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Posts posted by Idontwantspam

  1. I'd have to agree with Zxian - XP rocks! (Usually).

    I also really love Office 2007 and of course photoshop CS3. I didn't think I'd like office 2007, and didn't at first, but I've gotten to like it a lot, and now I can't stand the crappy office 2000 at school. 2003 is OK (and our newer computers, all 5 of them or so :rolleyes: , have it :thumbup ). Not to mention the Windows 2000 on all the not-new computers. It's not that bad, but a some of my portable apps don't work on it (they don't provide anything useful, IMO, so I use portable apps).

    As for worse... Yeah, I'll actually go with computerMan and say Novell. Particularly the Novell Client for Windows/ZENworks excuse for a domain system. It sucks. Bad. I wish out district would go over to Windows AD, but noooooooo. :(

  2. Please read the forum rules.

    1. This is not a warez site! Links/Requests to warez and/or illegal material (porn, cracks, serials, etc..) will not be tolerated. Discussion of circumventing WGA/activation/timebombs/keygens or any other illegal activity will also not be tolerated. You will be banned without notice.

    I believe any discussion of piracy falls under that category. You have been warned.

    Yes, I'm just kidding. :rolleyes:

    My talking like a pirate:

    Arrg, matey! The torrents are slow today! Avast! antivirus you scurvy dogs!
  3. I'm in a BIND! Where should I put my watermelon RIND? It would not be KIND to ditch it in your KIN'S front yard! I doubt they'd give me a KISS! They'd tell me I smelled like PISS! I try to get it in the trash can... I hope I don't MISS It would not be polite to leave a MESS.

  4. TICK TOCK... how much time have we spent on this thread?? I would die if someone tried to LOCK this thread! I'd hit them with a ROCK! And then I'd MOCK them! As if they had been hit by a MACK truck!

  5. Another vote for BartPE. In case you don't know what it is (I didn't used to, either, or maybe you already do):

    BartPE is a lightened version of Windows that is bootable directly from a CD - it doesn't touch the hard drive, unless you want it to. It's useful for retrieving files from an un-bootable hard disk, since it doesn't boot off the hard disk, you can do whatever you need to it, like copy files to a USB drive or something like that. It can also fix the registry if necessary. You can find the creator at http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/. Download it and install it (to another computer of course). Then, create a PE disk. Boot the bad computer off the disk, and voila! You'll need Windows installation files, either from an install CD or an i386 folder on your computer. Installed files in C:/WINDOWS won't work. I'd use a server 2003 disk if you can, though XP works just fine, too. The OS being used for the disk doesn't have to be the same as the one on the offending computer. Also, before making your disk, you might want to replace the default wallpaper for the disk with the cooler one I made. ;)

    Welcome to MSFN, by the way. :hello:

  6. 'Cause I don't have a main box. :rolleyes: I've got a lappy, and I don't leave it on while I'm at school. Usually. As for school... I don't see that going over well with the sysadmins, and I certainly don't have the power to do anything like that myself. As for the user bars... they sound like a good idea, but I won't be able to have one. :( Sorry...

  7. May I just add that using THE administrator account for day-to-day purposes is NOT a good idea. I would adivise having a seperate account (give it admin rights if you must, though I don't recommend it) and only use THE admin account when you absolutely MUST. Also, I personally don't like using auto-logon; it seems rather unsecure, but if the comp's in a place where no-one else can access it, then whatev.

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