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outlook 2003 issue


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I have a user when they open outlook they get the icon in in the systray and in the task bar. but no window. I let it sit there for close to 15min and still no window. I end task it, then reopen it and it gives me the close error and wants me to load in safe mode. so I do that and the window will load. I close out of it and reopen it. still the same no window issue. I uninstalled outlook and even all of office and reinstalled outlook and office. still no luck.

I look in the event viewer to see if any errors are popping up. nothing is there, other then it telling me outlook loaded in safe mode.

any ideas?

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Maybe it's something wrong with the user profile. Try to rename the user profile folder and let the user logs on again.

If that won't help, I'll try to google for an answer.

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that worked.

It wouldn't let me rename it only delete it. It wouldn't let me delete it on the first try either. I had to delete everything in side the profile folder, have then login again, then i was able to delete the profile. lucky we keep their mydocs on a sever so they didn't lose anything.

one strange thing i did notice was when it wouldn't let me rename or fully delete the profile, i tried to log in with the local admin account in safe mode. for some reason i couldn't it would say logging in, then right away say logging off and took me back to the login screen.

I think i might reload the OS on it.. but blah all the cad software that it has is a pain to reinstall and set up.

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It wouldn't let me rename it only delete it. It wouldn't let me delete it on the first try either.

That's normal condition if you logoff the user and then you login as admin since ntuser.dat is still which resides in her profile. You have to restart the computer and then rename the folder.

Now if you did that and you still couldn't rename it, that's really strange.

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