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theme & font attach~

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i want to others theme into XP CD.

so, i was new theme into $OEM$/$$/Resources/theme folder.

but, The theme is want to new font.

i do search in forum, so i knew fontinst.exe program is install new font.

but, when fontinst.exe program is running to installing XP?

i was using cmdlines.txt & *.cmd -> fontinst.exe run, but it's failed.

plz example using fontinst.exe in XP CD (e.g WINNT.SIF or cmdlines.txt etc.)

*sorry my english use.*

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That actually doesn't work properly Neo, yes the fonts get copied but they do not get registered. Doing it that way you would have to manually open the folder to get your fonts registered.

Place fontinst.exe, fontinst.inf and all fonts in the $oem$ folder and add just this --> "fontinst.exe" <-- to your cmdlines.txt.

Example fontinst.inf contents.



Lucida Grande.TTF




Lucida Grande Bold.TTF





Monotype Corsiva.ttf

This is the easiest way. Yes a little messy but very easy to do...

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  • 7 months later...

Well, too lame a solution but..

How about creating a file named FontInst.bat and insert these in it.

start %SystemRoot%\fonts

del FontInst.bat

Then moving that file to your

$OEM$\$DOCS\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp


Also, do not forget adding all your fonts to your



(Don't know if it works, since i don't know how to use cmdlines.txt and fontinst and other stuff, i too am looking for alternates.)

Edited by nomadturk
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(Don't know if it works, since i don't know how to use cmdlines.txt and fontinst and other stuff, i too am looking for alternates.)

No, that won't work. The easiest way to add fonts is to install them via SVCPACK.INF using fontinst.exe. Create a silent, self-extracting archive to run via SVCPACK.INF containing the following command:

fontinst.exe /F fontinst.inf

The contents of fontinst.inf:


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