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[HELP] Automated file Recovery during nlite install


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I am interested in automating my backups getting copied back to windows. Can anyone give me a few steps in creating sfx backups of some files so I can add them into Nlite disk to automatically run and get copied to misc foldersduring install?

I would assume it is very similar to just creating an add-on....I just don't know the steps. Has anyone used this procedure to recover backed up information? ...Or gotten an exe (sfx) files to automatically copy files to certain places on their hard drives?

I think this would be a great addon to Nlite...being able to add files back into the install during setup.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

(for example: running single .exe file and having it copy files back to one or more folders, replacing any exsisting and thereby recovering data and settings. (folders like Application Data and Program Files)

just a thought; after a fresh install It seems I copy and paste a lot of the same things....could be automated. :thumbup

Edited by DJLucky0ne
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