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Everything posted by spachtler

  1. i use this simple script: RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Elaborate Bytes\CloneDVD\Key", "Key") RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Elaborate Bytes\CloneDVD2\CDKey", "Company") RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Elaborate Bytes\CloneDVD2\CDKey", "Name") RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Elaborate Bytes\CloneDVD2\CDKey", "Serial") Run ("setupClonedvd.exe /S") WinWait ( "CloneDVD2 Setup") ControlClick ( "CloneDVD2 Setup", "", "Button2") $var = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CloneDVD2", "InstallLocation") sleep(1000) FileInstall("CloneDVD2.exe", $var & "\CloneDVD2.exe" , 1) exit does all pretty good
  2. i use this one for the german "create" bundle: run("DivXCreate.exe") Winwait("Sprachenauswahl", "Deutsch") controlclick("Sprachenauswahl", "Deutsch", "Button1") winwait("DivX Create Bundle Installation", "2005") controlclick("DivX Create Bundle Installation", "2005", "Button2") winwait("DivX Create Bundle Installation", "Lizenzabkommen") ControlCommand ( "DivX Create Bundle Installation", "Lizenzabkommen", "Button4", "Check", "" ) controlclick("DivX Create Bundle Installation", "Lizenzabkommen", "Button2") winwait("DivX Create Bundle Installation", "Komponenten") controlclick("DivX Create Bundle Installation", "Komponenten", "Button2") winwait("DivX Create Bundle Installation", "Zielverzeichnis") controlclick("DivX Create Bundle Installation", "Zielverzeichnis", "Button2") winwait("DivX Create Bundle Installation", "Google") controlclick("DivX Create Bundle Installation", "Google", "Button5") controlclick("DivX Create Bundle Installation", "Google", "Button2") winwait("DivX Create Bundle Installation", "abgeschlossen") ControlCommand ( "DivX Create Bundle Installation", "abgeschlossen", "Button4", "UnCheck", "" ) controlclick("DivX Create Bundle Installation", "abgeschlossen", "Button2") $temp = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion", "SystemRoot") FileInstall("dpl100.dll", $temp & "\system32\dpl100.dll", 1) exit spachtler
  3. this works perfect: run("setup.exe") winwait("Setup - IsoBuster", "Wizard") controlclick("Setup - IsoBuster", "Wizard", "TButton1") winwait("Setup - IsoBuster", "Agreement") controlclick("Setup - IsoBuster", "Agreement", "TRadioButton1") controlclick("Setup - IsoBuster", "Agreement", "TButton2") winwait("Setup - IsoBuster", "Information") controlclick("Setup - IsoBuster", "Information", "TButton2") winwait("Setup - IsoBuster", "Destination") controlclick("Setup - IsoBuster", "Destination", "TButton3") winwait("Setup - IsoBuster", "Start Menu") controlclick("Setup - IsoBuster", "Start Menu", "TButton4") winwait("Setup - IsoBuster", "associations") controlclick("Setup - IsoBuster", "associations", "TButton4") winwait("Setup - IsoBuster", "Additional") controlclick("Setup - IsoBuster", "Additional", "TButton4") winwait("Setup - IsoBuster", "Ready") controlclick("Setup - IsoBuster", "Ready", "TButton4") winwait("Setup - IsoBuster", "Completing") controlclick("Setup - IsoBuster", "Completing", "TButton4") winwait("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register", 2) if winexists("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register") then controlsend("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register", "TEdit2", "user@host.com_LI3R354*****3R0E3") sleep(1000) controlsend("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register", "TEdit1", "FD3F85F3-FEA50855-********-93BE0E7C-EE3826B8-F6BA4E1C") sleep(1000) controlclick("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register", "TButton5") sleep(1500) ProcessClose("IsoBuster.exe") exit endif winwait("Online Check", "online", 2) if winexists("Online Check", "online") then ProcessClose("IsoBuster.exe") exit endif winwait("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register", 2) if winexists("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register") then controlsend("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register", "TEdit2", "user@host.com_LI3R354*****3R0E3") sleep(1000) controlsend("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register", "TEdit1", "FD3F85F3-FEA50855-********-93BE0E7C-EE3826B8-F6BA4E1C") sleep(1000) controlclick("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register", "TButton5") sleep(1500) ProcessClose("IsoBuster.exe") exit endif winwait("Online Check", "online", 2) if winexists("Online Check", "online") then ProcessClose("IsoBuster.exe") exit endif winwait("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register", 2) if winexists("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register") then controlsend("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register", "TEdit2", "user@host.com_LI3R354*****3R0E3") sleep(1000) controlsend("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register", "TEdit1", "FD3F85F3-FEA50855-********-93BE0E7C-EE3826B8-F6BA4E1C") sleep(1000) controlclick("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register", "TButton5") sleep(1500) ProcessClose("IsoBuster.exe") exit endif winwait("Online Check", "online", 2) if winexists("Online Check", "online") then ProcessClose("IsoBuster.exe") exit endif winwait("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register", 2) if winexists("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register") then controlsend("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register", "TEdit2", "user@host.com_LI3R354*****3R0E3") sleep(1000) controlsend("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register", "TEdit1", "FD3F85F3-FEA50855-********-93BE0E7C-EE3826B8-F6BA4E1C") sleep(1000) controlclick("Registration will enable IsoBuster PRO functionality", "Register", "TButton5") sleep(1500) ProcessClose("IsoBuster.exe") exit endif winwait("Online Check", "online", 2) if winexists("Online Check", "online") then ProcessClose("IsoBuster.exe") exit endif exit it includes all cases, wich windows could popup.... oooops, i put the serial on here too edited...
  4. i was modifying the setup.msi for meself a little bit, installation is totally unattended without any extra commands. its size is 4.7 mb, i can email it to you, just need your adress. greez, spachtler
  5. i use a .msi file for that, created with "wise for windows installer". so i can choose 50 programs to install.... spachtler
  6. its something with the " ", but if the .iss file is in the same folder like the ws_ftp.exe setup, you dont have to write the full path to it. try this one: REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\INSTALL\WSFTP\WS_FTP.exe -s -f1 wsftp.iss" /f
  7. i made an autoit-script for dr.divx, inluding silent registgration: Runwait("DrDivX106.exe /S") BlockInput(1) RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Protexis") run("DrDivx_v105_Kg.exe") winwait("Dr.DivX v1.0.5 keygen by SSG") $ser = controlgettext("Dr.DivX v1.0.5 keygen by SSG", "Serial", "Edit1") $key = StringSplit($ser, "-") run("bgregister.exe") winwait("Register DivX Pro(tm) Software") controlclick("Register DivX Pro(tm) Software", "", "Button6") winwait("Generate Activation Code") ControlSend ( "Generate Activation Code", "Serial", "Edit1", $key[1]) ControlSend ( "Generate Activation Code", "Serial", "Edit2", $key[2]) ControlSend ( "Generate Activation Code", "Serial", "Edit3", $key[3]) ControlSend ( "Generate Activation Code", "Serial", "Edit4", $key[4]) controlclick("Generate Activation Code", "Web", "Button1") winwait("Generate Activation Code - Web") controlclick("Generate Activation Code - Web", "Print", "Button2") winwait("Print Activation URL") $url = controlgettext("Print Activation URL", "URL", "Edit1") controlclick("Print Activation URL", "URL", "Button2") controlclick("Generate Activation Code", "Web", "Button3") ControlSend ( "Dr.DivX v1.0.5 keygen by SSG", "URL", "Edit2", $url) controlclick("Dr.DivX v1.0.5 keygen by SSG", "Generate", "Button1") $code = controlgettext("Dr.DivX v1.0.5 keygen by SSG", "Code", "Edit3") controlclick("Generate Activation Code", "Enter", "Button4") winwait("Enter Activation Code") ControlSend ( "Enter Activation Code", "Code", "Edit1", $code) controlclick("Enter Activation Code", "Continue", "Button1") sleep(1000) ProcessClose("bgregister.exe") ProcessClose("DrDivx_v105_Kg.exe") sleep(1000) run("DrDivx_v105_Kg.exe") winwait("Dr.DivX v1.0.5 keygen by SSG") $ser = controlgettext("Dr.DivX v1.0.5 keygen by SSG", "Serial", "Edit1") $key = StringSplit($ser, "-") run("Dr.DivX Registration.exe") winwait("Dr.DivX Registration") WinMove ( "Dr.DivX Registration", "", 0, 0) MouseClick("left", 440, 320, 1, 0) winwait("Generate Activation Code") ControlSend ( "Generate Activation Code", "Serial", "Edit1", $key[1]) ControlSend ( "Generate Activation Code", "Serial", "Edit2", $key[2]) ControlSend ( "Generate Activation Code", "Serial", "Edit3", $key[3]) ControlSend ( "Generate Activation Code", "Serial", "Edit4", $key[4]) controlclick("Generate Activation Code", "Web", "Button1") winwait("Generate Activation Code - Web") controlclick("Generate Activation Code - Web", "Print", "Button2") winwait("Print Activation URL") $url = controlgettext("Print Activation URL", "URL", "Edit1") controlclick("Print Activation URL", "URL", "Button2") controlclick("Generate Activation Code", "Web", "Button3") ControlSend ( "Dr.DivX v1.0.5 keygen by SSG", "URL", "Edit2", $url) controlclick("Dr.DivX v1.0.5 keygen by SSG", "Generate", "Button1") $code = controlgettext("Dr.DivX v1.0.5 keygen by SSG", "Code", "Edit3") controlclick("Generate Activation Code", "Enter", "Button4") winwait("Enter Activation Code") ControlSend ( "Enter Activation Code", "Code", "Edit1", $code) controlclick("Enter Activation Code", "Continue", "Button1") sleep(1000) BlockInput(0) ProcessClose("Dr.DivX Registration.exe") ProcessClose("DrDivx_v105_Kg.exe") exit works perfect...
  8. point goes to you, normaly there cant anything go wrong because befor burn a unattended dvd, i test each installation a few times.... but: it dont hurts your machine to display some dialogs.... did it?
  9. its ok to see them, because otherwise you dont know IF the installation do something or hangs.... i just dont want to click anything and that works
  10. this is my anydvd autoit-script: RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SlySoft\AnyDVD\Key", "Key", "REG_SZ", "***") RunWait ("SetupAnyDVD.exe /S") RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "AnyDVD") exit
  11. i put all source files into an .msi. it just installs without any dialogs, puts all shortcuts and registration data on the right place
  12. i used an msi-editor and remove all dialogs. so i install it without any switches and it dont ask me anything. the serial is stored in the registry, but as RAW-format, not as 11111-1111- and so on: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\6.0\Registration] "SERIAL"="970789777786xxxxxx352970" "PRODREG"=dword:6568xxxx
  13. this is my autoit-script for the german pinnacle plus 9.3: DirRemove("C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\Pinnacle", 1) run("setup.exe") winwait("Studio 9 Plus - InstallShield Wizard", "Sprache") controlclick("Studio 9 Plus - InstallShield Wizard", "Sprache", "Button3") winwait("Studio 9", "Seriennummer") ControlSetText("Studio 9", "Seriennummer", "Edit1", "PC") sleep(300) ControlSetText("Studio 9", "Seriennummer", "Edit2", "PC") sleep(300) ControlCommand("Studio 9", "Seriennummer", "Button3", "UnCheck", "") sleep(300) ControlSetText("Studio 9", "Seriennummer", "Edit4", "xxxxx") sleep(300) ControlSetText("Studio 9", "Seriennummer", "Edit5", "xxxxx") sleep(300) ControlSetText("Studio 9", "Seriennummer", "Edit6", "xxxxx") sleep(300) ControlSetText("Studio 9", "Seriennummer", "Edit7", "xxxxx") sleep(300) ControlSetText("Studio 9", "Seriennummer", "Edit8", "xxxxx") sleep(300) Controlclick("Studio 9", "Seriennummer", "Button1") sleep(2000) processclose("PixieTool.exe") winwait("Windows XP Installation, Version 9.3", "Lizenzvereinbarung") controlclick("Windows XP Installation, Version 9.3", "Lizenzvereinbarung", "Button5") controlclick("Windows XP Installation, Version 9.3", "Lizenzvereinbarung", "Button2") winwait("Windows XP Installation, Version 9.3", "Setup-Typ") controlclick("Windows XP Installation, Version 9.3", "Setup-Typ", "Button3") controlclick("Windows XP Installation, Version 9.3", "Setup-Typ", "Button6") winwait("Windows XP Installation, Version 9.3", "Komponenten") winmove("Windows XP Installation, Version 9.3", "Komponenten", 0, 0) mouseclick("left", 35, 151, 1, 0) mouseclick("left", 36, 168, 1, 0) mouseclick("left", 35, 185, 1, 0) sleep(1000) controlclick("Windows XP Installation, Version 9.3", "Komponenten", "Button2") winwait("Windows XP Installation, Version 9.3", "Kopiervorgang") controlclick("Windows XP Installation, Version 9.3", "Kopiervorgang", "Button1") winwait("Frage", "Shortcut") controlclick("Frage", "Shortcut", "Button1") winwait("Windows XP Installation, Version 9.3", "Fertig stellen") controlclick("Windows XP Installation, Version 9.3", "Fertig stellen", "Button2") controlclick("Windows XP Installation, Version 9.3", "Fertig stellen", "Button4") RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "LaunchList") RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "PinnacleDriverCheck") exit instead of the xxxxx you have to put a valid serial.... script works fine
  14. after the silent installation, i do the registration via an autoit-script: $var = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\UltraISO_is1", "DisplayIcon") sleep(1000) run($var) Blockinput(1) winwait("UltraISO", "ToolBar", 7) if winexists("UltraISO", "ToolBar") then processclose("ultraiso.exe") Blockinput(0) exit endif winwait("Willkommen", "registrieren") controlclick("Willkommen", "registrieren", "TButton4") winwait("Registrieren", "OK") controlsend("Registrieren", "OK", "TEdit4", "Dave") controlsend("Registrieren", "OK", "TEdit5", "xxxx") controlsend("Registrieren", "OK", "TEdit3", "xxxx") controlsend("Registrieren", "OK", "TEdit2", "xxxx") controlsend("Registrieren", "OK", "TEdit1", "xxxx") controlclick("Registrieren", "OK", "TButton2") winwait("Prompt", "OK") controlclick("Prompt", "OK", "Button1") Blockinput(0) exit works pretty good...
  15. wow, 20 sites of posting for one program unattended..... why using such a heavy way? i wrote a little autoit-script for the german version: run("setup.exe") sleep(2000) winwait("Firefox Setup", "Mozilla Firefox 1.0") winmove("Firefox Setup", "Mozilla Firefox 1.0", 0, 0) mouseclick("left", 365, 365, 1, 0) sleep(500) winwait("Software Lizenzvereinbarung", "Ich") mouseclick("left", 37, 283, 1, 0) sleep(500) mouseclick("left", 365, 365, 1, 0) sleep(500) winwait("Installationsart", "Browser") mouseclick("left", 365, 365, 1, 0) sleep(500) winwait("Komponenten auswählen", "Setup") mouseclick("left", 365, 365, 1, 0) sleep(500) winwait("Installation abgeschlossen", "Fertig") mouseclick("left", 205, 240, 1, 0) sleep(500) mouseclick("left", 204, 261, 1, 0) sleep(500) mouseclick("left", 365, 365, 1, 0) exit
  16. you can use an if-else-endif or an if-elseif-else-endif loop or let the script do something while checking a registry-entrie or so.... maybe you can post your script to let me see.... spachtler
  17. http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/applications/innosetup.htm http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/applications/installshield.htm http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/applications/nsis.htm http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/applications/wininstall.htm http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/applications/wise.htm
  18. maybe this answer is not at the rigt place here, i had some problems with installing wmp10 silent and saw this list of the runonceex and tryed its line for wmp10. works perfect and i just want to say thanks, adiel!!!! greez, spachtler
  19. once you have to activate it manual, because the activation is machine-individual and stored in symlcrst.dll (in the folder programs/common files/symantec shared/ccpd-lc/). for the next (unattended) installation, just PRE-copy the once activated dll to exact this place. then you can do the silent installation and the setup will recognize this thing and norton will be activated.
  20. this is just the serial, but not the activation...
  21. maybe this is a solution... *link to image removed (no discussion of warez or circumventing activation non-legally is allowed) dont pee your pants man.... its just an image.... however, i made it!!! works fine, NAV2005 fully unattended. no userpromts to made, automatic activation and this config-screens when nav is started the first time. its an autoit-script. should be no problem to made it working for other languages than german.
  22. hey man, this version dont exist at the moment, file not found on server.....
  23. cool, thx for info
  24. did you try this method with the same pre-activated files on different machines?????
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