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no this method is different from the other posts. Everyone including myself has tried to create the SFX archive that does it all. This is what Iam doing:

RunOnceEx runs the Office2003.exe (SFX Archive), it extracts to "OfficeTEMP".

When that is done RunOnceEx, not the SFX Comment, tells it to run the Office setup.exe Transform Unattended.mst.

It might not work, but at least we can rule it out.


It Worked! :w00t:

[EDIT] Total ISO filesize is 434MB, plenty to spare. :D

[EDIT2] I used "OfficeShrinker" (use search) to get rid of all the glut in Office bringing the installation files to about 370MB from 670! And WinRAR to compress that down to 148MB self extracting SFX File that RunOnceEx can use.


Try this in the runs from CMDLINES.txt part.

The next part is to have a cmd that runs at the run once part that start the set up Office

"REGEDIT /S 000.reg"
"REGEDIT /S 080.reg"

This runs just before the RunOnceEx is called so it is give enough time extract it and than at first desk top, my cmd that runs Office which allows a yes install no install,

This is my last cmd to run in the RunOnceEx before the clean up part. You could also run the set up from the clean up cmd also .

Theme.cmd This runs at the 12 min mark before the run once

echo off
color 4f
echo Preparing Office For Later Install
start Off11SP1.exe
ping -n 5>nul
echo Lets Add The Custom Themes
start Themes.exe
ping -n 5>nul
color 9f
echo Adding Extra Programs
start Progs.exe
ping -n 7>nul
color 9f
echo Adding WMP9SKINS
start WmpSkins.exe
ping -n 5>nul
color 2b
echo Change The Screen Size
ping -n 2>nul
start VidChng.exe 1024x768x32@85 -q

Hope this helps


The Easy Way:

[EDIT] This method works nice because RunOnceEx will wait for Office to Finish setting up before it moves on to the next line. Also I reccomend having RunOnceEx setup from %CDROM% to save time with copying.


REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "UNPACKING Office 2003 Professional with SP1" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Software\Office2003.exe" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\002 /VE /D "INSTALLING Office 2003 Professional with SP1" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\002 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\OfficeTEMP\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-" /f


;The comment below contains SFX scripts commands



RD /S /Q "%systemdrive%\OfficeTEMP\"



Yes, that is one thing to consider - for an archive (the office 2003 installation) compressed to the maximum, the 7zip archive was 15% smaller than the RAR.

Sometimes though, the 15% difference is negligible enough to opt for a winRAR SFX instead - the RAR SFX is more fully-featured.


OfficeShinker cut the size of the Office Install Directory by roughly 50%, then WinRAR got it down to ~150MB, so 7zip might only save 15MB. Nice to know though.

Also Just in case anyone is interested and/or doing Unattended Office Installs:

Disable CEIP (Customer Experience Improvement Program) in Office 2003

Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) can be disabled using the

Microsoft Office 2003 Custom Installation Wizard @

Page 10 (Change Office User Settings)

-> Microsoft Office 2003 (user) -> Help -> Help | Privacy Settings

- Double click on Enable Customer Experience Improvement Program

- Mark "o Apply Changes" and do not check off the check box below (make sure its just white).

That's it. Continue with the Wizard as you would have otherwise.

OfficeShinker cut the size of the Office Install Directory by roughly 50%, then WinRAR got it down to ~150MB, so 7zip might only save 15MB.  Nice to know though.  Wel

Well, I said 15 percent reductin in size - not in terms of number of MBs occupied on HDD.

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