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[Bug] DirectX Web Setup April 2007 nog working

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Posted (edited)

When I run vLite and choose all options except component removal, then I can run the DirectX web installer as available from here.

However, when used with Vista ran by vLite with preset as attached. I get an errormessage at initialization stating to look at DXError.log an DirectX.log.


[05/03/07 22:42:37] module: DXWSetup(Apr  4 2007), file: dxwsetup.cpp, line: 65, function: CDXWSetup::CDXWSetup

Failed API: CoCreateInstance()
Error: (0x80040154) - Klasse is niet geregistreerd
[05/03/07 22:42:37] module: DXWSetup(Apr 4 2007), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 431, function: CDXWSetup::DownloadDXUpdate

Failed API: CoCreateInstance()
Error: (0x80040154) - Klasse is niet geregistreerd
[05/03/07 22:42:37] module: DXWSetup(Apr 4 2007), file: psheets.cpp, line: 447, function: PreinstDlgProc

CDXWSetup::DownloadDXUpdate() failed.


05/03/07 22:42:35: DXWSetup: ***** DXWSETUP *****
05/03/07 22:42:35: DXWSetup: WinMain()
05/03/07 22:42:35: DXWSetup: IsIA64(): not IA64.
05/03/07 22:42:35: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll
05/03/07 22:42:35: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll
05/03/07 22:42:35: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll
05/03/07 22:42:35: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll
05/03/07 22:42:35: DXWSetup: GetDXVersion(): Unable to get RC string from registry.
05/03/07 22:42:35: DXWSetup: DirectX Version:
05/03/07 22:42:35: DXWSetup: Setup Version:
05/03/07 22:42:35: DXWSetup: A newer version of DirectX have been installed already.
05/03/07 22:42:35: dsetup32: IsWow64(): running on Wow64.
05/03/07 22:42:37: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::CDXWSetup()
05/03/07 22:42:37: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::CDXWSetup(): CoCreateInstance() failed, error = 0x80040154.
05/03/07 22:42:37: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::DownloadDXUpdate()
05/03/07 22:42:37: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::DownloadDXUpdate(): CoCreateInstance() failed, error = 0x80040154.
05/03/07 22:42:37: DXWSetup: PreinstDlgProc(): CDXWSetup::DownloadDXUpdate() failed.
05/03/07 22:42:37: DXWSetup: WM_APP_ENDDOWNLOAD
05/03/07 22:43:53: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::~CDXWSetup()
05/03/07 22:43:54: DXWSetup: CreatePropertySheet() returns -9.
05/03/07 22:43:54: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll.
05/03/07 22:43:54: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll.

Edited by Jeronimo


Could be Performance Counters but that's just a guess, can be anything, if you find it post here please, I'll try it in a few days.


OK, I'll see what I can test out. What I did not mention is that this occured both under my current installtion :-) as well as an additional test with the same preset under a new installation to verify the isue.

Posted (edited)

Ok, either one of the following is the cause: IE, Windows Firewall, Performance Counters, Realiability and Performanc Monitor.

I will try with only Performance Counters kept and see what it does.

Edited by Jeronimo

I tested it yesterday once more and it seems that Internet Explorer is the cause. I tried to check with Process Monitor to see if I could find what was the cause, but was unsuccesful. I compared a log of Process Monitor from my current system where it does not work, with the other installation where it did work.

Posted (edited)

I ran vLite for component removal with everything except IE and core and another time with only IE core left out. Tonight I will compare the file differences in files and see if copying the missing files to my current installation might solve the issue.

Edited by Jeronimo
Posted (edited)

I checked a few 100 files, but no luck so far.

ProgramFiles and ProgramFiles (x86) have only difference in IE folder and 1 "vgx"-file in the Common files. Furthermore in Windows folder a few differences in inf\IEM for instance, Offline Web Pages. I checked all files in base System32 and SysWOW64, there are more differences in amount of files there (subfolders) then there are the 5904 folders in Winsxs which I did not check.

I think you have more and better methods to investigate. I might do 1 testrun if someone else does not test Application Experience. But this is not of real importance to me. I think I will have to settle with keep IE completely for now.

Also my Virusscanner Avast prompts for a restart upon every boot, since the auto-update 4.7.997 -> 4.7.1001. Normally it just prompted for this once. Maybe it is related to IE as well, as I have had several other auto-updates from Avast that went without any issues. No unusual entries for Avast for what I can see with Autoruns or msconfig.

Edited by Jeronimo
Posted (edited)
I ran vLite for component removal with everything except IE and core and another time with only IE core left out. Tonight I will compare the file differences in files and see if copying the missing files to my current installation might solve the issue.

..or simply ask nuhi which files that is removed when you remove IE..., wouldnt that save a bunch of time??

But if you think it's fun to install multiple setups and do comparisons and whatnot, instead of simply asking the guy who is actually the one who decided wich files to remove....by all means have fun :unsure:

Edited by Clint

Jeronimo, now you see what I go through before any release while testing reported bugs. There is no simple solution. But I guess you've done more than enough, leave IE until I check it, seems to me it's the reg thing...most horrible task of all.

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