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im trying to make an unattend cd of win XP sp2 with office 2003 sp1 included.

I followed the guid on the site, sp2 is integrated to windows and also the sp1 patch for office2003.. To be able to put all this on 1 cd, i deleted quite a few useless stuff of winxp install and i used winrar to make a sfx file from office 2003.

The installation work fine till it comes to the point of the application installation:it install the applications normally but when it reach office2003 (which is big) it goes unusually fast, and doesnt install it . It doesnt show an error , it just go very fast. When i reboot, office isnt installed.

i am using the RunonceEx method.

I guess there is an error in my batch file.

I assumed i had to first unpack the office2003.exe created with winrar, then run the setup.exe freshly unpacked to install office. So in the properties of office2003.exe i choosed silent install and set the path to "current folder".

If anyone can explain to me what is wrong , and how to make it work it would be greatly appreciated.

thx :)

here is my RunonceEx.cmd:

cmdow @ /HID

@echo off

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing Applications" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\005 /VE /D "Adobe Reader 6" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Apps\AdobeReader6\AdbeRdr60_fra.msi /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\040 /VE /D "Daemon tool 3.46" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\040 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Apps\Daemon\daemon.msi /qn Reboot=Suppress" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\047 /VE /D "MSN Messenger 6.2" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\047 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Apps\WM\MsnMsgs.msi /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\065 /VE /D "Sun Java 1.5.2" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Apps\SunJava\j2re-1_4_2_05-windows-i586-p.exe /s /v/qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 2 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\Apps\SunJava\RemoveSunJavaUpdateCheck.reg" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\075 /VE /D "WinRAR 3.30" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\075 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Apps\WinRAR\wrar330fr.exe /s" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\080 /VE /D "Unpacking Office 2003" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\080 /V 1 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\Apps\Office2003\Office2003.exe /s" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\085 /VE /D "Installing Office 2003" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\085 /V 1 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\Apps\Office2003\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\090 /VE /D "Importing Registry Tweaks" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\090 /V 1 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\Apps\regtweaks.reg" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\099 /VE /D "Cleaning Up and Rebooting" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\099 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\apps\cleanup.cmd" /f



HI I'm trying to do the same thing but how do I combine xp+sp2 + office2k3+sp1 into 1 cd? when I try the tutorial to put office 2k3 into an unttended cd it come out over 1+ gig. I've try to delete the safe folder as recomended on other tutorial but its still big to fit into a cd. How am I goin about to do it in 1 cd? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank You.


Here's my working configuration for office 2003:

REG ADD %KEY%\050 /VE /D "Microsoft Office 2003" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\050 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\software\office2003\Office2003Install.exe" /f

Here's how i packed office 2003 with winrar:


Posted (edited)

REG ADD %KEY%\085 /V 1 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\Apps\Office2003\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-" /f

have you thought of adding a cmd in the rar that starts the installl.

From what i read hear and I am not a expert, you are trying to start your Unattended.MST from the rar file it self

Apps\Office2003\setup.exe=the rar all pack up will not support this switch Unattended.MST /qb- because it would have to extract it self in the same location which would be Apps\Office2003\Office2003\ which doesnt exist.

What you need to do is extract the file to that location than run

TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-

Here what my Office2003 Sp1 Rar Looks Like

;The comment below contains SFX script commands


What my self extracting rar cmd is


Edited by gunsmokingman

where in WinRAR SFX do I put this command in? ===> Setup=setup.exe TRANSFORM=Unattended.MST /qb- TempMode Silent=2 Overwrite=1 <===I'm not use to winrar with sfx mode. Thanks for the info.

where in WinRAR SFX do I put this command in? ===> Setup=setup.exe TRANSFORM=Unattended.MST /qb- TempMode Silent=2 Overwrite=1 <===I'm not use to winrar with sfx mode. Thanks for the info.
I am not sure but you have to extract it first before you can run the

office set up.

;The comment below contains SFX script commands

Path=%systemdrive%\Off11SP1---->This is the location this folder get extracted


Setup=%systemdrive%\Off11SP1\Office11SP1.cmd----->This runs set up and a few other things

Silent=2---->I Like a little show but you can have it completly silent

Overwrite=1---->Just Incase I have them there and forgot  

how do I combine xp+sp2 + office2k3+sp1 into 1 cd?

You can use nLite to slim-down your Windows-source, and "Office Shrinker" to reduce the size of your Office2003 source. Try searching (in the forums) for details. :)

means winrar will extract the contents of the archive to a temporary folder then execute the setup command (while the temperary folder is the active folder) and clean up after that. No need for another .cmd file
Here's my working configuration for office 2003:

REG ADD %KEY%\050 /VE /D "Microsoft Office 2003" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\050 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\software\office2003\Office2003Install.exe" /f

Here's how i packed office 2003 with winrar:

Setup=setup.exe TRANSFORM=Unattended.MST /qb-




This way doesn't install office2003. I've tested it out and I saw the winrar extraction but when I log into xp, office2003 is not install. I didn't try gunsmokingman way yet but will do it after work.


I have the office to extract to the folder and install... but during install the cleanup.cmd execute the shutdown. How do I change the code to wait till office2003 is done installing then start to execute the shutdown cmd?

Below is the code for my RunOnceEx.cmd and cleanup.cmd


REG ADD %KEY%\017 /VE /D "Microsoft Office 2003" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\017 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Office2003\Office2003.exe" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\018 /VE /D "Cleaning Up and Rebooting" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\018 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\cleanup.cmd" /f


cmdow @ /HID
shutdown.exe -r -f -t 60 -c "Windows XP will now restart in 1 minute..."
net user aspnet /delete

DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Windows Update.lnk"
DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Set Program Access and Defaults.lnk"
DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Windows Catalog.lnk"

DEL "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Flashget.lnk"
DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Desktop\Ad-Adware SE Professional.lnk"
DEL "%UserProfile%\Desktop\SpywareBlaster.lnk"
DEL "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Ad-Watch SE Professional.lnk"
DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Desktop\AVG 7.0.lnk"
DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Desktop\InterVideo WinDVD 6.lnk"
DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Desktop\Nero StartSmart.lnk"
DEL "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Ad-Watch SE Professional.lnk"
DEL "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Spybot - Search & Destroy.lnk"
DEL "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Winamp.lnk"

RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\drivers\
RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\install\


;The comment below contains SFX script commands



Setup=setup.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-




Ah can anyone save me some trouble, is there a way to copy and paste files between vmware and the host pc? I let OfficeShrinker run last night, and would like to try that out with this.


there's 3 ways:

1. Install VMware tools, and thereafter, just drag-and-drop files. :thumbup

2. Have a shared folder between host and guest OS.

3. Put the files from the host OS into an ISO image, and mount within the VM.

Hoping this helps...

Im going to give your code a try in a minute, but my guess would be to move Office higher in the install que so it has enough time to finish. 


Have RunOnceEx run the Office Exe to extract it, then in the next line have Runonceex run the MST File.  In this case I have the Office.exe extract to "OfficeTEMP", then ROE has a second command to install office.


REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "UNPACKING Office 2003 Pro SP1" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Office2003\Office2003.exe" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\002 /VE /D "INSTALLING Office 2003 Pro SP1" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\002 /V 1 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\OfficeTEMP\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-" /f


Delete the OEM Folders, and then the OfficeTEMP folder because Office should now be installed. 

Office2003.exe SFX Comment

;The comment below contains SFX script commands


Ill give this a try and report.

This way doesn't work.. I already tested it out. I'm going to try a different way ... and I will let you know if it work or not.

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