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Virtual machine additions?

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I have been testing my CD/DVDs out on a virtual machine and just noticed that one of the first things i do after booting up is re-loading the virtual machine additions

Is there any way to put these onto my image? (i'm vaguely aware that there's some way of creating an iso from VM but have never tried it so it also begs the question - does VM work like ghost et al in this way? can it be used as a disk cloner?)

Now call me lazy because i could probably experiment and find out all of the above but i wondered if anyone could help so i dont have to re-invent the wheel

Thanks in advance


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This is an AutoIt script for VMWare additions based from RogueSpear's VBScript solution to detect whether inside VMWare and install the additions if it is. It uses WMI so should be executed as late as the RunOnce key just before logon. I keep an archive with the additions which the script can execute.

Global $objWMIService, $colBIOS, $objBIOS, $strComputer = ".", $exitcode
$objWMIService = ObjGet('winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\' & $strComputer & '\root\cimv2')
$colBIOS = $objWMIService.ExecQuery('Select * from Win32_BIOS')
If IsObj($colBIOS) Then
For $objBIOS In $colBIOS
If $objBIOS.SerialNumber Then
If StringLeft($objBIOS.SerialNumber, 6) = 'VMware' Then
If FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\VMWareTools.exe') Then
RunWait('"' & @ScriptDir & '\VMWareTools.exe"')
RunWait('sc start VMTools', '', @SW_HIDE)

Kudo's to RogueSpear for the original VBSript.

I may expect VirtualPC maybe similar to script from reading the bios.


Edited by MHz
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I have been testing my CD/DVDs out on a virtual machine and just noticed that one of the first things i do after booting up is re-loading the virtual machine additions

Is there any way to put these onto my image? (i'm vaguely aware that there's some way of creating an iso from VM but have never tried it so it also begs the question - does VM work like ghost et al in this way? can it be used as a disk cloner?)

Now call me lazy because i could probably experiment and find out all of the above but i wondered if anyone could help so i dont have to re-invent the wheel

Thanks in advance


If you want to use M$ Virtual PC instead of VMWare check out this thread...


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