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Posts posted by Idontwantspam

  1. Have you tried it with a different monitor? If you have an extra something, you can see if it'll work. Usually even fancy monitors will work, just that they won't run in full resolution until it's all set up.

  2. 1. In my windows Task Manager/Registry Editor/Tools -> Folder Options has been disabled. I'm getting warning message that "It has been disabled by Administrator". How can I enable it again?

    Sol: Please visit following threads:


    We also have a thread here devoted to group policies in the registry, which is what causes those. :) Also, if you somehow can't access the registry editor, you can follow the procedure for loading another user's profile and try doing that, or if all else fails, use a BartPE disk with a registry editor and remove everything in the \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ key.

    Very, very good contribution over all. :thumbup Thanks.

    If there's a mod out there who would be so kind as to sticky this, I think it would be beneficial.

    Also, you may want to ad a link to this page in your sig, Vishal Gupta.

    :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup

  3. Ahem. <_<

    This is not a warez site! Links/Requests to warez and/or illegal material (porn, cracks, serials, etc..) will not be tolerated. Discussion of circumventing WGA/activation/timebombs/keygens or any other illegal activity will also not be tolerated. You will be banned without notice.
  4. actually its all lower cased, "intel"

    the "e" used to drop down a little bit but not anymore.

    Duh... stupid me. I could've just looked down at the little sticker on my computer. Right you are...

    intel it is.


  5. To my knowledge, SP3 is not available to the general public, it's only available to MSDN and TechNet subscribers, as well as probably the OEMs, etc. So basically, the best way to get your hands on it would be to wait or to buy an MSDN or technet subscription.

  6. Thanks, that looks like what I'm looking for. I'll try that.

    As for net user, for the user accounts I'm concerned about, I just disable the command prompt entirely (even if they somehow copy + rename it, it'll still be blocked) and under the disallow specified programs policy, I put net.exe as one of them. So, they could still get in somehow, but this should slow them down. Thanks. ;)

  7. To elaborate...

    In order to have Single Sign On, where all user information is stored on one computer and users log in to the domain, not the individual workstation, you are going to need what's called a Domain Controller. A domain controller provides authentication for the domain - all user accounts, their passwords, etc. are stored on the server, thus people can log on to any computer on the domain with the same username and password.

    Doing this will require you to have an operating system capable of being a domain controller. Generally speaking, this means you'll have to buy a copy of Windows Server 2003, any version except for web edition. When you get the server up and running, let us know and we can get you started on creating a domain.

    If you don't have too many computers/people and if you don't have too much money (Windows server costs several hundred to thousands of dollars when you factor in the license cost and the cost for CALs for each user or computer), then you might want to look in to a free alternative. Getting a linux server up and running with Samba can emulate a Windows NT 4 style domain. It's not as good as active directory, which you get with windows server 2003, but it's way cheaper. If you've only got a few computers, this might be the way to go. Alternatively, if you don't feel comfortable setting up a linux server, you could look into SME Server. It's pretty much id***-proof. It has a wizard-like setup interface, and all configuration after you get it up and running is done through a web interface that is accessed by a regular internet browser across the LAN. I've tried it before; it's pretty good for a small setup.

    So, let us know about how many users/computers we're dealing with, and what your budget is and we can give you more help. By the way welcome to MSFN. :hello:

    P.S. Is there a mod out there who can move this to the NT forum, since this is more of an NT issue than an XP one? Thanks. ;)

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