\user name\My Documents

    my batch is

    Set inifile=folderstore.ini
    Set txt1=%~n011.txt
    type %inifile% | find "Cabfolder1=">%txt1%
    :: Note: Current script unable to work with space
    FOR /F "tokens=2* eol=; delims== " %%i in (%txt1%) do (set value1=%%i)
    if %value1%==0 color 1A && echo Folder path not defined.
    If not %value1%==0 Echo %value1% ^<---is the preset folder.
    del %txt1%

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