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Posts posted by db2k

  1. i just recently started using windows server 2003 and i have been playing around with active directory roaming profiles which allows you to save a user profile on the server and load it upon start up and i was curious to see if using a saved profile could be used on an unattended xp disk where you could just copy all the files over and save a lot of time on all this batch file s***. just one transfer for all the settings and stuff...

    i tried searching the forums for any info on this and i couldn't find anything, so im sorry if there was something said about it already.


  2. Alright so i finished my unattended xp cd and i want to make a website describing what i have done and such.

    Is it possible for all of this to take place and still be legal? What do i need to do so that i dont slip up.

    Windows XP Pro was BOUGHT by ME. The Serial number is MINE. Is there anything else i need to do.

    Im just a bit scared of the big bad microsoft :/

    ANY and ALL information is welcomed :)

  3. i have the unregistered version as well - but i love it and def want to get my copy "registered" :)

    im going to college next year and im taking my laptop everywhere as a result of this program. There are a few things that i think i would change or streamline, but overall its great

  4. I know php, asp and cgi amongst other web programming languages but im not as skilled at the other programming languages. Currently im using trillian for aim and msn and it logs all of my messages into a txt file in the trillian directory. What i want to make is a program that would say every 12 hours or so check the files in that directory and take the filenames of the top 10 largest files. Then i can have this out put in a txt file as well, or a html file so i can have it autouploaded to my website. Basically to show who i talk to the most. I need ANY and all help i can get. Thanks in advance.

  5. a little more room for info and package description pages (kind of like a linux distro package selection) and you sir got a real winner :)

  6. For those of you that dont know what "Ventrilo" is...

    Its a talking client similar to Roger Wilco or Teampeak only much more improved and widespread. Most of the competeitive CS community uses it for communication in games.


    Anyway im looking for the silent install switch to install the 2.2 version AND ALSO

    the 2.14 version.

    Which leads me to my other problem. I need a way to install 2.2 and 2.14. If you have 2.14 installed and try to also install 2.2 it will say you cant. But if you move your 2.2 folder and then uninstall it windows deleates the original folder but leaves the back up you made. The back up then works fine and you can go ahead and install the other version. Any help on this? Thanks in advance

  7. hi....

    yup....Bold was on..


    neways.....i was able to create msfn unattended cd....!

    buti wanted to create a dvd....n if i m applying explode integration in my xp setup cd then obviously the structure of the cd wud change...rite??...

    so i wanted to know more abt explode..!

    i was looking at forum of explode.....but i cudnt find ne related info on how to step by step integration of explode...!

    ne help??....ne link ..!


    lets all take a guess guys..

    im gonna go with...

    12 year old aol user.

  8. Im making my unattended xp disc and im having a small problem.

    There are various tweaks i want made to my desktop and look upon install. So in other words, i need a registry file that does these changes.

    The problem lies in EXTREAMLY specific changes that i want made. Because of this i can't find the registry tweaks anywhere. For example things such as moving the taskbar up two spaces, adding quick launch to the top row. Completely rearranging the startmenu, etc...

    So using registry comparison programs i can take a snapshot of my original registry right after install and then i can make all the changes i need and take another snapshot and see what was changed. But the problem is, i dont know how to take these incredibly long hex values and registry key values and put them into working key changes. the changes shown by this program that were done, look nothing like a normal reg tweak i might find off a website. Any help and direction in this would be greatly appreciated :)

  9. Hey guys,

    im looking for a gfx artist that would be willing to help me out with my unattended xp install disk. I have the disc completely done and am just putting some last finishing touches on it. One of which being the inclusion of custom themes setup screens and login screens. I could just use ones on sites like themexp.org but im looking for customized art that has the distributions name on it and such. If anyony is willing to help me out im sure we could make some sort of arrangement. Thanks in advance.



  10. Hey guys,

    im looking for a gfx artist that would be willing to help me out with my unattended xp install disk. I have the disc completely done and am just putting some last finishing touches on it. One of which being the inclusion of custom themes setup screens and login screens. I could just use ones on sites like themexp.org but im looking for customized art that has the distributions name on it and such. If anyony is willing to help me out im sure we could make some sort of arrangement. Thanks in advance.



  11. I have been working on an unattended xp cd for a while and just recently i decided to make a dvd one with a ton of different programs... One thing that i realized my xp disk doesn't have is any cuztomized themes. if you would be willing to help me out in such things as boot screens or something i would be very grateful. And if you want i can prolly do something for you in return to if you want. Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help. :)

    -db2k (ryan)

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