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integrating Sp2 into WinServer2003R2


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I ran into the exact same problem after trying an integrated installation of SP2. Unless the deployment documentation has been updated since I last read it, they make no mention of CD2, other then copying it locally. However "<SP2NAME>.exe /integrate:<path to CD2>" will allow you to integrate the SP into the second CD, and then it will not complain on attempted installation.

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I've recently taken to placing both the I386 folder and the 2nd CD's files into a Cabs folder on the C drive. Running the integration on this c:\cabs folder fails. However, after I placed the 2nd CD's files in a separate folder, the integration succeeded, but required running the update twice, once for each CD in each location.

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For Windows Server 2003 R2

This section applies only if you have the first release of Windows Server 2003 R2 where disc 1 contains Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1. If the product discs that you have do not specify which service pack is included, the discs contain Windows Server 2003 with SP1. If you have the second release of Windows Server 2003 R2 where disc 1 contains Windows Server 2003 with SP2, you do not need to integrate disc 1 and SP2 because disc 1 already contains SP2.

To create an integrated installation of Windows Server 2003 R2 and SP2

1. Connect to the network or computer where you want to create the distribution folder.

2. Create the shared folder and ensure that only system administrators have full access to this folder. (Other users should have only Read and Execute permissions.)

3. In the shared folder, create a distribution folder for the Windows Server 2003 R2 disc 1 installation files. For example, to create a distribution folder named WS2003\x86\CD1, type:

mkdir Drive:\WS2003\x86\CD1

4. To verify that you have assigned appropriate permissions to users who are installing the service pack:

1.Navigate to the appropriate folder, right-click it, and then click Properties.

2.Click the Sharing tab, and then click Share This Folder.

3.In Share Name, type a name for the folder.

4.Click Permissions, and then assign permissions that allow users to install the service pack from this folder.

5.If you are using an NTFS file system partition, click the Security tab, confirm that the permissions listed there do not conflict with those on the Sharing tab, and then click OK.

5. Insert disc 1 into the CD-ROM drive, and copy the contents to the distribution folder. For example, to copy the contents in the CD-ROM drive (D:) to the distribution folder named WS2003\x86\CD1 on the E: drive, type:

xcopy /E D:\ E:\WS2003\x86\CD1

6. Remove the Windows Server 2003 R2 disc 1, and insert the SP2 CD.

7. Apply the source files for the service pack to the installation files. For example, for a 32-bit version of Windows Server 2003 in the folder named WS2003\x86\CD1, type:

WindowsServer2003-KB914961-SP2-XXX-LLL.exe /integrate:Drive:\WS2003\x86\CD1

8. Service pack files are extracted and then applied to the operating system files to update your shared distribution folder. You can either use the files from this folder to make a CD (32-bit versions only) to upgrade your servers, or you can customize Setup for Windows Server 2003 as necessary. For more information about how to customize Setup, view Help by typing i386\winnt32.exe /? at the command prompt in theshared distribution folder.

9. Insert your Windows Server 2003 R2 disc 2 into the CD-ROM drive, and copy the contents to the distribution folder. For example, to copy the contents in the CD-ROM drive (D:) to the distribution folder named WS2003\x86\CD2 on the E: drive, type:

xcopy /E D:\ E:\WS2003\x86\CD2

10. You can now deploy the integrated version of disc 1 and the installation files for disc 2 to your computers from the shared folder in either attended or unattended Setup mode.

See This Page


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Ok, It's time to revive this thread!

I have been going crazy the last few days trying to figure this out.

I have Server 2003 x64 /w SP1 and am using an R2 key. I have the second CD (R2) as well.

I have been determined to figure out how to most efficiently merge R2 into a Unattended DVD and then have SP2 Applied.

Here is what I have learned:

If you Copy CD2 into CD1 and run the install, once you log into the system for the first time it will automatically start the R2 Install (Because my original key is an R2 Key). It will then ask you to continue the install of R2 by clicking next and all the screens that go with it.

Once R2 is completely installed you can manually apply SP2 just fine.

Here is the kicker, R2 MUST be installed prior to SP2. If you Integrate SP2 then copy the entire contents of CD2 over after R2 completely fails to Install. There is a message that R2 is not compatible with that service pack.

So Here is what my Objectives are:


I would like to have R2 either Integrated into the original install (True Integration) so then you should be able to Integrate SP2 right after it. Or the Second option is to have R2 to complete it's install silently during first login (Or even Prior to First Login) so when I call up my programs in "GUIRunOnce" in the Winnt.sif I can also include SP2 as the last programt o run as it will reboot the system and seal the deal.


I did find the command line's for R2 to do a 100% Silent install but I am unable to run them before Windows Starts R2 install by it's self as the same time GUIRunOnce Begins running.

So, is there a way to disable the auto install of R2 by windows (I know I could use a non R2 Key but that is not what I am trying to achieve) or is there a point before GUIRunOnce that I can start the Silent Command line for R2 Install so when you log into Windows the first time it will see R2 is already installed and HOPEFULLY should not even pop up anything on the screen (Will just pass over it).

I am at a loss on this one. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. I know the answer is there but I am just not seeing it.

Thank You Very Much!!!

Edited by X-Savior
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