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Stuck in Audituser Pass

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I have what should be an easy problem to fix with regard to the auditsystem pass in an unattend.xml file I've created. I've created an image using sysprep.exe /generalize /audit and applied an unattend.xml with settings for third party drivers in the auditsystem pass. The driver application works correctly, but the computer will reboot into audituser and then just stop.

It is prompting me with the sysprep GUI to reboot the machine into oobe mode but I want to automate that so that it goes there automatically. I don't really care whether it goes there directly from auditsystem or audituser, but I can't seem to get it to do that. Adding the Reseal option to audituser with forceshutdownnow = true and mode = oobe doesn't do anything. It's like it is ignoring that command.

I can probably get around this by running a synchronous command in audituser of "sysprep.exe /oobe /reboot" (I noticed Fire doing this in his unattended Vista guide) but I'd rather do it using the unattend.xml components if possible.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

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Hello deca!

AFAIK there is no other way to leave audit mode, than using the sysprep command as Synchronous Command. That's the "official" way described in WAIK help.

Or are you talking about something else?



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That's what I was afraid of hearing, but then what is the reseal command for? It seems like it was designed for exactly this sort of process. Or am I misunderstanding Microsoft's intention?


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