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Posts posted by gora

  1. Is there a solution, if i run this SFX by doubleclick (without command line switches) to get an output (error) text, that 'this installer' could only run by command line switches?

    Yes. For example:

    RunProgram="fm20:hidcon:cmd /c echo"
    FinishMessage = "ATTENTION!!!\n\nThis installer could only run by command line switches.\n\nWork is interrupted! "

  2. Hi, AlbatroS.

    In the first versions of "button" it was used UPX and you can use UPX instead of WinUpack. In a file Settings.ini make the following:

    ; Path to the UPX
    pathUPX=!COMMANDER_PATH!\Utilites\SFX Tool\upx.exe
    ;pathUPX=!COMMANDER_PATH!\Utilites\SFX Tool\Upack.exe
    ; To use compression - 1 or 2, is not use - 0
    ; The command line for UPX
    cmdlinUPX=--best --all-methods
    ;cmdlinUPX=-c2 -f222

    File upx.exe put in the specified folder or replace a way to it.

  3. Would be nice if someone made a little GUI so no need to manually write text files and use command prompt. Like winrar SFX window ;)

    GUI for write config file (interface Russian only)

    Creation of a config file Online service (interface Russian only)

    Creation 7z SFX archives in Total Commander (interface Russian and English, Help - Russian only)

    All on the basis of modified module Oleg_Sch

  4. Hi, radix.

    Is this correct?
    YES. All depends on your file setup.exe. If his process does not branch, the temporary folder should remove.

    If the file setup.exe starts child process and closes the basic, the module tries to remove a temporary folder, but child process can continue to use files from a temporary folder and does not allow to remove it.

  5. Hi, radix.

    In a configuration file do not have parametre 'InstallPath'. In the Help it is written:

    If the 'InstallPath' value is not present in the configuration file or the path was deleted from the interactive extraction dialog, the archive will be extracted to a temporary folder.


    %%T - full extraction path

    Therefore the module also adds to you a way to a temporary folder. At you should be so:

    Shortcut = "Du, {C:\\Program Files\\DU Meter\\DUMeter.exe}, {}, {}, {}, {DU Meter}"

  6. Inferi0r

    So I don't understand why use SETLOCAL EnableExtensions, because I haven't disabled them.

    Excuse, I was not right. :( Sorry...

    But the problem is that there is not enough pause between each extension (xpi). So one or none extensions will be installed. The 'ping localhost methode' doesn't work at all...so do you know a solution?

    In the module it is not provided what means for the organization of delays. But your problem in delay use in cmd.exe. You can use any known ways of the organization of a delay in .bat files. For example so:

    RunProgram="hidcon:cmd FOR /f %%i IN ('DIR /b /a-d \"%Var2%\"') DO \"%Var1%\" -install-global-extension \"%Var5%\\%%i\" & echo *****"

    Where * - code 07H (beep). :)

    Or so:

    RunProgram="hidcon:cmd FOR /f %%i IN ('DIR /b /a-d \"%Var2%\"') DO \"%Var1%\" -install-global-extension \"%Var5%\\%%i\" & nircmdc.exe wait 1000"

    But it is necessary to add the freeware utility nircmdc.exe in archive. It is a lot of variants ;).

    It will be possible to you better to unite all your commands in .bat file (the big flexibility since is not present necessity to unite some commands in one line) and then to start it from RunProgram, but.... To solve to you ;)

    Successes to you.

  7. I do not see in your code %Var1%!? What is it?

    Designs FOR/f %% i IN (' DIR/b/a-d "%Var2 %" ') DO "%Var1 %"-instal-global-extension"%Var5 % \%%i" should work only in the presence of command SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS. Where at you it?

    Publish a configuration file completely.

    If you execute some commands in cmd.exe, and they are connected among themselves by variables all of them should be located in one parametr RunProgram. Parametres and variables remain only within one session cmd.exe.

    If some commands cannot be written in one line in cmd.exe use bath a file and start it from RunProgram

  8. It is possible to try so:

    RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c setup.bat"

    And in setup.bat to make so:

    @echo off
    start /b /WAIT "" "%%T\setup.exe" /s
    IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\MyProg\filename" (
    xcopy "%%T\patch.exe" "%MP%" /y
    ) ELSE (
    goto :_loop

    Where filename substitute from installed applications.

  9. Is this config.txt file is correct???

    Oleg in holiday :)

    Excuse for my bad English. :(

    Yes. This should work, but problems are possible! :(

    RunProgram = "setup.exe/s" to be started and will expect the process termination. But if setup.exe after start derivates "derived" processes and thus will close the main process setup.exe, RunProgram = "cmd/c xcopy patch.exe \" %MP %/y" it can be started earlier than the program folder %ProgramFiles%\MyProg will be created.

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