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  1. I noticed the phrase "Dark mode support for more dialogs" on the site. Is that dependent upon enabling (Dark) Magic or is the name of that function more a play on words? I've read the description of it, and it doesn't seem to be the same thing but does mention shading. Either way, I can't see a difference with Dark Magic on or off, so I feel that I'm missing something subtle. If someone could point to a concrete test case of something in Windows affected by toggling Dark Magic, I'd like to know so that I can understand it.
  2. It's unclear to me which item in the v3.9 release notes is responsible, but I appreciate that the green progress indication in taskbar icons is more noticeable now. Not as glaring as it was before the taskbar was replaced, but less subtle than the ultra-narrow green strip approach. Merry Christmas.
  3. Has anyone with a current version of SaB installed either 26120.1340 or 26120.1350? I'm just trying to account for install errors each time that I never saw before being on the revamped version of SaB. These WUs are usually easy.
  4. @mackid1993 We may be expecting different things, since the strip does show progress as indicated before. This is about 70% complete: If that's what you're talking about, then that's something new, and I wasn't expecting it. I was talking about the much fuller effect that we've seen over the last decade or so in which the entirety of the icon is eventually taken over.
  5. @mackid1993 Since you said progress indicators work, is that still the case when set like this?
  6. That's interesting. Horizontal or vertical? Here's what a download that's about 90% looks like for me (vertical). It should be almost totally green now but it never changes from this narrow green strip until it finishes, which is when the strip disappears.
  7. Since you were using it back on Alpha 1, do you know what is meant by "hasn't changed" since then? Is that another way of saying "Was never implemented" or is the feature just something we can't recognize because we're thinking about it wrong?
  8. Oh, so maybe you just replied to the wrong person or something. The taskbar icon progress indicator doesn't seem to be implemented.
  9. @mackid1993 "t works properly in Alpha 2r, it is broken in Alpha 2ah which is the latest." Can you elaborate on this (a reference to taskbar icon progress indicators)? Do you mean 2r and earlier or just that one? It wasn't working in either of them for me or anything later .It's hard to believe that it was working in a single build only, so I assume you meant up to that point, then it stopped? But even that's problematic, since why would it work for you at all but not here? Maybe due to the taskbar orientation (vertical in my case) or some other setting? It would be worth figuring out in case there's some simple way to get it working now that we're overlooking.
  10. It's difficult to do that, since nothing is shown. The feature I'm talking about though is this: https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/11007 If you see it, then I guess this is another color thing similar to what I mentioned earlier. Maybe it's there but blending in.
  11. I see from the top post that "perks" are not finished. I'm not sure what those are, but one thing I've noticed that seems to be missing is what I would call "progress" indicators. For example, when downloading in a browser, you would see the that taskbar icon gradually change color, signifying the progress of the download. When it completed, the icon would go back to its normal look. Is that a perk?
  12. Thanks for this, which I was compelled to move to since I'm on Dev. My only notable so far is that for whatever reason, it was all but impossible seeing which taskbar programs were running (right-side taskbar), when that wasn't the case with SaB. So, I went into Windows Settings, Personalization/Colors and changed my usual accent color to a lighter one, and that did the trick well enough (though, oddly, the stripe doesn't appear for one program, UltraEdit, as if it's not running at all). Update: UltraEdit issue went away with the 2ah release
  13. It seems to me that the taskbar has now been ripped from Dev, since today's 26120-1252 doesn't seem to allow having the classic taskbar toggled on. If I'm out to lunch, someone correct me. Using the latest SaB. For now, I'll wait to hear what's up and, I guess, look into whether Alpha 2 is stable enough to use going forward.
  14. Oh, I guess that's good, but I wonder how I got so lucky since a lot of people have installed the build successfully (not counting the SaB problem, I mean). Has MS admitted to this somewhere?
  15. Anyone get to 26100 successfully with SaB? WU just reboots right back into Windows for me and reports a WU error of 0xc1900101. I've never seen SaB cause that before, but considering the above dialog (which I didn't see because I wasn't doing an ISO-style update, which I assume is what that was from) I have to consider the possibility. Retrying it a couple more times yielded the same result. Am on 3.7.8 (26090). Update; If this is because of SaB, it would be pretty puzzling since it also occurs after disabling SaB.
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