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adding applicatons to hfslip in HFSVCPACK and HFSVCPACK_SW

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THis is going to be a stupid question, but I have looked for the answer and can't find it.

I am creating and unattended windos XP install cd with hfslip. I created all the directories, but in the codec pack, put in the necessary tools, everything works fine. I even added some cabs to the HFAAO that I downloaded.

I want to add some more applications. Where can I find applications that go in the HFSVCPACK_SW and HFSVCPACK (this is step five on the http://www.vorck.com/hfslip.html instructions page)?? I know you can put media player 10, but you must be able to put other files in there. What format do they have to be in? Can you just put exe files that install with the silent switches - /Q:A /R:N ??

This is the only bit that really confused me, I even got the hfexpert stuff working to reduce the size of windows xp.


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I have my Unattended CD made with HSLIPed source and some programs on it.

What is on my CD:

- folder i386;

- folder OEM (for installing some drivers on different computers);

- folder media (programs for viewing, listening and editing multimedia files);

- folder office (tables and documents editing, dictionary, PDF printing, riminder, calendar);

- other folders.

There is also a file INSTALL.CMD that I placed in HFSVCPACK during HFSLIPing the source with the content like this:

@echo off
Title Instaling Appz
color 1e


echo Creating Windows Account
set User="Oleg 2"
set Pass="z"
net user %User% %Pass% /add /active:yes /expire:never /passwordchg:no
net localgroup Administrators %User% /add
net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

REM find cdrom and set variable CDDRIVE
for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\cdrom_nt.5 set CDDRIVE=%%i:
nircmdc regsetval expand_sz "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "CDDRIVE" ^%WINPATH%^

start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\1by1.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\ARFlashPlayer.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\audiograbber.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\avidemux.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\codecs.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\mp3directcut.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\mplayer.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\vStrip.exe

start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\birthmil.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\CompareIt.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\Dictionary.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\help.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\kdepim.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\manager.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\OpenOffice.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\pdffactory.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\pdfreader.exe

start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tools\daemon.msi /qn Reboot=Suppress
nircmdc shortcut "%programfiles%\D-Tools\daemon.exe" "~$folder.programs$\Accessories" "D-Tools"

expand -r %CDDRIVE%\I386\chimes.wa_ %WinDir%\Media\

ECHO Creating IMPORTANT Text File on Desktop (for Changing Logon Password and Computer Name)...
xcopy "%CDDRIVE%\tweak\afterinstall.inf" "%UserProfile%\Desktop\" /Y
xcopy "%CDDRIVE%\tweak\IMPORTANT.txt" "%UserProfile%\Desktop\" /Y
xcopy "%CDDRIVE%\tweak\clean.cmd" "%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\" /Y

ECHO Delete programs from autostart
nircmdc regdelval "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "DAEMON Tools-1033"
nircmdc regdelval "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "pdfFactory Pro Dispatcher v2"

ECHO Running tweaks
rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 %CDDRIVE%\tweak\install.inf


This is just an example. Most of my programs don't need switches but the switches can be specified in the batch file too (see the example with DaemonTools - daemon.msi). Make your own batch with your program and needed switches.

PS And it would be more replies if you really paced your question in HFSLIP sub-forum ;)

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