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Bâshrat Driver pack error.


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I was integrating the driver pack n i got the error which i have included. Its related to charcter limit, even i have reduced the no. of drivers which m integrating in my winxp cd. So pls help me out and be descriptive. Also reply keeping in mind that i use WPI for software installation. Thanks in advance. :hello:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I may be wrong on this, but here goes...

I'm assuming you are using DriverPack base module, and selecting method 1. If so, this can be a normal occurance. There is a MS Windows limitation in WINNT.SIF of 2047(?) characters in the drivers search path character line length. One work around that you've tried is to reduce the number of drivers, and hence the character line length, or try method 2 which writes the path info to the registry, instead of WINNT.SIF.

Hope this helps...

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I may be wrong on this, but here goes...

I'm assuming you are using DriverPack base module, and selecting method 1. If so, this can be a normal occurance. There is a MS Windows limitation in WINNT.SIF of 2047(?) characters in the drivers search path character line length. One work around that you've tried is to reduce the number of drivers, and hence the character line length, or try method 2 which writes the path info to the registry, instead of WINNT.SIF.

Hope this helps...

Yup you assumption is right. :yes: But method 2 gonna take more space. And more time during installation. :}

Any other idea? :rolleyes:

Thanks for replying though. :thumbup

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Glad to help.

Just tried a full method 2 install in VMWare, and found it unpacks to HDD @ about 1500Mb. So maybe a little over the top. :wacko: But then HDD are large and cheap.

What I tend to do now is integrate into a dummy build, then take the created DriverPack files and do a manual integration using this method


You can then leave the drivers on the DVD, or have them on HDD, and they are processed at T-39. Excluding Graphics pack 'C', drivers from DVD/HDD is about 540Mb, which is a lot more friendly. If you do use this way, juggling for a multiboot disk can be fun.

Edited by djackson
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