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Posts posted by Idontwantspam

  1. Well, this is an ancient thread, but I'm having some issues here with this same thing.

    I want to force the administrator account to change its password at the first logon. So, I put in my commands.txt

    cusrmgr -u userName -s PasswordNeverExpires +s MustChangePassword

    When I log on, the box is checked, however, it doesn't require a change password, it only says:


    Your password expires today. Do you want to change it now?

    But a day later... and another day after that.... still not being forced. :unsure:

    Any idea why and how I can fix this?

    P.S. This is on a windows xp professional unattended install.

  2. This may be a temporary glitch from the upgrade, but when I logged in today, it claimed there were 0 new posts in 0 threads, which I know isn't true because there were new posts.

    Also, the view has been defaulting to overview instead of standard. I have to change it on every single thread. :blink:

  3. [...]
    whats better, cancer, or sugar?

    Hard to say. Extra sugar in most people's diets (getting rid of aspatame altogether would mean LOTS more sugar) will lead directly to weight gain, which in turn will lead to far higher risks of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis and all that (it even increases risk of some cancers AFAIK).


    THANK YOU!!! I know many people with type-1 diabetes, and they always tell me how they wish people would distinguish between types 1 and 2, since people see they have diabetes and say things like "Oh! Is that because you eat too much?" which is insulting. Good points, by the way. ;)

    Let me address the original question. "Is diet caffeine-free soda dangerous?"


    Being a Diabetic, my options for flavorful soft drinks is somewhat limited.

    The Coke with Splenda is way too sweet for my taste.

    Diet Coke with Lime is real tasty, (and makes a good mixer for Whiskey or Southern Comfort) but drinking a lot of it puts way too much Aspartame into my system.

    I've recently removed that from my diet all together.

    So recently I've come up with a workable solution. (no pun intended)

    I buy unsweetened "Kool Aid" and sweeten it myself with Splenda.

    No Caffeine, NO poisonous Aspartame and NO sugar.

    Plus, I can change the flavor with each pitcher, so I don't get burned out on just one taste.

    I'm having some right now......mmmmmmmm! Delicious!

    I'd rather have a cold beer, but that blows my blood sugar levels right through the roof!

    But, beer is actually its own food group.

    It's really very nourishing and could actually sustain life all by itself.

    Just too much sugar for us diabetics. (although, I still have one or two, occasionally)

    Cheers Mates!

    Ummmm..... well, splenda has its own issues. Every time I've had it I've gotten a head ache. :wacko: And as for beer blowing your BGL through the roof, just take some extra insulin when you drink. :unsure:


    As far as I can see, fruit sugars like fruisiana are among the relatively safe and have a low glycenic index (GI)

    As far as I can see, you're wrong. If it's pure sugar of any kind, it's got a high glycemic index.


    water when you running

    i cramp up when i do that. it's also hard to carry a water bottle for a 10+ mile run..


    Huh. I almost always take a water bottle when I run. However, when running with the XC team, we often run places with waterfountains, or if not, we take turns bringing a group water bottle. Which results in a problem if one person gets sick, because then we all do...

    The trick I've found is to only drink a little bit, and not too often, but when you're done, drink a LOT, and drink something about 30-60 minutes before running. Gatorade, etc.. are good, too, for race days. :D

    Overall, addressing the issue... 2L of anything artificial is going to be bad for you. Water's the best. Not bottled water - it's weird and it wastes resources - but tap water, preferably filtered. And keep away from that "vitamin water" stuff. It's bad for you. If plain water is boring, try some tea - non caffeinated! Or hot cocoa in the winter, but not too much since milk and cocoa have sugar.

    REMEMBER: Sugar is not inherently bad. Your body NEEDS it. It's just about how much how often. On the other hand, artificial stuff it bad for you. Especially aspartame. Ugh. :puke:

  4. Well, I am using Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005. I have hacked winbrand.dll to get the modified logo in the winver.exe dialog, and I am using truetransparency for the vista borders. I have a hacked uxtheme.dll, which allows for use of the vista theme from the vista transformation pack. Glass2K is used for the taskbar and start menu transparencies.

    I also have winflip 3d running, but you can't see it in that screenshot:



  5. This won't work with checkboxes, because then what happens if they select multiple boxes, where should it go? What you need to use are radio buttons.

    <input type="radio" id="goTo" value="Page 1"/>Page one <br />
    <input type="radio" id="goTo" value="Page 2"/>Page two <br />

    Also, if you're using XHTML, make sure to close your line break tags:

    <br />

    and if you're not using XHTML, don't close your input tags.

  6. Try opening cmd.exe and typing

    net localgroup Guests

    and see if the user appears. If so, then try typing

    net localgroup Administrators thatuser /add

    and then...

    net localgroup Guests thatuser /delete

    I think I have those commands right... someone correct me if I'm wrong.

    The bottom line is, Windows XP Home is sort of odd, and it handles users in strange ways. Avoid using control userpasswords2, as much as it may hurt, and instead use the normal control panel. It sucks, I know, but that's the way it was designed to be used.

  7. No se si usted entiende ingles o no, pero nos ayudaria si pudiera presentar sus problemas en ingles, porque la mayoria de nosotros no sabemos espanol, y casi todos si sabe ingles.

    Desafortunadamente, yo no se como ayudarle en este momento. Si pudiera darnos mas informacion sobre su computadora, quizas alguien podria ayudarle.

    Bienvenido a MSFN, espero que aprende mucho! :hello:

  8. ok anyway, some one provided me the web hosting - the admin was so kind to give me a free account when his site does not provide 1. he said it be good to help a student, me. i dont even know him, not even in the same country, that was very kind of him. he said there will not be 24hr support for me but he sent me my account the same day i requested for it! and replied to emails within a day! i really appreciate that, i must say. its good enough for me, i got what i requested for 200MB space (i dont use much, no big pics/videos) 5GB Bandwidth, PHP MySQL(2DB) FTP no file type/size restrictions. good enough? for a personal blog and computer resource site. he also offered me to ask him when i need any more, but i know i shouldn't ask too much.

    Under Construction: http://fusion-planet.updownloading.com/

    Daaaannnnnggggg! You got lucky! :blink:

  9. Heh....

    yeah. :rolleyes:

    Um, you're going to need something more than just frontpage to stuff like that. I'd suggest you learn HTML, CSS and maybe JavaScript before you attempt this.

    Then, you'll need to figure out some way to have a database with all the rankings and stuff, and use CGI or PHP or some other sort of server-side language to read/write to it. There's probably tutorials out there on the web.

  10. Calm down, y'all! :crazy:

    If he wants to use XP, let the poor man use XP! Use what you want to use; whatever works for you! :angel

    I still say buy Vista and do a downgrade installation, as is permitted under the EULA, so that you can have Vista when you need it in the future.

  11. At home no, my wife would have a hissy fit.

    At work yes, I'm a domain admin so every time I leave my desk. I keep a shortcut to "Lock Workstation" in my quicklaunch.

    %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

    It would be much quicker to just use startkey + L

    (startkey + E is explorer & startkey + R is run)


    If you have a Microsoft keyboard, it's quicker yet to use IntelliType to remap a button to lock the computer. For example, my keyboard has a log off button. I don't log off very frequently, so I just set it to lock the workstation.

    Win+L is good if you don't have that option. In windows 2000, that doesn't exist, so I recommend making a shortcut as mentioned above and setting it's keyboard shortcut to be Ctrl+Alt+L and then placing it on the desktop. It's only one key more than Win+L, but less work than Ctrl+Alt+Del.

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