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Posted (edited)

This guide is deprecated (it did not work as expected). Read this post to see why. I recommend that you use:

Silent .NET Makerby Tomcat76 to integrate all the .Net Frameworks into your XPCD.



Integrate (not slipstream) the following into an unattended XPCD:

  • .Net Framework v1.1

  • .Net Framework v2.0 + SP1

  • .Net Framework v3.0 + SP1

  • .Net Framework v3.5

In a way that:

  • Provides an opportunity to install applications that require .Net Framework 2.0.

  • Ensures that the WebClient Service does not error and will run correctly.

  • Minimizes the size of the .Net Framework packages required.

  • Requires two 3rd party tools:
    • An SFX archiver (WinRar, 7Zip, etc.).

    • , by
      (I believe you could also user RogueSpear's .Net addons as well but I don't know anything about them.)

So that:

  • The installation is as close to supported-by-Microsoft as possible.

  • It is as simple as possible to integrate into an XPCD.

Credits "We all stand on the backs of giants."

Kenneth R. Alcock (DarkShadows on MSFN.org)


Last Update:
04:00 PM 01/11/2008 (GMT -5)

Source Materials:
  1. —Aaron Stebner, Microsoft Corporation

MSFN Forums threads:

.Net Framework Background

For those who may not know,
.Net Framework
is a runtime environment built by Microsoft to run .Net applications on your local PC (these are built in Visual Studio). It might help you to relate this concept to how Java applications require
Java Runtime Environment
(built by Sun) installed on your PC in order to run. If you do not install or run any Java applications on your PC, then you will not require a Java Runtime Environment. Likewise, if you do not install or run any .Net applications on your PC, then you will not require .Net Framework.

The similarities end there. Sun made Java Runtime Environments
backward compatible
—if you download and install the most recent version, you generally no longer require any older versions. Unfortunately, Microsoft did not create all .Net Frameworks to be backward compatible. If you want to be able to run everything .Net, then you need all the currently available .Net Frameworks. If you know which .Net Framework version each of your .Net applications require, then you might be able to get by only installing the required version. This thinking breaks down a little bit, because .Net Framework v3.5 requires v3.0 SP1, and v2.0 SP1; and .Net Framework v3.0 requires v2.0. However, .Net Framework v1.1 still remains independent of the others.

Microsoft has recently released the following .NET Framework software downloads:

If you intend to follow this guide, please do not download any files, except those I link to here (or those that
links to). There are a number of different .Net Framework download files, and you need to ensure you have the correct ones in order to follow this guide!

Create/acquire DNF11.exe and DNF20.exe

MSFN Forums member
has already done all of the heavy lifting on this one. So you can simply follow his
, with the exceptions I have noted below.

When using Silent .Net Maker (
" SNM.cmd"
), only create the
packages—skip creating the
package altogether. You can also skip downloading any Microsoft Updates that
only apply to .Net Framework 3.0

I believe MSFN Forums member
has also created .Net Framework packages which are widely used. I have never used these, nor do I know where to download them. However, I suspect that these will work just fine, so long as .Net Framework 3.0 is not included. (If someone could test this out and report back, I will update this guide accordingly.)

Create DNF35.exe

We will be making a self-extracting archive (SFX) that includes:
  • .Net Framework v2.0 SP1 (i.e. SP1

  • .Net Framework v3.0

  • .Net Framework v3.0 SP1

  • .Net Framework v3.5.

  1. Download and install WinRar, 7Zip, (or similar). I use WinRar, but it should not be too hard to do any of this with any similar tool.

  2. Download
    to the root folder of your hard disk drive. This file contains:

    1. .NET Framework 2.0

    2. .NET Framework 3.0

    3. .NET Framework 2.0 SP1

    4. .NET Framework 3.0 SP1

    5. .NET Framework 3.5.

This file also contains
all the files
required for installation on:
  • 32-bit Windows XP and Vista.

  • 64-bit Windows XP and Vista.

So as it is now, this file is a
very fat lady
that needs: a diet, a workout program, and a physical trainer.

Execute the command below to extract the downloaded executable to

dotnetfx35.exe /X:C:\DNF35_Work

As extracted, there are some unnecessary subfolder levels; list the folder below, select the one file and the four subfolders listed below, and drag them all directly under
. Afterward, delete the
subfolder from under






| dotNetFx35setup.exe







| dotNetFx35setup.exe






Now give the fat lady her diet, by deleting only the files and subfolders noted below. Since we are creating an installer for 32-bit Windows XP, we do not require any 64-bit installation files. We also do not require the .Net Framework v2.0 files. This will take the folder size from about
210,247 KB
down to about
67,725 KB


+---dotNetFX20 .................... (delete this folder)



| | Netfx30a_x64.msi .......... (delete this file)

| | RGB9RAST_x64.msi .......... (delete this file)

| | WCF_64.msp ................ (delete this file)

| | WCS_64.msp ................ (delete this file)

| | WF_64.msp ................. (delete this file)

| | WIC_x64_enu.exe ........... (delete this file)

| | WPF1_64.msp ............... (delete this file)

| | WPF2_64.msp ............... (delete this file)

| | WPF_Other_64.msp .......... (delete this file)

| | XPSEPSC-amd64-en-US.exe ... (delete this file)

| |

| \---x64 ....................... (delete this subfolder)



| +---ia64 ...................... (delete this subfolder)

| |

| \---x64 ....................... (delete this subfolder)




\---x64 ....................... (delete this subfolder)

From the remaining folders and files in
, create a self-extracting archive that executes the following command:

dotNetFx35setup.exe /qb /norestart

The command above will display a progress bar during installation, but it will not require user interaction (unattended installation). Change it to the command below for a complete silent installation.

dotNetFx35setup.exe /qn /norestart

Do not post questions to this thread how to create a self-extracting executable (SFX). That topic is well covered in other threads (or in the help files of such tools). However, if you are using WinRar to create an SFX archive, here is a working WinRar comment:

Setup=dotNetFx35setup.exe /qb /norestart




Title=.Net Framework 2.0 SP1, 3.0 SP1, 3.5



Install Includes:

• .Net Framework 2.0 SP1 (SP1 only)

• .Net Framework 3.0 SP1 (SP0 + SP1)

• .Net Framework 3.5

;The comment below contains SFX script commands

Integrate the Packages Into Your XPCD

As you will read (or have read) in
, by
, you have some options and restrictions on where to include all three .Net Framework packages in your XPCD. Just remember that
has all of the same requirements and restrictions as
(which you will no longer use)—It must be installed after GUI First User Login, so you would more than likely include it in your
. You must also install
for .Net Framework v3.5 to work.

Do not post questions to this thread how to create a
or regarding such issues. That topic is well covered in the

Known Issues

  1. All Issues documented in
    , by
    still apply. Read that thread throughly and carefully!

  2. After
    .NET Framework 3.5 Full Redistributable Package
    is installed, Windows/Micorosoft Update will erroneously list the optional software update below.

    -> FIX: Error message when you try to open or to create a protected XPS document by using the XPS viewer that is included with the .NET Framework 3.0: "Cannot open this document because your permissions have expired"

    (Microsoft Catalog) -› 413 KB (2007-06-26)

    Not only is the update listed above not required (it is already included in .NET Framework 3.5 Full Redistributable Package), but it will not install correctly anyway! Both errors are on the part of the Windows Update itself, not on the part of this installation guide. In fact, you would still see this update listed (and it still would not install for you), if you manually installed the whole bloody .Net Framework 3.5 distributable on a clean Windows XP installation without integrating it or slimming it down at all. See this
    for more information.


    In the Microsoft newsgroups, an MVP recommended that people to just hide (ignore) the update listed above. To hide this update during your unattended XPCD installation, read the
    How to Obtain a Clean or Customized DataStore.edb
    section of my

Future Objectives

subfolder we deleted above actually contains everything for .Net Framework 2.0 (it does not include .Net Framework 2.0 SP1). In theory, we should be able to use that to create a fully patched, and self contained DNF20.exe. However, there are the same old Registry issues that are documented in
. It would be nice if someone who has experience making a DNF20 installer (Tomcat76 or RogueSpear maybe?) could try to do so with these fully patched files. I'm not quite sure where to begin with that, and what I have tried failed miserably.

Edited by DarkShadows

Posted (edited)

As I clearly stated above:

In a way that:

  • Ensures that the WebClient Service does not error and will run correctly.

If you follow my guide as written above (and the guide I linked to by Tomcat76), then you should be installing DNF35.exe after GUI First User Login (I install it from RunOnceEx). After everything is installed thusly and the PC has been rebooted, you will then be able to open Services.msc and verify that the WebClient service is running correctly. At this time, my guide here really only changes one thing from the instructions Tomcat76 wrote in his Silent .Net Maker thread—I have you replace DNF30.exe with DNF35.exe (and I show you how to make it of course).

Edited by DarkShadows
  • 2 weeks later...

I have not used WPI, so I could not possibly comment on this with any certainty. You would be better served by asking such a question in a forum devoted to WPI (and perhaps linking your WPI question to this thread).

  • 2 weeks later...

I followed your guide exactly to create the .Net frameworke 3.5 and everything is OK

but when trying to install the pakage it's trying to Download 60M from the web. Why? How can i escapee this step?

and i'm tried to disable my internet connection to prevent the download then i get an error.

and the installer tell me to Exit the setup and restart it again.

Help please?


Why bother with "Create/acquire DNF11.exe and DNF20.exe" if .NET Framework 3.5 Full Redistributable Package contains 2.0 and 2.0 SP1?

Why bother with "Create/acquire DNF11.exe and DNF20.exe" if .NET Framework 3.5 Full Redistributable Package contains 2.0 and 2.0 SP1?

I don't use the method as described in this topic, but I do install Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1 SP1 and version 2.0 SP1 separately from version 3.0 SP1 and version 3.5. I install the first two via SVCPACK.INF, which allows me to install any applications which depend on either of these to be installed afterwards via SVCPACK as well. I install a package which contains both version 3.0 SP1 and version 3.5 next via RunOnceEx, as neither are SVCPACK.INF compatible, followed by any applications which depend on either of these via RunOnceEx as well. Instead of using the method described in this topic, I use RogueSpear's silent installer packages.

I followed your guide exactly to create the .Net frameworke 3.5 and everything is OK

but when trying to install the pakage it's trying to Download 60M from the web. Why? How can i escapee this step?

and i'm tried to disable my internet connection to prevent the download then i get an error.

and the installer tell me to Exit the setup and restart it again.

Help please?

Here are some things to verify:
  1. Download the full .Net Framework 3.5 distributable from the link I provided above (all 197 MB of it).
  2. Only delete the items from the full .Net Framework 3.5 distributable that I explicitly list above, everything else is required.
  3. Create a fully patched .Net Framework 2.0 (DNF20.exe) according to Tomcat76's Silent .NET Maker guide.
  4. Install .Net Framework 2.0 (DNF20.exe) before installing .Net Framework 3.5 (DNF35.exe).
  5. Check your resulting file sizes, which should be very close to mine (may very with other languages):
    • DNF11.exe = 11,300 KB
    • DNF20.exe = 39,045 KB
    • DNF35.exe = 66,251 KB

Why bother with "Create/acquire DNF11.exe and DNF20.exe" if .NET Framework 3.5 Full Redistributable Package contains 2.0 and 2.0 SP1?
Arie has already answered this in detail, I alluded to it in my guide:
In a way that:
  • Provides an opportunity to install applications that require .Net Framework 2.0.

I should've have mentioned "from SVCPACK"


A pretty helpful guide you got there I've just made one install. By the way /qn switch doesn't work, use /quiet instead.


Is there any issue when using VMware?

My install hangs -showing progress bar box "Installing Microsoft Components"

NOTE: SFX will run with dbl clk, outside of VMware on host machine?

Any suggestions?

Here are some things to verify:
  1. Download the full .Net Framework 3.5 distributable from the link I provided above (all 197 MB of it).
  2. Only delete the items from the full .Net Framework 3.5 distributable that I explicitly list above, everything else is required.
  3. Create a fully patched .Net Framework 2.0 (DNF20.exe) according to Tomcat76's Silent .NET Maker guide.
  4. Install .Net Framework 2.0 (DNF20.exe) before installing .Net Framework 3.5 (DNF35.exe).
  5. Check your resulting file sizes, which should be very close to mine (may very with other languages):
    • DNF11.exe = 11,300 KB
    • DNF20.exe = 39,045 KB
    • DNF35.exe = 66,251 KB

OK. I have verified and the result is:

My .Net framework 3.5 distributable package size is (197 MB).

Extract it again and delete the items you mentioned only in the list (i'm sure)

Repackage the .Net framework 1.1 & 2.0 again according to Tomcat76's Silent .NET Maker guide.

my resulting file sizes:

  • (dotnetfx.exe + NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe + NDP1.1sp1-KB928366-X86.exe) = 11,716 KB
  • (dotnetfx2.exe + NDP20-KB928365-X86.exe) = 39,963 KB
  • DNF35.exe = 66,400 KB

I tried to reinstall them all But the .Net framewoke 3.5 have the same problem.

any suggestion please

Is there any issue when using VMware?

My install hangs -showing progress bar box "Installing Microsoft Components"

NOTE: SFX will run with dbl clk, outside of VMware on host machine?

Any suggestions?

Did you tried to install it on your machine without any switches ? did the installer want to download any data ?

if yes. you have the same problem that i have

Is there any issue when using VMware?

My install hangs -showing progress bar box "Installing Microsoft Components"

NOTE: SFX will run with dbl clk, outside of VMware on host machine?

Any suggestions?

Did you tried to install it on your machine without any switches ? did the installer want to download any data ?

if yes. you have the same problem that i have


TC's combined installer is OK at T13 however my Winrar SFX hangs at logon. I only used "/qb" in RunOnceEx.

(My problem is not the same -my SFX/installer is not trying to download from internet)

The progress box shows "Installing Microsoft Components" (with no progress) and eventually times out.

Any other comments would be appreciated.

Is there any issue when using VMware?

My install hangs -showing progress bar box "Installing Microsoft Components"

NOTE: SFX will run with dbl clk, outside of VMware on host machine?

Any suggestions?

Did you tried to install it on your machine without any switches ? did the installer want to download any data ?

if yes. you have the same problem that i have

When you have the full package it doesn't to download anything actually it just shows that it is downloading but it is checking instead of downloading I have the same problem but I ran the setup using /quiet switch with no internet connection the .net framework 3.5 installed properly.

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