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Beginners question


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Allright guys... heres the situation

I've just found this forum and I think U can be very usefull to me, I've already managed do make a unattended Install to Windows XP with the Microsoft Tool, the one that I can remember the name right now :)

But I really wanna learn how to make silent installs to a several number of programs, like, where to put a batch file that runs and do the things and how to even make him run...

the programs I wanna install are:


MotherBoard Monitor

Nero 6.0

MSN Messenger


Macromedia DreamWeaver

Windows Media Player 9

Nvidia Nforce Drivers

ATI Display & Control panel

can U help me With this???

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Everything is in this forum and here http://www.MSFN.org/unattended.

Make your WINNT.SIF add using XP SP1 Deployment Tools




make your applications.cmd and edit it.

To install silently this app's you must specify what kind of installer is used, and then use correctly switches, try to search forum maybe someone ask about silent install for app that you need.

As i say everything is here, just not be lazy boy :)

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