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Any batch file experts here?


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I am trying to write a batch file that will run netstat and send the output to a text file. Here is what I tried:

netstat -an > "C:\My Documents\netstat-out.txt"

I tried this on Windows 98 SE and it doesn't work. When I execute the batch file (netstat.bat), the command scrolls across the screen (inside the MS-DOS window) repeatedly, and I have to close the MS-DOS window instead of letting the batch file finish. And although the output file netstat-out.txt was created, it is a zero-byte file with nothing in it.

Call anyone tell me why this doesn't work?


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I am trying to write a batch file that will run netstat and send the output to a text file. Here is what I

I tried this on Windows 98 SE and it doesn't work. When I execute the batch file (netstat.bat), the command scrolls across the screen (inside the MS-DOS window) repeatedly, and I have to close the MS-DOS window instead of letting the batch file finish. And although the output file netstat-out.txt was created, it is a zero-byte file with nothing in it.


EDIT: it IS caused by your use of a RESERVED word ... change the name of Netstat.bat to something else and it will work.

My original post text - obsolete now

it really should work... does NETSTAT -an work from the command line? i couldn't replicate your problem ... try this code in a bat file:

[code]@echo off
IF NOT EXIST "C:\My Documents\nul" echo "C:\My Documents" could not be found...
IF NOT EXIST "C:\My Documents\nul" echo PAUSE
IF NOT EXIST "C:\My Documents\nul" echo goto END

echo. Now turning off directory protection...
rem|choice>NUL /c:c /n /t:c,1
ATTRIB -H -S -R "C:\My Documents"

echo. Now writing output file...
rem|choice>NUL /c:c /n /t:c,1
netstat -an> "C:\My Documents\netstat-out.txt"
rem|choice>NUL /c:c /n /t:c,1
echo. Now turning directory protection back on...
rem|choice>NUL /c:c /n /t:c,1
ATTRIB +S "C:\My Documents"
echo. Now checking that the file exists...
rem|choice>NUL /c:c /n /t:c,1
IF NOT EXIST "C:\My Documents\netstat-out.txt" goto NOLUCK
echo. File was found! Yay!
goto END

echo. File was not found... sigh.


Edited by soporific
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Thanks for help. It figures that it would be something simple like that. The thought actually did cross my mind that I should try renaming my batch file, but for some reason I didn't do it. :)


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