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IPB 1.3 Information and Schedule


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No, your eyes do not deceive you, this is an announcement regarding Invision Power Board 1.3. We were on track to release a maintenance version called IPB 1.2.1 but it became quickly apparent that the release we are putting together incorporates a few new features and integration for the IPB Subscriptions Manager and Top Site List and a simple incrementation release didn't justify the additions.

This also gives us the opportunity to roll out our new "Public Pre-Release Development Program" which is fundamentally a centralized resource for IPB versions in development, such as 1.3. More information will be release on this within the next few days.

We plan on releasing IPB 1.3 tr1 (Team Release 1) to our team within the next few days for their testing and evaluation and then release IPB 1.3 pr1 (Pre-Release 1) to the public download area shortly afterwards. Our registered customers may get the Pre-Release package a few days before the general release as the subscriptions manager integration will need testing thoroughly. This has yet to be confirmed and depends on how well testing within the team goes.

We are still fully on track and in-development for v2.0 and this release is designed as an intermediary release to fix several bugs and add functionality.

New Feature: Get email notifications of new moderated topics

After several requests, we've added a mini-feature that allows you to enter email addresses to be informed when a new topic is entered into the moderation queue. It's very straight forward to use and quite handy if you use the moderation queue often.

picture.gif Screenshot: Editing a forum to add email addresses

New Feature: Member IP Address Tools

This is a very convenient way to track your members and their IP addresses. You have two options, to enter a members name and find out which IP addresses have been used to post with, or enter an IP address and discover who's used that IP address and where.

picture.gif Screenshot: Tools Home

This following screenshot shows the result of looking up the username "matt" on my test board. As you can see, I've used a few different IP addresses over time and several other member accounts have been registered with some of the IP addresses.

picture.gif Screenshot: Search by Member Name

This following screen shot shows the result of clicking on the "Learn about this IP address" or from searching by IP address. As you can see, this IP address has been used for various things by different member accounts!

picture.gif Screenshot: Search by IP

New Feature: Never let an update kill your skin again!

We've definitely saved the best until last! This suite of tools will allow you to download "skin package lists" from our remote server to your install so that you can compare your skins for missing sections and sections that require bug fixes.

If you've ever had a skin give you a PHP error after updating, you'll definitely get a lot of use out of this. In one click you can update your skin to the latest version and view what the changes are with our Skin Version Controller.

picture.gif Screenshot: Skin Version Controller: Home

This following screenshot shows the result of comparing my local template set with the one from our remote "master" server. As you can see, the last update brought some bug fixes which I've already taken care of and some new sections that I need to update otherwise I'll be getting PHP errors when I try and use my board.

picture.gif Screenshot: Comparing HTML Templates

This following screenshot shows the result of clicking on the "View: PHP". This will let you simply cut n' paste the new section straight into your own skin files if you're a hands on type of guy/gal. This is also handy if you have a heavily modified skin that may distort when new default sections are added.

picture.gif Screenshot: Viewing PHP Pop-up

This following screenshot shows the result of clicking on the "Update" button. In a few seconds my skin is up-to-date and ready to be used and I didn't have to edit a single file or template bit by hand. Neat!

picture.gif Screenshot: Result Screen

source.gif Source Invision Power Services Forum: IPB 1.3 Information and Schedule

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Can't wait till I can test... cuz I'm gonna test it on my local server. :rolleyes:

i tryed to set that up a million time with no luck how did you do it.

http://website.lineone.net/~phoenix_uprisi...per/Sniper.html <-- This configuration guide for Apache, PHP and MySQL on Windows always works for me :) Its not as hard as people would think.

Use Apache 1.3.x, not 2.0. Its been said 1.3.x works better for PHP

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