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Nag screen on startup


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Hey groupies. Thanks for having me..

I have downloaded the trial version of Roxio (Adaptec) Easy CD creator 5. It seems to work ok in XP, but I'm still testing. I liked the old Adaptec so much I'm certain I'll make the purchase. In the mean time, every time I start WindowsXP, a nag screen with the EzCD 5 "try or buy" and a little error balloon from the task bar saying an error has occurred and drivers have been removed or something. Does anyone know how to stop the nag screen? Is there a line of code in a win.ini file somewhere that can be REMed out? I can understand the try or buy nag appearing when I start the ap, but not every time XP starts, UGH!

Thanks in advance!!

Bill :wail:

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forgive me, i haven't used ezcd in a long time.. from what i remember, some little program started with windows. i'm guessing that since that program is starting with windows, it'll pop up the nag screen. i think it's called direct cd. try disabling it.

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yah I believe its take back (or maybe go back) and I know Direct cd is also in XP and roxio software and that caused promblems to. Those 2 things arent compatible.

[b:ba757733b6]Nozhayr[/b:ba757733b6] - Im not sure about the demo, but even the Platnuim version 5.0 needs 3 added updates. It works great now but not knowing whats included with the trial its hard to say. Now just to keep in mind roxio is a bunch of morons so it wouldnt surprise me if those updates wernt aprt of the trial. When XP first came out Roxio said it was compatible, boy were they wrong.


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Thanks to all. I'd like to just uninstall the mess and use the XP tools to write to CD, but the WMP is so clunky. I still haven't figured out how to make a playlist appear. The help files are more of a product overview other that a "how to". Anybody know of a freeware cd writing ap? I frequent download.com often.

Thanks again

Bill :)

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I have been using media player to 'burn' audio cds from my mp3 files with no problem. To make a new playlist, just click on the Media Library button. A new selection will appear toward the top of the player to make New Playlist. Click that and then you can drag and drop or browse for files. Then select that playlist and click Copy to CD or Device. Make sure all fits and click Copy button. Piece o cake. Seems to do the real-time conversion to audio CD format faster than roxio ever did also.


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XP has direct cd already installed in it if you didnt know. Theres add on to help burn ISO using XP. Its posted on the board. As far a feeware....hehe...no dont know *cough cough* any freeware. But I know that theres people out there who have feeware copies of CD Creator and Nero. Nero works great with XP BTW.


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Sedative was on the money about disabling the Roxio Direct CD. The nag screen no longer appears, but I still get that funky "drivers have been disabled" taskbar error on startup. Not quite so annoying.

I'll try playing with the WMP again, and check out Nero. Funny how you mentioned that Roxio was a bunch of morons (chuckling to self). I'd just like to find a good ap that will write CDs, freeware or not.

Freeware? I don't *AHEM* know what that means *AHEM*. I have *AHEM* no idea what you are talking about.

Thanks to all Bill

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Yes sedative learns alot from me doesnt he....lol....BTW if you can yo ushould uninstall direct cd. Thats a big no no to install that in XP. Because XP already has it installed by default.Ta Ta


BTW I have some *cough cough* freeware that you might like and is great to use. Send me a PM and Ill see if you want it or could use it.

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just a little info

the ezcd 5.1 that is downloadable from roxio is xp compatible

the other way to get ezcd to work on ur system is to grab ur copy of plat 5.0 , upgrade to 5.1, the update to 5.02c then again to 5.1 check thier site for details

I'm pro ezcd as I like my apps pweety!!!, a lot of people recommend nero. Honestly they all do thier work. So choose any program you like. [best way... test them yourself]

The cd burning from wmp is enabled by this file floating around the net. TRy http://www.windowsxp.nu/ and scroll to the bottom click on mp3 recording, it also has a file for dvd playback.

since you like using wmp there are a lot of cool addons to it, download the wmp bonus pack. Another addon(old powertoy) if you want it a shell audio player, adding the play/stop/fwd/rwd/volume buttons on ur taskbar.... etc..

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