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Silently apply theme

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you could use a registry file with the following code in

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 

;Install a custom Install Theme
"CustomInstallTheme"="%ResourceDir%\\themes\\[NAME OF THEME].theme"

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I'm not sure what you mean by clicking apply theme, Mine does it automatically

Basically, I used the bit where you can add themes in nLite, then clicked the button that said 'Insert all Local' and deleted the ones I didn't want. Then I made the one I wanted default by choosing it in the box that says Default next to the themes.

Then when I tested it all worked perfectly, on first boot a little box appeared which said 'Applying Theme' or something like that and did it all automatically wallpaper & visual style.

Hope That helped,

// Xeijin

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Well I'm not making installation CD. I just hoped that people with experience of unattended/silent applications could help better than some random board.


Something like that but app is not available anymore. :/

The thing is to get theme applied instantly not after reboot (regtweaks), so only way is to run *.theme file and press apply. That little app did that, but is there any other way because I cant get it.

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You can execute the file with the autoit. Copy the text and save it as .au3, then convert it with Aut2exe to .exe.

Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'rundll32.exe Shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl desk,@Themes /Action:OpenTheme /File:' & $var1 & 'Resources\Themes\Royale Noir.theme"', "", @SW_HIDE)

WinWait("Propiedades de Pantalla", "",3)



Don´t forgive to change the word "Propiedades de pantalla" to your language and also change the name of the theme.

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