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[repack]Generic Data1.cab recompress


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Output example of AdobeReader 7.08:

@ECHO off
REM Recompress Data1.cab files using cabsdk cabarc

SET destino=new
SET diamond=ap7.ddf
SET cabinet=Data1.cab
SET cabSetID=0

MD %destino%

ECHO Decompressing...
IF EXIST %destino%\%diamond% DEL %destino%\%diamond%
FOR /F "usebackq skip=5 tokens=2* delims=\" %%I IN (`cabarc -o X %cabinet% *.* %destino%\`) DO ECHO %destino%\%%~nxI>>%destino%\%diamond%

cabarc L %cabinet%>before.txt
FOR /F "tokens=7 delims=, " %%I IN ('FINDSTR /C:", set ID" before.txt') DO SET cabSetID=%%I
cabarc -m LZX:21 -s 6144 -i %cabSetID% N %destino%\%cabinet% @%destino%\%diamond%

ECHO Cleaning...
MOVE before.txt %destino%\
FOR /F %%I IN (%destino%\%diamond%) DO DEL /F "%%I"
DEL %destino%\%diamond%

CD %destino%
..\cabarc L %cabinet%>after.txt
FC before.txt after.txt
CD ..

SET destino=
SET diamond=
SET cabinet=
SET cabSetID=


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Hmm, noticed some apps has both a "data1.cab" and a "data2.cab".

If I temporarily rename the data2 cab to data1 and run this script, maybe that works to ?

(re-naming it back to 2 afterwards offcourse)

Ex. PowerDVD 6

Edited by dobbelina
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Data2.cab is different...

Ok, that's a shame :(

In powerdvd6 the data1.cab ain't that large.

When I tried to execute the script, a "New" folder appeared, but there isn't any data1.cab in it ?

Maybe it doesn't work on this proggie....

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Will this work for all Data1.cab proggies, like Acrobat Pro?
Hell yes, is just an intermediate result obtained while trying to repack AcroPro 7.0.7
It's cool! It slimmed flash 8's data1.cab from 90mb to 72 mb. And works like a charm.
Keep me informed of your succeses, I will fill in a list.
Hmm, noticed some apps has both a "data1.cab" and a "data2.cab".

If I temporarily rename the data2 cab to data1 and run this script, maybe that works to ?

(re-naming it back to 2 afterwards offcourse)

Ex. PowerDVD 6

Notice the folowing line in the script:
SET cabinet=Data1.cab

I couldn't test every proggy out there, but I'll make a list with your findings, work or not.

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  • 1 year later...
:angry: I can't find data1.cab on my computer
You are not supposed to find it. You are supposed to use the scripts to recompress Data1.cab file in the application installer you want.

If you don't have an installer with data1.cab, don't use them.

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