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Posts posted by martin26uk
Hi, when all of my apps have installed i've changed my runonce command so it doesnt reboot after the apps have installed. Instead it logs into the admin account. I've got a .exe file which i want to run once its logged in - how is the best way to start the file automatically ?
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Hi, i'm looking for a basic script for setting up user profiles, something that can be ran from a memory stick.
At my work we deploy new PCs every day and have to logon to the machines as the user and set the folder options, shortcuts, change options etc for each user. Is there anything already created that i could work on / modify for my needs ?
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Sounds good - upload the beta so we can have a look
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Oops my mistake - i renamed the config.js to something else
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Ok cool - i'l give that a try
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Hi, i've just started using this after using the RunOnce method. I'm getting the following error after windows has installed but before my apps have installed :
Windows cannot find d:\wpi\WPI.htaIm using a multiboot DVD - my WPI folder is located on the DVD as:
DVD:\wpi\WPI.htaI can move the WPI folder to the root on the DVD thats not a problem but is that where it should be located ?
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Like you said rootworm - the audio drivers wernt installed fully - i increased the sleep time from 180 to 280 seconds and it works fine now
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Just noticed that i have arguement instructions that belong to DetachedProgram=".\system32\cmd.exe"
Arguments="/Q /C FOR /F %I IN (%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\$WINNT$.INF) DO (FOR %J IN (%I$OEM$) DO (IF EXIST %J (start /min /D%J Drivers.cmd)))"Think i'l just find a different way of installing the drivers so i dont have 2 instances of DetachedProgram=
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Right- i've never made a command script so does the following look right ?
I'd call the cmd script using:
DetachedProgram="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\script.cmd"And the cmd script would contain:
@echo offDetachedProgram="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\mplayer\video.exe"
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Sorry i meant that mplayer opens up at the 33 minute stage, the video starts playing but no sound can be heard. Now whilst the video is playing if you select tools > options on mplayer itself and click apply - the sound starts playing. No options are changed so its just a strange one
Anyone else manage to get audio working ?
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Hi, in Winnt.sif i install the drivers by placing the following in [GuiUnattended]
DetachedProgram=".\system32\cmd.exe"But i've added a video now to the setup which uses
DetachedProgram="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\mplayer\video.exe"Can i use 2 detached programs because i cant get it to work
tried this
But only the 1st option is picked up
Any ideas ?
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I cant get the sound to run automatically in dos, when in dos if i goto options and click apply the sound starts - any idea why that is ?
It works fine when i test it in windows
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ha ha posting your coursework on here for someone else to do
Try going to a coding forum
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You add the drivers during setup so no need to do what you said.
All the info is here
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Use sharks msn install - just execute it and it silently installs
URL EDITTED by Shark007
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Cheers Pal - worked a treat
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Sorry change it to this - cant edit it for some reason
REG ADD %KEY%01 /VE /D "Acrobat Reader" /fREG ADD %KEY%01 /V 1 /D "%PP%\install\acrobat\ar6.exe /qn" /f
REG ADD %KEY%02 /VE /D "Adware Pro 6" /f
REG ADD %KEY%02 /V 1 /D "%PP%\install\adware\adw6pro.exe /qn" /f
Your Runonce should look like this
cmdow @ /HID
@echo off
FOR %%i IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\win51ip.SP2 SET CDROM=%%i:
SET PP=%SystemDrive%\Install\
SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx
REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing Your Apps 4 U - Sit Back and Enjoy" /f
REG ADD %KEY%01 /VE /D "Acrobat Reader" /f
REG ADD %KEY%01 /V 1 /D "%PP%\install\acrobat\ar6.exe /qn" /f
REG ADD %KEY%02 /VE /D "Adware Pro 6" /f
REG ADD %KEY%02 /V 1 /D "%PP%\install\adware\adw6pro.exe /qn" /f
Exit0 -
REG ADD %KEY /VE /D "Acrobat Reader" /fREG ADD %KEY /V 1 /D "%PP%%systemdrive%\install\acrobat\ar6.exe /qn" /f
REG ADD %KEY%01 /VE /D "Adware Pro 6" /f
REG ADD %KEY%01 /V 1 /D "%PP%%systemdrive%\install\adware\adw6pro.exe /qn" /f
REG ADD %KEY%1 /VE /D "Acrobat Reader" /fREG ADD %KEY%1 /V 1 /D "%PP%\install\acrobat\ar6.exe /qn" /f
REG ADD %KEY%2 /VE /D "Adware Pro 6" /f
REG ADD %KEY%2 /V 1 /D "%PP%\install\adware\adw6pro.exe /qn" /f
With those software apps in $OEM$\$1\Install\
that should do it
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Hi, i've read various posts on different methods of installing ZAP 6.5 unattended but it would never fully work for me - after putting this and that together this is what worked for me
Install ZAP as normal on your PC
Setup ZAP how you want it to run
Goto Overview > Preferences Tab > Select Backup and save the file as zoneconfig.xml
Now open Regedit & export the complete key from:
HKLM > Software > Zone Labs & call it zone1.reg
HKCU > Software > Zone Labs & call it zone2.reg
Now add this to your Runonce - change the paths to your local setup
REG ADD %KEY%26 /VE /D "ZoneAlarm Pro 6.5.700" /f
REG ADD %KEY%26 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\zone_alarm\setup.exe /s /i /noreboot /lickey YourLicenseKeyWithoutDashes %SystemDrive%\Install\zone_alarm\zonesettings.xml" /f
REG ADD %KEY%26 /V 2 /D "Taskkill /F /IM zclient" /f
REG ADD %KEY%26 /V 3 /D "REGEDIT /S %SystemDrive%\Install\zone_alarm\zone1.reg" /f
REG ADD %KEY%26 /V 4 /D "REGEDIT /S %SystemDrive%\Install\zone_alarm\zone2.reg" /fHope this helps someone B)
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I've changed the DVD text that shows when the DVD starts from
Press Enter to boot from DVD...to
Press ENTER to go to the Menu SystemIf you've started installing XP please WAIT for another
30 Seconds for the installation to automatically continue
Now i want to add this
To boot from the Hard Drive press Escso i added this but it doesnt work
if $lastKey == key[esc]; then cls
Also tried this
if $lastKey == key[esc]; then goto boot
Whole thing looks like this
print "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
set textColor= color[brightgreen on black]
print c "Press ENTER to go to the Menu System \n"
print "\n"
set textColor= color[brightred on black]
print c "If you've started installing XP please WAIT for another \n"
print c "30 Seconds for the installation to automatically continue \n"
getkey 30 boot 0x80
if $lastKey == key[enter]; then script menus/rootmenu.scn
if $lastKey == key[esc]; then cls
# When no key found...
goto bootAny ideas - I just want to press ESC to boot from the hard drive
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You need to show hidden folders
Tools>Folder Options>View>Show Hidden files
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I had the same problem then i saw this
havnt tried the iso yet but it looks like its gonna work
Extended Desktop - How do i disable it on Laptop?
in Windows XP
Hi, 2 of my friends have bought identical laptops HP Omnibook 6100. I've put XP Pro on them and for some reason they both are set on extended desktop - even though theres no monitor attached. I cant disable it in the display properties as its greyed out but its ticked. So at the moment you have to scroll around the screen to get from the top to the bottom of the desktop and also left to right - this even happens on the logon screen!