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I was wondering if it possible to silently install phoshop 7

Ive tried


@echo off

ECHO Installing Adobe Photoshop

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait $systemdrive%\Install\Graphics\PhotoShop\Setup.exe -s




To no success. Thanks for any help.


You really should proof-read the command you're using as I've spotted two mistakes: $systemdrive% and a blank line space which breaks the command used.

Here's the fixed command:

start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\Graphics\PhotoShop\Setup.exe -s -f1"%systemdrive%\Install\Graphics\PhotoShop\setup.iss"


also, with that, it tends to split into multiple install based processes... what you need to do is add

copy %systemdrive%\install\tools\sleep.exe %systemroot%\

start /wait %systemroot%\sleep.exe 120

make sure you download sleep.exe and place it in a dir of your setup so the cmd will pause and not continue until the 2 minutes are up (which will give enough time to fully install)

Link to sleep (zipped)

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