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Removed "Documents" from start menu. How do I recover it?


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That's all kinda weird. You don't need to delete Last Session.ini. You should always use a clean installation and load the Last Session.ini file to make the most of your previous settings automatically selected before nLitement. :yes:

It's because the nLite is under development and new versions could contain some bugfixes, solve some compatibility issues, etc. So if you are still "recycling" old installation source, old bugs have to be kept as well. Imho you're lucky that you have a problem only with the tweak. ;)

nLite does not use nlhive.inf method to apply tweaks anymore, i.e. this file shouldn't be present. :whistle:

Anyway, this file has a similar structure like nlite.inf, so just search for the values we were talking about in the posts above and delete the lines which contain them.

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Hullo, I've had a look in that file and couldn't see any references to the missing documents folder in start menu.

I'll dig out the original disk and try to make another iso from that.

Just to clarify - the best method is to create two separate sets of files. One the original disk, the other the new one, and copy the last session in from that?

Often I find that I have about eight or nine last session files - all dated and properly stamped. Which should I copy over?

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Hullo, I've had a look in that file and couldn't see any references to the missing documents folder in start menu.

Try to search files containing text "NoRecentDocsMenu". Try to not to use Windows Explorer, it has a search bug.

If you find it, make sure the value is 0.

I'll dig out the original disk and try to make another iso from that.

I recommend to do so. ;)

Just to clarify - the best method is to create two separate sets of files. One the original disk, the other the new one, and copy the last session in from that?

I meant it in this way, but I'm not sure, if it's the best method. :) Each nLite version is little different, so check all the options again anyway. (By "check" I mean "revise", not make all the checkboxes checked. :D)

Often I find that I have about eight or nine last session files - all dated and properly stamped. Which should I copy over?

You are expected to know it. Perhaps the newest one? ;)

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