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Everything posted by Outbreaker

  1. That's all? I thought if you don't need a lot of graphic power the integrated GPU of the CPU would be used and the Graphic Card would be turned off. So it's better to buy a CPU without a GPU integrated and spend this money on a better graphic card?
  2. HI Does a CPU with an integrated GPU have any purpose if you have a separate Graphics Card?
  3. HI I found a VBScript to enable the Auto-Hide Taskbar for Windows XP but i can't find out how to modify this script so it will also enable the Quick Launch. Option Explicit Const HKCU = &H80000001 Dim objReg Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}root\default:StdRegProv") Dim objWMI Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}root\cimv2") ' Adjust the first bit of the taskbar settings Dim arrVal() objReg.GetBinaryValue HKCU, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects2", "Settings", arrVal arrVal(8) = (arrVal(8) AND &h07) OR &h01 objReg.SetBinaryValue HKCU, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects2", "Settings", arrVal ' Restart Explorer for the settings to take effect. Dim objProcess, colProcesses Set colProcesses = objWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name='explorer.exe'") For Each objProcess In colProcesses objProcess.Terminate() Next
  4. What is the best website for free windows games? I tried to find some in google but there are too many websites that try to install spam like toolbar, download manager and all this crap. :-(
  5. Yes but to run an extra Windows account for only one Batch file mmm then i think it can live with the 2 extra taskbar windows. .)
  6. Yes but AudioGrabber is if you have a CD player connected to the Line-in of your computer and it will split every track into a single mp3 file. The only way i found to do this is using the FFmpeg http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ And run FFmpeg with this batch code: @ECHO OFF TITLE Recorder Loop COLOR 0A :LOOP ECHO. ECHO New recording has been started on %date:~-4,4%-%date:~-7,2%-%date:~-0,2% %time:~0,2%;%time:~3,2%;%time:~6,2% START "Recording" /MIN "bin\ffmpeg.exe" -f dshow -i audio="Digital Audio Interface (USB Au" -ar 44100 -ab 128 -ac 2 "Recordings\%date:~-4,4%-%date:~-7,2%-%date:~-0,2% %time:~0,2%;%time:~3,2%;%time:~6,2%.aac" ping -n 21600 localhost 1> NUL taskkill /FI "WindowTitle eq Recorder" 1> NUL ECHO Recording has been stoped on %date:~-4,4%-%date:~-7,2%-%date:~-0,2% %time:~0,2%;%time:~3,2%;%time:~6,2% GOTO LOOP The only problem is that i have now 2 CMD windows open in the taskbar. Perhaps a user in this forum can code something better in another program language that displays only one ICON at the System Tray.
  7. "THE MP3 VCR" is an Internet Radio Recorder. and "AudioGrabber" is a CD Recorder. and "WavRecorder" wout start Recording if the program has started.
  8. @e-t-c I did found this one also in google but the Schedule can only be used to set a time to start a recording but not to the time to stop a recording. So it's not possible to use this program to set it up to make automatically every 6 houers a new mp3 file.
  9. I did also notice that there is no documentation what the Silent mode commands are. For creating a new file i will use the cmd "ping 21600" command.
  10. But it will not do every 6 hour or every day a new MP3 file with the date and time in the file name? I know that this could be done with a VBScript but i do not know how to script this.
  11. HI I'm searched now for 3 days in google to find a free sound recorder that would start recording if Windows starts and would generate each hour(s) or every day a new MP3 file. Does someone know a recording program like this? I would need this to record a device that is connected 24/24 to the Computer Sound Card Line-in input.
  12. Change Computer name to: "Computer-(4 Random Numbers)" -> Change Computers Domain or Workgroup ->
  13. I try a lot of options to do this and it looks like the startup menu is the only option to do it so here is the v1.1 if same needs this also. Credits: Yzöwl
  14. I don't want to delete samething if i dont know what it is and dose.
  15. After locking at a IE8 addon i found out how to do it another way this should then work also for the StartUp Directory but a RunOnce registry entry will do the job also, if i have tested it and it works i will post back. Would be nice if you could explain me what i did wrong in the batch file it's working without problem i can't fix a problem that i can't see You have posted the scirpt here on a public forum so it's freely available if you would had included the credit in the script i would have include it also but i even don't include any credits for myself in any of my batch files. So dont get me wrong that im not thankful for you script.
  16. If i want to use the Startup folder in Startmenu i need to enable the $OEM$ option if i do this i will loss the ability to start the Recovery Console form the CD. But i found a way to do this now that after Windows XP is completely started that means seeing the taskbar that a file will be then started. Here is the addon that works with nLite and RVM Integrator that is what the addon dose: Adding 3 file to the Windows XP installation recourse. Adding a line to the TXTSETUP.SIF file that will start the file RUNONCE.INF on the first install process The file RUNONCE.INF will then add this registry entry: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce] "RUNONCE"="%SystemRoot%\Temp\RUNONCE.CMD" Later the file RUNONCE.CMD will add this registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce] "SASROAS"="%SystemRoot%\Temp\SASROAS.CMD" The file SASROAS.CMD will start if Windows XP is completely startedstarted and it will srarch all drivers from A to Z for the file "Auto Setup.cmd This is the best i could do complicated but it works. [EDIT] Removed the old Attachment Version v.0 [/EDIT]
  17. Yes i want to run the file only once and i can't use the Startup folder in Startmenu because i don't want to loss the Recovery Console option.
  18. HI Does someone know what to do so windows will run a file after the Windows XP settings are loaded (after RunOnceEx) ? I tryed also a addon that added a RunOnce RegKey but then it will run it T-13
  19. I have done a mistake in the Topic Title i wanted to write "{Batch] Search a file on the drives" if you can change the topic feel free to do it. You WMIC script is the best why to do it. And why i use "GOTO NO" is because i will point then to another section in the batch file it's not only to show this ECHO line
  20. @jaclaz Your script works only if i set this FORM: delims=-" TO: delims= " Could you explain how the script works because i don't get it what this is for [->^|FIND /I /V "mov"<-] [EDIT] Ok i found now out what the [->^|FIND /I /V "mov"<-] is for but this would works only on an Englisch windows so the WMIC script would be the best choice for this. [/EDIT]
  21. Does someone know how to suppress this Message (No Instance(s) Available.) if the script has not found the file ? For now i use CLS the >NUL command i can't get to work on this script to suppress the message. @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL (SET DRIVE=) FOR /F "USEBACKQ TOKENS=2 DELIMS==" %%# IN (`WMIC DATAFILE WHERE^ "PATH='\\OEM\\RunOnce\\' AND FILENAME='Auto Setup' AND EXTENSION='bat'"^ GET Name /VALUE^|FIND "="`) DO SET "DRIVE=%%~d#"&SET "FPATH=%%#" IF NOT DEFINED DRIVE GOTO :NO IF DEFINED DRIVE GOTO :YES :YES ECHO File Found. START "" "%FPATH%" PAUSE :NO ECHO File Not Found. PAUSE ENDLOCAL
  22. I have found the bug in the above script the - should be a space only. But i could do a better script i needed only to removed this [->FSNAME='CDFS' AND <-} form the posted script by Yzöwl and now the script will search all drives for the file. This script is also better because it's querying the drives so there will be no popup error like "No Disk" that for example happens on the Floppy drive. @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL (SET DRIVE=) FOR /F "USEBACKQ TOKENS=2 DELIMS==" %%# IN (`WMIC DATAFILE WHERE^ "PATH='\\OEM\\RunOnce\\' AND FILENAME='Auto Setup' AND EXTENSION='bat'"^ GET Name /VALUE^|FIND "="`) DO SET "DRIVE=%%~d#"&SET "FPATH=%%#" IF NOT DEFINED DRIVE GOTO :NO IF DEFINED DRIVE GOTO :YES :YES ECHO File Found. START "" "%FPATH%" PAUSE :NO ECHO File Not Found. PAUSE ENDLOCAL
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