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Some programs aren´s installing correctly!


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i´m creating my own RunOnceEx.cmd, to automate the apps installs.

and almost everything goes fine, except for somes, like flash player 9 and WinRAR

here goes a copy of my RunOnceEx.cmd, maybe you guys could give me some help:

cmdow @ /HID

@echo off

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Instalando Programas" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\005 /VE /D "Adobe Reader 7.08" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\AdobeReader v7.0.8 ptb.exe\" -p" /s /v/qn\" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 2 /D "\"%systemdrive%\windows\system32\sleep.exe\" -20 /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "avast! Antivirus 4" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\avast! 4 v4.7 Home Edition.exe\" /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SP- /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\015 /VE /D "Dicionario Michaelis (3 Idiomas)" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\Dicionario Michaelis\Instala.exe\" /s /v /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\020 /VE /D "Firefox v1.5.0.7" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\020 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\Firefox Setup\" -ms -ira -SetDefaultBrowser /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\021 /VE /D "Flash Player" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\021 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\flash_player v9.0.16.0.exe\" /s /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\025 /VE /D "GetRight Professional v6.0b" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\025 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\GetRight Professional v6.0b.exe\" /s /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\025 /V 2 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\getright tweaksD.reg\" -y /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\030 /VE /D "Irfan View 3.98 com Plugins" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\030 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\Irfan View v3.98.exe\" /silent /desktop=0 /thumbs=0 /group=1 /allusers=1 /assoc=1 /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\030 /V 2 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\Irfan View plugins v3.98.exe\" /silent /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\030 /V 3 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\Irfan View translation ptbr v3.98.exe\" /s /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\031 /VE /D "Java Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 6" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\031 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\Java Runtime Environment Version 5.0 Update 6.exe\" /S /v/qn MOZILLA=1" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\033 /VE /D "Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\033 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0\install.exe\" /s /qb" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\035 /VE /D "Windows Media Player 10" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\035 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\Windows Media Player 10 Setup.exe\" /q:A /c:\"setup_wm.exe /Q /R:N /DisallowSystemRestore\"" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\037 /VE /D "K-Lite 2.7.2 nsane install" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\037 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\k-lite272nsane.exe\" /silent /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\037 /V 2 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\k-lite tweaksD.reg\" /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\040 /VE /D "K-Lite Mega Codec Pack v1.57" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\040 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\K-Lite Mega Codec Pack v1.57.exe\" /silent /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\045 /VE /D "Nero v6.6.1.4" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\045 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\Nero v6.6.1.4.exe\" /silent /noreboot /no_ui /sn=(removed) /write_sn /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\045 /V 2 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\Nero v6.6.1.4 ptg.exe\" /silent /NOREBOOT /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\050 /VE /D "Winamp v2.95 Full" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\050 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\Winamp v2.95 full.exe\" /S /install=SRQF /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\055 /VE /D "Windows Live Messenger" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\055 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\Windows Live Messenger (19-08-06)\MsnMsgs.msi\" /qb /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\060 /VE /D "WinRAR v3.61" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\060 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\programas\wrar361br.exe" /silent" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\065 /VE /D "XP Powertoys (9 Ferramentas)" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\XP Powertoys\CmdHerePowertoySetup.exe\" /s /v/qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 2 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\XP Powertoys\DeskmanPowertoySetup.exe\" /s /v/qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 3 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\XP Powertoys\HtmlgenPowertoySetup.exe\" /s /v/qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 4 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\XP Powertoys\ImageResizerPowertoySetup.exe\" /s /v/qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 5 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\XP Powertoys\MagnifierPowertoySetup.exe\" /s /v/qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 6 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\XP Powertoys\PowerCalcPowertoySetup.exe\" /s /v/qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 7 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\XP Powertoys\SlideshowPowertoySetup.exe\" /s /v/qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 9 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\XP Powertoys\TimershotPowertoySetup.exe\" /s /v/qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 10 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\XP Powertoys\TweakUiPowertoySetup.exe\" /s /v/qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\066 /VE /D "XPize 4.5.1" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\066 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\XPize451Full.exe\" /silent /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\067 /VE /D "Criando lista de conexoes" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\067 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\regtweaks dialup.reg\" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\070 /VE /D "Fazendo ajustes finais, limpando arquivos e reiniciando" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\070 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\programas\cleanup.cmd" /f


The Problems:

- Adobe Reader 7.0.8, i know theres three steps the programs needs to install, so i added the sleep command to wait 20 seconds for the program to take the time it need to install. i put the -20 after the sleep.exe". is that right, or shall i remove the - before the number 20?

- flash player appears to be installing, but just does not install. i´m verifying using add/remove programs

- Firefox setdefaultbrowser isn´t working. when i open fire fox, it asks if i want to set as default browser.

- WinRAR (brazilian version) also appears to be installing, and i use the /silent switch ´cause i want that final window to register file associations, but it doesn´t even installs the program at all!

- winamp 2.95installs, but appears that final window asking for witch shortcuts do i want, witch file associations do i want, and if i allow annonimous user info, then i have to click at the close button, ´cause if i click at Run Winamp, it opens at the middle of the installation progress. i tried to add the /install=SRQF switch, to not use winamp agent and all, but i think it just works with Winamp 5 versions. i´m i wrong? is there any /install switches to pre-configure my winamp prefs?

- XPize 4.5.1, even with the /silent switch, still opens the install box dialog, and i have to do it mannually. i wish it installs automaticly, but changing some options, like disable UxTheme.dll (mine is already modified), remember current visual styles, use taskswitchxp pro and that kind of options the install box offers. any switches for these things?

- Java Run Time last time i tried to use /Q:A and that kind of switches, so during the installation, appeared a box saying that if i want a silent install, i should use /S /v/qn. and appearently, it installed, but didn´t show up at add/remove progs list

Again, thanks for all.

-K-Lite 2.7.2 nsane install it opens the configuration window after it installs. but i save all the configuration at a reg file, so i don´t need that window. it there a command to kill it or shut down windows that appears after progs installs?

Only one extra, not so important question: is there a way to confirm the .reg files, so i don´t have to press Yes button to confirm the entries?

Again, thanks you all.

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One observation: you appear to be using switches like "/s" and "/qb" or "/qn" just about anywhere... These are not "magical" switches that will work with any installation! Every installation method has its own switches and difficulties. If I were you, I'd start by reading the Application Switches page and take it from there.

You can import .reg files silently by running "regedit /s <regfile>". So, in your RunOnceEx.cmd, instead of

REG ADD %KEY%\067 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\programas\regtweaks dialup.reg\" /f

you should use

REG ADD %KEY%\067 /V 1 /D "regedit /s \"%systemdrive%\programas\regtweaks dialup.reg\"" /f

By the way: the closing quotes appeared to be missing from this line, so I added them myself. You might consider removing the spaces from your installation files, so you don't need to insert extra quotes into your registry entries. Good luck!

Edited by Ctrl-X
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got the Adobe Reader 7.0.8 issue solved. i found the right switches, and it installed correctly and silent.

but what about winrar? i tried /s, /S, /silent, /s" /qb, tried tu put /s right after the program install file, before the quotes (") ex: \wrar361br.exe /s", but even so, it didn´t worked.

winrar /silent mode does not function correctly on RunOnceEx method?

maybe i´ll make runonceex to execute a batch file containing winrar install options, but what i like to use is runonceex, batch files only for other things, not progs install.

my current line on RunOnceEx.cmd file for WinRar (portuguese brazilian version is

REG ADD %KEY%\090 /VE /D "WinRAR v3.61" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\090 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\programas\wrar361br.exe /s" /f

but is opens the normal install dialog box, doen´t install silently. any help´?

and about XPize, i´m trying:

REG ADD %KEY%\100 /VE /D "XPize 4.5.1" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\100 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\programas\XPize451Full.exe" /S /norestore /nouxtheme /noboot /tahoma /settingspanel" /f

but it also keeps opening the normal dialog box, so i have to install mannually. i´ve tried once to put the quotes (") right after the /S switch, but didn´t work out either. any sugestions for this?

since now, thanks!

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Winrar issue solved!

flash player active x 9 issue solved!

xpize issue solved!

i was putting the switches after the ", when actually it is to put before it.

now it´s working greatly.

Firefox still not setting default browser on install, but the other switches are working fine.

any sugestions?

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Go at Application Installs forums and search for Shark007 posts.

Shark007 create many switchless installer application, including the last Firefox version.

If i rember it is for use with browser default.

Sorry for my bad english.

Estou totalmente sem prática.


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Olá. Bom conhecer outros brasileiros por aqui.

Eu estou resolvendo pouco a pouco, mas estou tendo que ler muitos tópicos para fazer isso, por isso prefiro perguntar em um tópico organizado todas as dúvidas que tenho no momento.

já fui no site do shark, as ferramentas e plugins pra firefox já estou no meu pc e já vo incluir no RunOnceEx. são ótimas!

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