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  1. hav fun
  2. Wooohooooo! Finally 3K pageviews! THANK YOU GUYS AND GIRLS FOR EVERYTHING. <3 Font: Calibri Preview: Wood by Psychopulse (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/51648668/) - Modded by me
  3. I been quite busy with school and SAT prep. Here is my April ss. Comments and +favs are appreciated. Thanks.
  4. Hello! My second SS of this month: Theme: Rissol's mod of NiCO Niqu (Original Authors: Pantoni, Max Rudberg and Paul Johnson) Wall: Dj's mod of S3CL's Another Place II (Thanks NiTRO) Icons: Blend by AveTenebrae, NiCO Ed. by Rissol Dock: Reflections Inspired by Styrizo Font: Calibri (Thanks Ellada aka Mike)
  5. Theme: Nickel Cobalt, - Silver/Purple mod by me Authors of Nicklet Cobalt: Paul Johnson & Max Rudberg & Philipp Antoni Wallpaper: Apple Seal by manicho - mod by me with Kate Beckinsale's picture Icons: Reflections by Styrizo && Apple Drives Widget: iTunes Artwork VinylTunes Comments && :+fav:s are appreciated much.
  6. Thank you, sir
  7. . : | Guikit Theme | : . Cold 1.2 - Modded by Rissol and a little bit by me . : | Wallpaper | : . Dawn On The Deck by =l8 . : | Icons | : . Various icons from different packages and by authors. . : | Preview Border | : . By Roike - Thanks man! . : | Friday Night Guests | : . Maria and Alexis . : | Muzik | : . The Logical Song by Scooter
  8. lol i guess people hate mac screenshots? or they dont probably click on the preview to see it
  9. Last one for this year later!
  10. lets forget about the past months and concentrate on the upcoming months
  11. [Guikit] :: 7 by H8LesS [Wallpaper] :: Ascending Penguin by *coolart [icons] :: WidgetWidget, susumu, chris's icon docks, and few more. [Featuring] :: Maria :hug: [Thanks to travelfox a.k.a Ze Icon Master for giving me those grey-folder icons]
  12. haha yeah. i expect more desktop with those pictures from ya.
  13. Thanks a lot
  14. Comments are appreciated Thanks
  15. Offtopic but sorry. What happend to the winners of October desktop? :S werid!
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