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Distribution folder problem

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The problem is that everything is in $OEM$\$$\ or $OEM$\$1\ folder, i can't find it in %systemdrive%, programs, batch files...etc. The OS is not put them in Windows folder. Any ideea?

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What is the exact location of your $OEM$ folder? For an unattended installation, it needs to be a subfolder of the i386 folder; except when using RIS: then it needs to be on the same level as the i386 folder.

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Let me detail my problem. I want to change the theme for unattened setup. I put mr4.theme in $OEM$\$$\Resources\Themes folder and the wallpaper i use in $OEM$\$$\Resources folder, but i can't find it in Windows\Resources\Theme after the OS is install.

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Does everything else on your unattended installation work?

Do you install any additional programs during the unattended setup?

You can have the $OEM$ folder at the root of your CD as you have in the diagram, but for the files to be copied over during the installation you need to add these lines to your winnt.sif file as follows:



Hope this helps.

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It depends on how you want the txt file to interact with your insallation.

If you want the the installation routine to be halted while you read or copy the the info from the txt file then add this to the batch file

start /wait %systemdrive%\FolderName\nameof.txt

The installation will resume after you close the text document

If you want the installation to contine while your txt document is open then add this to the batch file

start %systemdrive%\FolderName\nameof.txt

The installation will continue while the txt file is open

If you have spaces in your folder names or document name then remember to enclose it quotes.

start /wait "%systemdrive%\Folder Name\nameof.txt"

Hope this helps

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OEMPreinstall! Forgot to ask about that one :blushing:

Detailed: after the OS is install, i want a readme file to open after the first Welcome screen. At second reboot the readme file don't have to open. Something like that.

Put the command to display the readme in the [GuiRunOnce] section and it will run, ehm, just once ;)

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Thank you Ctrl-X. I discover another problem. The source of unattended setup was updated with latest microsoft updates, i integrated them. The problem is that the ntoskrnl file is exe and not ex_. I made another ntoskrnl.exe (modified by me) and i copied into source kit. My modified bootscreen dont't want to display. What is missing?

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