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CamStudio 2.0


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Simple: there aren't any switches.

But you can just keep a copy of your CamStudio directory and throw that in $OEM$\$Progs or make it a SFX (winrar/7zip/whatever). Don't forget the start menu shortcuts either (it installs under "all users" by default). If you care to have the uninstall entry add/remove programs (in addition to the "uninstall" start menu entry), just backup (export) the CamStudio entry (under HKLM\Soft\MS\Win\CV\Uninstall\) and import that at install time.

Or just capture/repackage the whole thing. Pretty easy too.

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hey there, you go here and browse to camtasia studio autoit script

Actually, that's not quite what he wants. Camstudio 2.0 is a free app. You're giving him a script for camtasia studio - a 300$ app by another company. I wouldn't say that's exactly the answer he was looking for. Besides, I don't see why anyone would use AutoIt when you could just use the usual wise-installer switches... I only use AutoIt as the absolute last option - I'll even consider not installing it at all before doing that.

If he wanted to, he could grab the files (or even the source) right off sourceforge, and make his own installer using NSIS or such (not that hard, nor very time consuming either). But plain recopying the files, using SFX or repackaging are the easiest/quickest options here.

Edited by crahak
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